BottomSheet Component 🧪🧪🧪



This Source code provide a bottom sheet which allow you custom own cell,you able to show it on the bottom sheet

Get started

First thing first you have to implement frame work look like this into your project

import BottomSheetComponent

Inherit from protocol look like this

import Foundation
import BottomSheetComponent
class UserModel:PopupSectionModel {
    var isSelected: Bool = false
    var accountName:String?
    var typeAccount:String?
    static func == (lhs: UserModel, rhs: UserModel) -> Bool {
        return lhs.accountName == rhs.accountName
    func search(with text: String) -> Bool { // in order to use search func 
        return self.accountName == text
    ) {
        self.isSelected = isSelected
        self.accountName = accountName 
        self.typeAccount = typeAccount

Next Step you declare array with object with UserModel is delared above

        let dataSource = [UserModel.init(isSelected: false, accountName: "1010102002", typeAccount: "test"),
                            UserModel.init(isSelected: false, accountName: "1010102002", typeAccount: "test"),
                            UserModel.init(isSelected: false, accountName: "1010102002", typeAccount: "test"),
                            UserModel.init(isSelected: false, accountName: "1010102002", typeAccount: "test")]

In viewController you want to use you can call func to show BCSComponent look like this

        let vc = SheetViewController()
        vc.configurePopUp(title: "Account", canSearch: false, cellClass:BillSimpleCell.self , dataSource: dataSource) { [weak self] cell, model, index in
            cell.label.text = model.accountName // show items on cell 
        } onSelectItem: { model, index in
            print("test selected \(model.accountName)") // handler when you select item on the list 
        self.present(vc, animated: true)

Checklist 🎯

  • Show cell custom
  • [] Panel to drag smoothly
  • [] Search on a list
  • [] Show recently used emoji section on top
  • [] Dark mode
  • [] Clean code
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