Our Guillotine Menu Transitioning Animation implemented in Swift reminds a bit of a notorious killing machine.



pod version Platform Yalantis


Inspired by this project on Dribbble

Also, read how it was done in our blog


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 10
  • Swift 5.0 (v 4.1+)
  • Swift 4.2 (v 4.0)



pod 'GuillotineMenu'

Manual Installation

You are welcome to see the sample of the project for fully operating sample in the Example folder.

  • You must add "GuillotineMenuTransitionAnimation.swift" to your project, that's all.


  • Now, it's for you to decide, should or not your menu drop from top left corner of the screen or from your navigation bar, because if you want animation like in example, you must make your menu view controller confirm to "GuillotineMenu" protocol. When you confirm to this protocol, you must make a menu button and title, you don't need to make frame for them, because animator will make it itself.
  • In view controller, that will present your menu, you must make a property for "GuillotineMenuTransitionAnimator". It's necessary for proper animation when you show or dismiss menu.
  • When you present menu, you must ensure, that model presentation style set to Custom and menu's transition delegate set to view controller, that presents menu:
let menuViewController = storyboard!.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "MenuViewController")
menuViewController.modalPresentationStyle = .custom
menuViewController.transitioningDelegate = self
  • Implement UIViewControllerTransitionDelegate methods in your presenting view controller:
extension ViewController: UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate {

func animationControllerForPresentedController(presented: UIViewController, presentingController presenting: UIViewController, sourceController source: UIViewController) -> UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? {
	presentationAnimator.mode = .presentation
	return presentationAnimator

func animationControllerForDismissedController(dismissed: UIViewController) -> UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? {
	presentationAnimator.mode = .dismissal
	return presentationAnimator
  • At last, you can assign offset view, from where your menu will be dropped and button for it, and present your menu:
presentationAnimator.supportView = navigationController!.navigationBar
presentationAnimator.presentButton = sender
present(menuViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)


Of course, you can assign different "supportView" or "presentButton" for menu, but we think that's the best case would be behaviour like in Example project.

To specify the length of an animation effect, change the value of the "duration" property.

Also, you have wonderful delegate methods of animator:

public protocol GuillotineAnimationDelegate: class {
    func animatorDidFinishPresentation(_ animator: GuillotineTransitionAnimation)
    func animatorDidFinishDismissal(_ animator: GuillotineTransitionAnimation)
    func animatorWillStartPresentation(_ animator: GuillotineTransitionAnimation)
    func animatorWillStartDismissal(_ animator: GuillotineTransitionAnimation)

You can do whatever you want alongside menu is animating.

Let us know!

We’d be really happy if you sent us links to your projects where you use our component. Just send an email to github@yalantis.com And do let us know if you have any questions or suggestion regarding the animation.

P.S. We’re going to publish more awesomeness wrapped in code and a tutorial on how to make UI for iOS (Android) better than better. Stay tuned!


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright © 2017 Yalantis

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

  • Change view from menu

    Change view from menu

    Hi :),

    Thank you for your menu, it's so cool ^^. But I don't understand something, how do you do to change view from the menu (from profile button by example) ? May be i'm too tired lol but i tried all, and nothing works ... Can you help me ? Thank you.

    opened by RpX974 9
  • Dismiss animation is not fast enough

    Dismiss animation is not fast enough

    when i set animationDuration lower than 0.15, dismiss animation will never stop. How could I make animation faster and without dismiss bug?

    thank you.

    type: enhancement 
    opened by BadReese 7
  • After Animation UI doesn't respond for 1-2 seconds

    After Animation UI doesn't respond for 1-2 seconds

    After that animation is finished in the two modes : Presentation & Dismissal , the UI doesn't respond :

    • you can not select anything ..for example for the demo application you can not neither select the menu button nor scrolling the tableView.
    type: bug priority: high status: work in progress 
    opened by dingua 6
  • iOS 7

    iOS 7

    I don't have an iOS 7 device or simulator but my app must support iOS 7 min.

    What part of code base stops it from being compatible with iOS 7. I don't seem to see anything that is iOS 8+

    opened by pjebs 4
  • Problem when run in iOS8.2 by iPhone6

    Problem when run in iOS8.2 by iPhone6

    Using Xcode 7.2 + swift2.0 Thank you for your menu, it's so cool But when i try it in iPhone6 using iOS8.2, it have big problem. Just display : VC: viewWillAppear VC: viewDidAppear Menu: viewWillAppear VC: viewWillDisappear willStartPresentation img_0221

    opened by lelang 4
  • Button changes of position when we push on it

    Button changes of position when we push on it

    Hello there,

    Just to let you know, i have experiencing an issue with the button on the top left corner. When the first VC appears, the button has a good position, but as soon as i push on it to get the second VC, the button move on the maximum top and left corner... When i push again to get back on the first VC, the button gets back its correct position... I ve compared between my version and the example... but i don't find anything...

    type: bug priority: critical status: queued 
    opened by Hugo75002 3
  • Menu UIButton -> UIBarButtonItem

    Menu UIButton -> UIBarButtonItem

    I tried to add the GuillotineMenu to my app but i saw the menu button inside the menu view never appears because it returns an UIButton in the dismissButton variable and the button in the navigation bar is an UIBarButtonItem. I don't know if it's something i have to change or is something from a newer version of Xcode because i couldn't have access to the button within the uibarbuttonitem in the storyboard. I even had to change the code in the viewcontroller when i want to present the menu (presentationAnimator.presentButton = sender.customView as? UIButton) because the sender is an UIBarButtonItem.

    Please let me know about this issue. If i must change something on my side or it's something different.


    Your Environment

    • [X ] Version of the component: latest
    • [X ] Swift version: 3
    • [X ] iOS version: 10.2
    • [X ] Xcode version: 8.2.1 (8C1002)
    status: need feedback 
    opened by dcarriola 3
  • iPhone 6S leaning screen

    iPhone 6S leaning screen

    Hi !

    I have exactly the same problem than this : https://github.com/Yalantis/GuillotineMenu/issues/17

    But I use Xcode 8 and an iPhone 6S with iOS 10.1.1. The Example project works but I don't know why in my project it does not works. It stops after willStartPresentation.

    Thank you for your help !

    type: bug status: need feedback 
    opened by Darkkrye 3
  • Swift3


    Recently, I updated swift3 and Xcode 8. well, I'm not yet understanding whole error code, but some error appears on framework source code related to animation.

    type: enhancement 
    opened by XOneto9 3
  • How to manage multiple view controller through navigation items?

    How to manage multiple view controller through navigation items?

    I'm not sure the general pattern for selecting different items in navigation and may need some guides for that. I'm really excited with this framework.

    By the way, how to change default background color for GuillotineMenuViewController?

    opened by willowcheng 3
  • Use of unresolved identifier in ViewControllerTransitioningDelegate

    Use of unresolved identifier in ViewControllerTransitioningDelegate


    I copied the code from the example project and it won't run. The example project will run though. So Basically it is saying that there is errors of "use of unresolved identifier presentationAnimator and cellHeight.

    screen shot 2017-05-25 at 6 36 34 am

    As I said, the example project runs but not the copied code. I have included it in pod file and installed it and imported it.

    What can I do to resolve this?

    • [ ] Version of the component: commit 39f8585
    • [ ] Swift version: 3
    • [ ] iOS version: 10
    • [ ] Device: Simulator iPhone 6s
    • [ ] Xcode version: 8.3
    • [ ] If you use Cocoapods: _run pod env | pbcopy and no result
    • [ ] If you use Carthage: _run carthage version | pbcopy and carthage not installed
    status: invalid 
    opened by joshharington 2
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