Slide Menu (Drawer) in Swift



Awesome Language

Slide Menu (Drawer) in Swift 5.0

Why to use a library everytime?

Let's create our own Slide Menu in Swift 5.0

Slide Menu Example Image

I have uploaded a video for easy way to integrate AKSwiftSlideMenu in your project :

How to integrate AKSwiftSlideMenu - iOS - Swift

I have written an article about this on my website (Old article not updated with Swift versions)

Happy Coding :)

  • Errors in BaseViewController Class

    Errors in BaseViewController Class

    Expected expression in list of expressions on this line:

    btnShowMenu.addTarget(self, action: #selector(BaseViewController.onSlideMenuButtonPressed(_:)), forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)

    opened by damilolah 2
  • can't inheritance BaseViewController from UITableViewController class

    can't inheritance BaseViewController from UITableViewController class

    if class use UITableViewController and i want use BaseViewController to add menu to this class

    can't inheritance BaseViewController from UITableViewController class

    opened by muhgad 1
  • open menu controller on full screen above navigation controller

    open menu controller on full screen above navigation controller

    ios screen shot for menu bar Wrong way Android screen shot for menu bar Correct way

    1st Screenshot for ios and 2nd for android but i have to implement menu display like android screen shot in ios which menu bar shown above the navigation bar

    opened by amitg02 1
  • Opening the menu from left to right

    Opening the menu from left to right

    The left-to-right screen with the finger is modified to open the menu during the drawing phase. Here, UIScreenEdgePanGesture is used and added to the HomeVC screen and the menu is opened when the pull-out method ends.

    opened by rrdolaner 0
  • Swipe option to open sideMenu

    Swipe option to open sideMenu

    @ashishkakkad8 i want to open sidemenu while swipe left to right but i did not find any solution and help..... please help me to open sideMenu through swipe

    opened by Rana-Muhammad-Amir 0
  • Not able to close custom popup view

    Not able to close custom popup view

    Hi I have integrated your code in my application its working very nice, but I'm not able to remove custom pop up from application. when I remove using removefromsuperview screen is displaying blank. Please help me to resolve this.

    opened by RohanBharatChougule 0
  • Landscape



    Thanks for your project, it is very helpful.

    I can't manage to fix the top position of the side menu when the phone is in landscape mode. If you test it, you'll see about 20 pixels between the nabber and the sliding menu.

    Can you fix it or tell me how to do?

    Best regards. Alexandre

    opened by pelletalexandre 0
  • Empty Button on ViewControllers with UITableViewDelgate

    Empty Button on ViewControllers with UITableViewDelgate

    I'm seeing this issue on the view controllers that follow this format

    class LocationViewController: BaseViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate

    screen shot 2017-05-28 at 10 35 29 pm

    I'm not sure on what the issue could be, I've put the issue on stackoverflow as well with the code, I would really appreciate any help given as I'm tearing my hair over this trying to debug!

    opened by drfrink 0
Ashish Kakkad
iOS Developer | Objective-C | Swift
Ashish Kakkad
Slide Menu (Drawer) in Swift

AKSwiftSlideMenu Slide Menu (Drawer) in Swift 5.0 Why to use a library everytime? Let's create our own Slide Menu in Swift 5.0 I have uploaded a video

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