Focus text field in SwiftUI dynamically and progress through form using iOS keyboard.



Focuser allows to focus SwiftUI text fields dynamically and implements ability move go through the form using Keyboard for iOS 13 and iOS 14. Implementation is modeled to follow Apple @FocusState property wrapper however instead of however instead of @FocusState we use @FocusStateLegacy and for .focused(...) we use .focusedLegacy(...). Since most of us cannot update our apps to serve iOS 15 exclusively Focuser will provide an easy way to change first responder and connect to keyboard "next"/"done" buttons.


Preview gif of Focuser


We are going to maintain Focuser and extend its functionality in the near future. You can use Focuser in your project using SPM

File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and use


Feel free to download full Xcode example project in Example folder.

To use Focuser you first need to import Focuser and define an enum corresponding to text fields.

import Focuser

enum FormFields {
    case username, password, name

Since Focuser allows to focus keyboard to the next text fields using keybaord we have to provide additional information of what the next field should be. We provide this using extension on our struct comforming to FocusStateCompliant protocol. In addition of providing computed variable next we also provide last. This indicates to Focuser when it should show "done" keyboard button instead of "next". To resign first responder (hide keyboard) set your focusedField to nil.

extension FormFields: FocusStateCompliant {

    static var last: FormFields {

    var next: FormFields? {
        switch self {
        case .username:
            return .password
        case .password:
            return .name
        default: return nil

Finally we can build our form

struct ContentView: View {
    @FocusStateLegacy var focusedField: FormFields?
    @State var username = ""
    @State var password = ""
    @State var name = ""

    var body: some View {
            TextField("Username", text: $username)
                .focusedLegacy($focusedField, equals: .username)

            TextField("Password", text: $password)
                .focusedLegacy($focusedField, equals: .password)

            TextField("Name", text: $name)
                .focusedLegacy($focusedField, equals: .name)

            Button(action: {
                focusedField = FormFields.password
            }) {
                Text("Focus Password")

Here we introduced "Focus Password" button showing how to focus a specific text field dynamically.


Make sure to apply .focusedLegacy modifier as the last modifier to TextField. I will make a fix later on to aleviate the order issue.

TextField("Username", text: $username)
   .focusedLegacy($focusedField, equals: .username)

Comparison to iOS 15 @FocusState

The API is analogous and our property wrapper has exactly the same definition. If you ever decide to switch to iOS 15 wrapper, all you need to do is replace

@FocusStateLegacy -> @FocusState

.focusedLegacy(...) -> .focused(...)

However, Focuser additionally offers to show different keyboard return button such as "next" or "done" based on where you are in the form.

To do

  • Support for TextEditor
  • Does this work with SecureField as well?

    Does this work with SecureField as well?

    Sorry but I'm not sure the best place to ask this question since there's not a discussion area. Does swift-focuser work properly with SecureField as well? The example in the readme shows a password field but it's a (clear) TextField. Obviously most login screens need this to be a secure field.

    Thanks - hoping the answer is yes as this looks like a great solution to a glaring omission in SwiftUI pre iOS15

    opened by tsfischer 1
  • Requires that 'FormFields' conform to 'FocusStateCompliant'

    Requires that 'FormFields' conform to 'FocusStateCompliant'

    What's wrong with this code?

    enum FormFields {
    	case firstName, lastName, email, password
    struct SignUpView: View {
    	@FocusStateLegacy var focusedField: FormFields?
    	@State var firstName = ""
    	var body: some View {
    				"First name",
    				text: $firstName
    			.focusedLegacy($focusedField, equals: .firstName)

    The issue is "Instance method 'focusedLegacy(_:equals:)' requires that 'FormFields' conform to 'FocusStateCompliant'"

    opened by denis-obukhov 1
  • didBeginEditing called without TapGesture sometimes

    didBeginEditing called without TapGesture sometimes

    I noticed that sometimes TextField get focused without updating focusedField variable. At last, I found sometimes textFieldDidBeginEditing in delegate is called without calling .simultaneousGesture(TapGesture().onEnded block.

    So, I wrote some workaround code.

    Can you review this changes?

    opened by eungkyu 0
  • Softkeyboard appears again when pressing a Toggle on the same view

    Softkeyboard appears again when pressing a Toggle on the same view

    I've got one TextField in my view which gets focus .onAppear. The Done button closes the Softkeyboard correctly. If I'm interacting with any Buttons, Toggles in the same List the last focused TextField gets focus again and the Softkeyboard appears unexpectedly.

    opened by uholland 0
  • fix: Keyboard Glitch / Add automatic conformance to enums that are CaseIterable / Ignore disabled Textfields

    fix: Keyboard Glitch / Add automatic conformance to enums that are CaseIterable / Ignore disabled Textfields

    This PR addresses:

    And also adds automatic conformance to FocusStateCompliant, so that whoever has an enum that's CaseIterable can conform to FocusStateCompliant and get free implementation instead of doing manual work.

    Update: Implemented skip for disabled Textfield so that it moves to the next field automatically

    opened by tareksabry1337 0
  • Focuser license agreement

    Focuser license agreement

    Hello @AugustDev @JamesRoome, Do you have license (i.e. MIT license) for swift-focuser published somewhere? We want to use it in our project, but can't find a link which should we add.


    opened by akoshkidko 1
  • Soft keyboard appears again when navigating back/forward in navigation view

    Soft keyboard appears again when navigating back/forward in navigation view

    Using Focuser in an input form in a sub view of navigation view, when the keyboard is closed after last input field, tapping on form submit button makes the keyboard open again. Also navigating to previous or next view will have the keyboard displayed shortly on the prev/next view.

    opened by rak-sascha-github 0
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