App Store Receipt Validation

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Utility Kvitto


"Kvitto, it means Receipt in Swedish. The trend of using Swedish words for libraries is pretty big" -- Hugo Tunius via Twitter

Allows parsing an validation of iTunes App Store receipts. Receipts also contain the In App Purchase receipts. For auto-renewable subscriptions the subscription expiration date is available.


Look at the included Demo app's ViewController to see how to load and validate a Store receipt locally. This sample is in Objective-C to demonstrate the Kvitto - although written in Swift - can also be used from Objective-C code.


It is open source and covered by a standard 2-clause BSD license. That means you have to mention Cocoanetics as the original author of this code and reproduce the LICENSE text inside your app.

You can purchase a Non-Attribution-License for 75 Euros for not having to include the LICENSE text.

We also accept sponsorship for specific enhancements which you might need. Please contact us via email for inquiries.

  • How to Determine Eligibility?

    How to Determine Eligibility?


    i try to determine eligibility for an introductory offer. Apple's docs say:

    In the receipt, check the values of the is_trial_period and the is_in_intro_offer_period for all in-app purchase transactions. If either of these fields are true for a given subscription, the user is not eligible for an introductory offer

    I did not find a way to read the is_trial_period or the is_in_intro_offer_period values from DTInAppPurchaseReceipt? Is there a way to access them?

    Kind regards, Markus

    opened by MacMark 13
  • Support of StoreKitTest receipts

    Support of StoreKitTest receipts

    In Xcode 12 Apple added a new way of testing In-App purchases (see Introducing StoreKit Testing in Xcode WWDC 2020 talk for more info). The new method relies on receipts signed with a different private key than ordinary receipts. During an attempt to parse such a receipt I get an "Indefinite Length form encounted, not implemented" error inside DTASN1Parser. Can you please add the support of StoreKitTest receipts in Kvitto? I can send you an example of such a receipt over an email if you need one. This functionality was implemented in TPInAppReceipt, so you can check it for reference.

    opened by RenGate 7
  • Unit tests are failing with DTFoundation version 1.7.18

    Unit tests are failing with DTFoundation version 1.7.18


    We recently updated swift packages in our app and with the updates came DTFoundation 1.7.18. In our tests, receipt parsing stopped working in our app with combination of Kvitto (version 1.0.6) and DTFoundation (version 1.7.18). On older version 1.7.17 receipts are parsed successfully and unit tests are all green as well.

    opened by jlajlar 5
  • Receipt parsing fails due to format changes

    Receipt parsing fails due to format changes

    Since a few days ago, some of the App Receipts that are generated by iOS have a slightly different format and Kvitto fails to parse these receipts properly. In my app, around 50% of the app receipts are affected. I'm already using Kvitto in my app since about a year, but this problem occurred for the first time on September 24.

    It seems that the issue is that sometimes the date format contains fractional seconds, so for example a date looks like this


    instead of this:


    The method _dateFromRFC3339String() fails to parse the former date string, so _dateFromData() throws and Receipt.init?(contentsOfURL) returns nil.

    It's possible that there are some more changes to the format - I'm still investigating. If I find time in the next days, I'll prepare a pull request with a fix.

    opened by Theome 5
  • Will Local receipt validation require AppStore authentication?

    Will Local receipt validation require AppStore authentication?

    Hi - I'm interested in using your library for local receipt validation before sending it up to my API. I was wondering though. During the receipt validation flow, will the dreaded IAP authentication modals pop up? I have a requirement to not show those to the user.

    opened by ankitkapasi 5
  • ld: framework not found DTFoundation for architecture ...

    ld: framework not found DTFoundation for architecture ...

    Using Carthage to build Kvitto, in Cartfile: github "Cocoanetics/Kvitto" "develop"

    When build with my iPhone or Generic iOS Device, got the error: ld: framework not found DTFoundation for architecture arm64 sometimes its: ld: framework not found DTFoundation for architecture armv7

    When build with Simulators, got the error: ld: framework not found DTFoundation for architecture x86_64

    However, the project in Carthage/Checkouts/Kvitto always build success. I found a related issue in DTFoundation It looks like something wrong with the project setting for Carthage usage.

    opened by aalenliang 5
  • Error in parseData?

    Error in parseData?

    Hey Oliver,

    Kvitto looks cool. :-) So I wanted to use it and included it as a CocoaPod. In Dev mode, I parse a receipt, but on line 126 in Receipt.swift I get an error:

    guard let rootArray = DTASN1Serialization.objectWithData(data) as? [[AnyObject]]

    According to lldb:

    po DTASN1Serialization.objectWithData(data).dynamicType

    If I rewrite this a bit:

    let _rootArray = DTASN1Serialization.objectWithData(data)
    guard let rootArray = _rootArray as? [[AnyObject]]

    I get to know that _rootArray is an NSArray? with a count of 2 where [0] is an NSString and [1] is an Array. The String [0] in my case was "1.2.840.113549.1.7.2", not sure what this is. The NSArray [1] has a count of 1, another NSArray, with 5 elements. I dove into it further but wasn't sure what to make out of it. I've attached the po of _rootArray:

    Do you have any pointers to what I should do?


    opened by niklassaers 5
  • Project is not building with Xcode 12.5 beta 2 (12E5234g)

    Project is not building with Xcode 12.5 beta 2 (12E5234g)

    DTFoundation is not building anymore with the new Xcode using SPM. On the other hand it would be nice to make Kvitto dependency free without DTFoundation.

    Screenshot 2021-02-17 at 09 16 51
    opened by MarvinNazari 4
  • Migrate to swift 4.0

    Migrate to swift 4.0

    1. project migrated to swift 4.0
    2. DTFoundation updated to 1.7.13
    3. podspec updated to 1.0.3
    4. access quantity and webOrderLineItemIdentifier in objectiveC suppor added
    opened by thaya-cameraxis 3
  • DateFormatter may cause performance problems and should be reused

    DateFormatter may cause performance problems and should be reused

    This blog post by Sarun has made me aware of the poor performance of DateFormatter if it isn't reused. If these estimations are correct, each call to _dateFromRFC3339String in Functions.swift can take more than 100ms (initialization of a date formatter plus updating its locale and time zone).

    As an App Store receipt can easily contain dozens of dates, and Kvitto might be used on the main thread (as in the example project), there's a real risk that this performance issue can lead to watchdog terminations.

    Initialization and configuration of the DateFormatter should be done only once.

    opened by Theome 1
  • Check for actualSequence.count == 5 may fail as Apple doesn't always supply 5 elements.

    Check for actualSequence.count == 5 may fail as Apple doesn't always supply 5 elements.

    Thank you for the great library!

    Wanted to give you a heads up on the following line of code:

    At some point this year Apple started to supply 3 items in this sequence. I changed it to actualSequence.count > 2 as there is no need to use anything from it above [2]. Since then it is working alright.

    This was the issue both in production receipts and sandbox in August 2020. I'm not sure if this issue still persists. But the above change will relax the requirement on the sequence to the data you really need, not stricter.

    Thank you again! Looks like Apple is fiddling around with the receipt lately, hope this input will help you and others.

    opened by staninprague 1
  • Podspec push warnings/notes

    Podspec push warnings/notes

    I ignored these warnings publishing 1.0.5:

        - NOTE  | [Kvitto/Core] xcodebuild:  note: Using new build system
        - NOTE  | [Kvitto/Core] xcodebuild:  note: Building targets in parallel
        - NOTE  | [Kvitto/Core] xcodebuild:  note: Using codesigning identity override: -
        - NOTE  | [Kvitto/Core] xcodebuild:  note: Planning build
        - NOTE  | [Kvitto/Core] xcodebuild:  note: Constructing build description
        - NOTE  | [Kvitto/Core] xcodebuild:  warning: Skipping code signing because the target does not have an Info.plist file and one is not being generated automatically. (in target 'App' from project 'App')
        - NOTE  | [Kvitto/Core] xcodebuild:  warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.1.99. (in target 'DTFoundation' from project 'Pods')

    I need to find out how to generate HTML documentation and how to build that on my Mac mini Server...

    The message about deployment target being less than 9 is odd, as the spec has the iOS deployment target set to 9.

    opened by odrobnik 0
  • 1.0.6(Jul 12, 2021)

    Updated a syntax error in DTFoundation that would make it not build on Xcode beta

    Updated and Re-released on July 12th because of an incompatibility with updates to DTASN.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.5(Oct 19, 2020)

    • NEW: Added support for indefinite length encoding for containers
    • NEW: Added support for decoding date strings with a UTC offset instead of Z.


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.4(Oct 9, 2020)

    • NEW: Support Swift Package Manager
    • FIXED: dates with fractional seconds would not be parsed
    • FIXED: Relax check for sequence in root of PKCS7 container, as Apple might sometimes supply only 3 elements instead of 5


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.3(Sep 28, 2020)

  • 1.0.2(Mar 29, 2017)

  • 1.0.1(Dec 29, 2015)

  • 1.0.0(Oct 7, 2015)

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