OEANotification is a customizable notification view framework



Version License Platform Swift 2.1

OEANotification is an iOS library which provides to create notifications and customize them easily. You can create notifications with just one line of code ,if you are bored UIAlertView.


class ViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // to create simple success notification
        OEANotification.notify("Test Title", subTitle: "Test SubTitle", image: nil, type: NotificationType.Success, isDismissable: true)
        // to create info notification
        //OEANotification.notify("Test Title", subTitle: "Test SubTitle", image: nil, type: NotificationType.Info, isDismissable: true)
        // to create warning notification
        //OEANotification.notify("Test Title", subTitle: "Test SubTitle", image: nil, type: NotificationType.Warning, isDismissable: true)
        // to create completion handler based notification
        OEANotification.notify("Test Title", subTitle: "Test Subtitle", image: nil, type: .Success, isDismissable: true, completion: { () -> Void in
            }, touchHandler: nil)
        // to create touchHandler based notificaiton
        OEANotification.notify("Test Title", subTitle: "Test Subtitle", image: nil, type: .Success, isDismissable: true, completion: { () -> Void in
            }) { () -> Void in
                print("touched event")


OEANotification is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "OEANotification"


  • Default Notification Types (Warning, Info, Success)
  • Custom Notification Type
  • Device rotation handling
  • Completion Handler based notification
  • View Tapped Handler based notification
  • Creating big example of OEANotification
  • UI Tests
  • Setup Travis


Ömer Aslan, omeremreaslan@gmail.com


OEANotification is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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