Declarative form validator for SwiftUI.


Gray shape shifter


The world's easiest, most clean SwiftUI form validation.

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A declarative SwiftUI form validation. Clean, simple, and customizable.

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Form Screenshot

Table of contents


Basic Setup

  // 1 
import FormValidator

// 2
class FormInfo: ObservableObject {
    @Published var firstName: String = ""
    // 3
    lazy var form = {
        FormValidation(validationType: .immediate)
    // 4
    lazy var firstNameValidation: ValidationContainer = {
        $firstName.nonEmptyValidator(form: form, errorMessage: "First name is not valid")

struct ContentView: View {
    // 5
    @ObservedObject var formInfo = FormInfo()

    var body: some View {
        TextField("First Name", text: $formInfo.firstName)
                .validation(formInfo.firstNameValidation) // 6
  1. Import FormValidator.
  2. Declare an ObservableObject for the form with any name, for example, FormInfo, LoginInfo, or any name.
  3. Declare FormValidation object and choose a validation type.
  4. Declare a ValidationContainer for the field you need to validate.
  5. In your view, declare the FormValidation object.
  6. Declare validation(formInfo.firstNameValidation) with the validation of the field.

Congratulation!! your field is now validated for you!

Inline Validation

For fast validation, you can use InlineValidator and provide your validation logic in line:

 lazy var lastNamesValidation: ValidationContainer = {
    $lastNames.inlineValidator(form: form) { value in
        // Put validation logic here

Validation Types

You can choose between 2 different validation types: FormValidation(validationType: .immediate) and FormValidation(validationType: .deffered)

  1. immediate: the validation is triggered every time the field is changed. An error message will be shown in case the value is invalid.
  2. deferred: in this case, the validation will be triggered manually only using FormValidation.triggerValidation() The error messages will be displayed only after triggering the validation manually.

Manual Validation

You can trigger the form validation any time by calling FormValidation.triggerValidation(). After the validation, each field in the form will display error message if it's invalid.

React to Validation Change

You can react to validation change using FormValidation.$allValid and FormValidation.$validationMessages

VStack {
} // parent view of the form
        .onReceive(formInfo.form.$allValid) { isValid in
            self.isSaveDisabled = !isValid
        .onReceive(formInfo.form.$validationMessages) { messages in

🎉 Installation


Use the following entry in your Podfile:

pod 'SwiftUIFormValidator'

Then run pod install.

Swift Package Manager

Add the following as a dependency to your Package.swift:

.package(url: "")

and then specify "SwiftUIFormValidator" as a dependency of the Target in which you wish to use SwiftUIFormValidator. Here's an example PackageDescription:

// swift-tools-version:5.1

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
        name: "MyPackage",
        products: [
                    name: "MyPackage",
                    targets: ["MyPackage"]),
        dependencies: [
            .package(url: "")
        targets: [
                    name: "MyPackage",
                    dependencies: ["SwiftUIFormValidator"])


Accio is a dependency manager based on SwiftPM which can build frameworks for iOS/macOS/tvOS/watchOS. Therefore the integration steps of SwiftUIFormValidator are exactly the same as described above. Once your Package.swift file is configured, run accio update instead of swift package update.

Don't forget to add import FormValidator to use the framework.


Carthage users can point to this repository and use generated SwiftUIFormValidator framework.

Make the following entry in your Cartfile:

github "ShabanKamell/SwiftUIFormValidator"

Then run carthage update.

If this is your first time using Carthage in the project, you'll need to go through some additional steps as explained over at Carthage.


Validator Description
NonEmptyValidator Validates if a string is empty or blank
EmailValidator Validates if the email is valid.
DateValidator Validates if a date falls within after & before dates.
PatternValidator Validates if a patten is matched.
InlineValidator Validates if a condition is valid.
PasswordValidator Validates if a password is valid.
PrefixValidator Validates if the text has a prefix.
SuffixValidator Validates if the text has a suffix.

Custom Validators

In easy steps, you can add a custom validator:

// 1
public class NonEmptyValidator: StringValidator {
    public var publisher: ValidationPublisher!
    public var subject: ValidationSubject = .init()
    public var onChanged: ((Validation) -> Void)? = nil

    public var errorMessage: StringProducerClosure = {
    public var value: String = ""

    public func validate() -> Validation {
        if value.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).isEmpty {
            return .failure(message: errorMessage())
        return .success

// 2
extension Published.Publisher where Value == String {
    func nonEmptyValidator(
            form: FormValidation,
            errorMessage: @autoclosure @escaping StringProducerClosure = ""
    ) -> ValidationContainer {
        let validator = NonEmptyValidator()
        let message = errorMessage()
        return ValidationPublishers.create(
                form: form,
                validator: validator,
                for: self.eraseToAnyPublisher(),
                errorMessage: !message.isEmpty ? message : form.messages.required)
  1. Implement FormValidator protocol.
  2. Add the validator logic in an extension to Published.Publisher.


NonEmptyValidator is a built-in validator in the library.

Validation Messages

You can provide a validation message for every field by providing errorMessage

$firstName.nonEmptyValidator(form: form, errorMessage: "First name is not valid")

If you don't provide a message, a default one will be used for built-in providers. All default messages are located in DefaultValidationMessages class.

$firstName.nonEmptyValidator(form: form) // will use the default message

In this example, DefaultValidationMessages.required will be used.

Overriding Default Validation Messages

You can override the default validation messages by inheriting from DefaultValidationMessages

class ValidationMessages: DefaultValidationMessages {
    public override var required: String {
        "Required field"
    // Override any message ...

Or if you need to override all the messages, you can implement ValidationMessagesProtocol.

And provide the messages to FormValidation

FormValidation(validationType: .immediate, messages: ValidationMessages())


Validation with SwiftUI & Combine

👏 Contribution

All Pull Requests (PRs) are welcome. Help us make this library better.


Look at Changelog for release notes.


click to reveal License
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • View Handling it's own validation UI

    View Handling it's own validation UI

    Hi There

    Thanks for sharing a great project. Would it be possible to allow a view to handle its own validation UI via a binding instead of putting an error message underneath view via the viewmodifier? For my use case I would like to change the text colour of the input and apply a red stroke around it in addition to showing the error message underneath.


    opened by chriskilpin 2
  • Feature Request: validation view modifier that accepts nil

    Feature Request: validation view modifier that accepts nil

    It would be awesome if the validation view modifier accepted nil for conditional validation could be used...



    I have common functionality where I'd like to use this

    opened by JulesMoorhouse 1
  • Invalid Exclude - 2 files not found

    Invalid Exclude - 2 files not found

    Invalid Exclude '/Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/snip/SourcePackages/checkouts/
    SwiftUIFormValidator/Sources/Examples': File not found.
    Invalid Exclude '/Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/snip/SourcePackages/
    checkouts/SwiftUIFormValidator/Sources/Tests': File not found.

    I've added the package and I'm getting these warnings...

    I'm using Xcode 13.2.1

    I think it's just that the Sources folder isn't required.. Tests and Examples appear in the parent folder.

    Best regards,


    opened by JulesMoorhouse 1
  • Hi error messages not showing

    Hi error messages not showing

    I added an array of validations how is it:

    lazy var firstNameValidation: ValidationContainer = {
            let validators: [StringValidator] = [
                CountValidator(count: 6, type: .greaterThanOrEquals),
                PrefixValidator(prefix: "st.")
            return $username.allValid(validators: validators, form: form)

    and run manual trigger validation, then the message error not show


    my form @Published var form = FormValidation(validationType: .immediate)

    only show error when value changed

    opened by danieldflrss 1
  • Update minimum macOS version to `10_15`.

    Update minimum macOS version to `10_15`.

    Attempting to build this package for macOS throws a number of compiler errors due to Published only being available on 10.15 and up.

    Bumping the version in Package.swift appears to resolve this.

    opened by CypherPoet 0
  • The following build commands failed: PhaseScriptExecution

    The following build commands failed: PhaseScriptExecution

    Hi, I'm facing an error while using the SwiftUIFormValidator library during Azure DevOp Pipeline building process.

    I'm currently developing an app using Kotlin MultiPlatform Mobile.

    I'm using SwiftUIFormValidator for form validations in iOS.

    I'm able to build it successfully in local machine but not in Azure DevOps Pipeline.

    Here's the error log.

    Running script '[CP-User] Build shared' ▸ Processing SwiftUIFormValidator-Info.plist ** BUILD FAILED **

    The following build commands failed: PhaseScriptExecution [CP-User]\ Build\ shared /Users/runner/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iosApp-dongzyrxhgtfzxexzqjllvyjwgcu/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ (in target 'shared' from project 'Pods')

    Kindly let me know the solution for the above error. Thank you.

    opened by keerthankrrao 0
  • How to get localized validation messages?

    How to get localized validation messages?

    I'm trying to setup a multilingual app with Localizable.strings. So far, the UI elements in SwiftUI all translate as expected. How do we get the validation messages to translate accordingly?

    opened by jonsaw 1
Shaban Kamel
Mobile Software Engineer, 5 years of experience in mobile development.
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