An iOS drop down menu with pretty animation and easy to customize.



An iOS drop down menu with pretty animation.


How To Use

Use CocoaPods:

pod 'IGLDropDownMenu'

Manual Install:

Just drap the files in folder IGLDropDownMenu to your project.

####!Try the demo. It's really helpful!

Sample Code

  1. Create your IGLDropDownItem array and set up

    NSMutableArray *dropdownItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    IGLDropDownItem *item = [[IGLDropDownItem alloc] init];
    [item setIconImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon.png"]];
    [item setText:@"title"];
    [dropdownItems addObject:item];
  2. Create your IGLDropDownMenu and set the up the parameter name dropDownItems

    IGLDropDownMenu *dropDownMenu = [[IGLDropDownMenu alloc] init];
    [dropDownMenu setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 45)];
    dropDownMenu.menuText = @"Choose Weather";
    dropDownMenu.menuIconImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"chooserIcon.png"];
    dropDownMenu.paddingLeft = 15;  // padding left for the content of the button
  3. modify the params of IGLDropDownMenu

    dropDownMenu.type = IGLDropDownMenuTypeStack;
    dropDownMenu.gutterY = 5;
    dropDownMenu.itemAnimationDelay = 0.1;
    dropDownMenu.rotate = IGLDropDownMenuRotateRandom;
  4. Call the reloadView method (Very Important!)

    // every time you change the params you should call reloadView method
    [dropDownMenu reloadView];


These are just some of the parameters you can use, you can find more(or make more) in the code.

####For IGLDropDownMenu

  • animationDuration set the duration(s) of the animation in second

  • animationOption set the UIViewAnimationOptions for the animation

  • itemAnimationDelay set the delay(s) before each of item start to animate

  • direction set the direction when the menu expand

  • IGLDropDownMenuDirectionDown default value, expand downward
  • IGLDropDownMenuDirectionUp expand upward
  • rotate set the rotate style when the menu on expand
  • IGLDropDownMenuRotateNone default value, for no rotate
  • IGLDropDownMenuRotateLeft rotate to left on expand
  • IGLDropDownMenuRotateRight rotate to right on expand
  • IGLDropDownMenuRotateRandom rotate random on expand every single time
  • type set the menu type (remember when you set the type to SlidingIn* you can't have the rotate type at the same time.)
  • IGLDropDownMenuTypeNormal default value, item will hide behind the menu button on fold
  • IGLDropDownMenuTypeStack item will hide behind the menu button and make a stack like look
  • IGLDropDownMenuTypeSlidingInBoth item will slide in and out from both sides
  • IGLDropDownMenuTypeSlidingInFromLeft item will slide in from left
  • IGLDropDownMenuTypeSlidingInFromRight item will slide in from right
  • IGLDropDownMenuTypeFlipVertical item will flip vertical
  • IGLDropDownMenuTypeFlipFromLeft item will flip from left
  • IGLDropDownMenuTypeFlipFromRight item will flip from right
  • slidingInOffset set the offset value for the items slide in and out
  • gutterY set the Y gutter between items
  • alphaOnFold set the item alpha value when menu on fold, only use this when the style won't fit your mind
  • flipWhenToggleView when you set this to true, the menu button will flip up when you click
  • useSpringAnimation use the spring animation for iOS7 or higher version, default is true
  • menuButtonStatic keeps the menu button static regardless of selected menu item, default is NO

####For IGLDropDownItem

  • iconImage set the icon image for the item
  • text set the text string for the item
  • textLabel for you to adjust the text label style
  • object you can store your custom item in this property
  • index the item index
  • paddingLeft the left padding of the image view or only text
  • showBackgroundShadow you can hide the drop down shadow with this property
  • backgroundColor you can change the background color with this property

Remember the menuButton in IGLDropDownMenu is also an IGLDropDownItem.


If you want to control the view by yourself, you can use the initWithMenuButtonCustomView of IGLDropDownMenu and initWithCustomView of IGLDropDownItem. If you use customView, the customView will auto set userInteractionEnabled = NO and the menu menuButtonStatic = YES and some style parameters will be invalid. You need to handle it yourself. I make a customView in the demo, try it!


####For IGLDropDownMenu

  • - (void)dropDownMenu:(IGLDropDownMenu*)dropDownMenu selectedItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;
  • - (void)dropDownMenu:(IGLDropDownMenu *)dropDownMenu expandingChanged:(BOOL)isExpanding;


  • target platform: >=iOS 6.0 (I never test the version below 6.0, maybe you can make some try and tell me.)
  • ARC


This drop-down menu idea is come from here, I found this demo one day and just implement it on iOS.


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2014 Galvin Li

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  • Is there a way or delegate method to detect if the menu is tapped/open?

    Is there a way or delegate method to detect if the menu is tapped/open?

    I have multiple drop down menus as well as some text fields. I would like to close the open menu if a textField becomes first responder, or another menu is tapped. Is there a delegate method to do that?

    opened by Jackson0111 9
  • Changing DropDownItem textLabel stuff not doing anything

    Changing DropDownItem textLabel stuff not doing anything

    Is there a reloadView() but for DropDownItem modifications?

    I have the following:

    let font = UIFont.init(name: "Avenir Next Medium", size: 15.0)
    var items = [IGLDropDownItem]()
    for type in options {
                let item = IGLDropDownItem()
                item.textLabel.font = font
                item.textLabel.textAlignment = .Center
                item.showBackgroundShadow = false
                item.text = type
    dropdown.dropDownItems = items
    dropdown.menuText = menuText
    dropdown.type = .Normal
    dropdown.menuButton.textLabel.font = font
    dropdown.menuButton.textLabel.textAlignment = .Center
    dropdown.menuButton.showBackgroundShadow = false

    For my menuButton, the textLabel style is changing properly, but for the items themselves, the textLabel style is not changing at all. Am I missing something?

    I also tried dropdown.reloadView() after self.view.addSubview(dropdown)

    opened by Raymond26 6
  • Unable to set width of IGLDropDownMenuItem

    Unable to set width of IGLDropDownMenuItem

    I am using autolayouts and trying to set the width of IGLDropDownMenu by

    [self.dropdownMenu setFrame:CGRect(0,50,250, 35);

    However the menu item doesn't seem to expand. I added background to dropdownmenu for debugging and it shows that initially, dropdownmenu is of the right size but the menu item doesn't expand. And on tap, the DropDownMenu width is also resized to menu item width.

    How do I set width for menuItem? or ensure that the menuItem takes all the space for in dropdownmenu

    opened by niranjan92 5
  • multiple IGLDropDownMenu

    multiple IGLDropDownMenu

    i tried to set multiple IGLDropDownMenu but when i expand first one second menu covers menu item of first dropdown menu.

    can we have some suggestion from your side.

    thanks for very clean and neat example.

    opened by jitz2010 4
  • updating cocoapods

    updating cocoapods

    i've found your lib and added it to my project via cocoapods:

    unfortunatly there is the storyboard support missing. i've seen you did some change 2 hours ago. when you have finished them, can you please make an update to cocoapods? thanks a lot!

    opened by dermaaarkus 3
  • Added initializer with option to use drop shadow or not

    Added initializer with option to use drop shadow or not

    I am going to use this myself, thought you might want it, let me know because I'd rather it be in the master and in Cocoa Pods

    Thanks for the killer control!

    opened by alivemedia 3
  • Use it with it UIbarButtonItem

    Use it with it UIbarButtonItem

    Hello, I need to know how to implement this Library with UIbarButtonItem ? I've tried to add the dropDownMenu button to the navigationItems but this make my app crash :

    [IGLDropDownMenu _setOwningNavigationItem:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
    opened by chlebta 2
  • Crash: IGLDropDownItem.h

    Crash: IGLDropDownItem.h

    Can you please make the delegate: @property (nonatomic, **weak**) id<IGLDropDownMenuDelegate> delegate;

    My app crashes when the menu is currently open but I dealloc the viewcontroller which is also the delegate.

    Currently I have to manually set the delegate to nil in the viewcontroller's dealloc function

    opened by pjebs 1
  • storyboard custom menu button

    storyboard custom menu button

    When creating a IGLDropDownMenu via storyboards the constructor - (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder will be used. that's why it is not possible to init your menu button with a custom view. my quickfix was to remove the readonly property of @property (nonatomic, strong) IGLDropDownItem *menuButton;. then i could set my custom menu button like this:

    CustomDropDownItemView* customViewMenuButton = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"CustomDropDownItemView" owner:self options:nil] objectAtIndex:0];
    customViewMenuButton.centeredImage.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"ic_more_blue_36px"];
    IGLDropDownItem* menuButton = [[IGLDropDownItem alloc] initWithCustomView:customViewMenuButton];
    self.buttonDropDownMenu.menuButton = menuButton;

    i don't know if this is correct in your opinion, but for me it worked. maybe there is another solution?

    opened by dermaaarkus 1
  • Dropdown hides behind the dropdown below it

    Dropdown hides behind the dropdown below it

    I have two drop downs the second one is right below the firs one. When I open the first drop down it's expanded view hides behind the drop down below it. Please suggest a possible solution.

    opened by asimparvez91 1
  • Static menu

    Static menu

    Hi there! Thanks for the great library. For my app I needed to be able to select the menu items but keep the main menu button static, so I added a property menuButtonStatic. I also updated the README to include the feature if you choose to include my feature. I hope you'll consider adding this. Thanks :)

    opened by lukasthoms 1
  • If anyone think it should re-write to a swift version, please leave a comment in this issue.

    If anyone think it should re-write to a swift version, please leave a comment in this issue.

    If anyone think it should re-write to a swift version, please leave a comment to tell me. If this implement in swift, there are two plan:

    1. Just a swift version, no api or struct change, will work fine in your project to replace the objective-c version.
    2. A total new swift version with struct re-write and api change, can implement most of(not all) the old functions and some new effect. But maybe more change for replace the objective-c version.

    Which one you prefer?

    opened by bestwnh 5
  • Add UITapGesture to close menu

    Add UITapGesture to close menu

    I've been trying to figure out how to close the menu when user taps somewhere on the screen. When users don't pick an option, or try to type something in a textField, I want to close the menu to keep the UI clean. How can I achieve this?

    opened by Jackson0111 8
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