Three Level Accordian View for IOS



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ThreeLevelAccordian is a three level accordian for IOS. It owes its base code to SwiftyAccordionCells. Most of the design is customisable. It goes till three levels. You can customise the font, color, background color of items, add image to them etc. The innermost items can be multiline too. If an element does not have any child elements, expand icon is not shown against them.

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To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


ios 8.0+


ThreeLevelAccordian is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "ThreeLevelAccordian"

##Basic Usage There are three types of cells for three levels of Arcadian: 1) TLAHeaderItem: This is the highest level cell. 2) TLACell: This is the second level cell. 3) TLASubItem: This is the innermost cell.

Setup your tableView whichever way you want before initializing ThreeLevelAccordian. If you wish, you can set the background color 	   and other properties, and they will be retained if you do not override them with options.

Find the basic code below:

import ThreeLevelAccordian

class ViewController: UIViewController, TLADelegate {
	@IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!
		var cells = [TLACell]()
	var delegateController: TLAViewController! //This is very very important

		override func viewDidLoad() {
		//Populating data
		cells.append(TLAHeaderItem(value: "Header1", imageURL: "headerImage1"))
    		cells.append(TLACell(value: "Middle item1", imageURL: "cellImage1"))
    		cells.append(TLASubItem(value: "Lower item1", imageURL: "subItemImage1"))
    		cells.append(TLACell(value: "Middle item2", imageURL: "cellImage2"))
    		cells.append(TLASubItem(value: "Lower item2", imageURL: "subItemImage2"))
   			cells.append(TLACell(value: "Middle item3", imageURL: "cellImage3"))

		cells.append(TLAHeaderItem(value: "Header2", imageURL: "headerImage2"))
		cells.append(TLACell(value: "Middle item21", imageURL: "cellImage2"))
		cells.append(TLASubItem(value: "Lower item21", imageURL: "subItemImage2"))
		cells.append(TLACell(value: "Middle item22"))

		//Customisation properties..This part is optional
		 let options: [TLAOption] = [
                                  	.CellFont(UIFont(name: "HelveticaNeue-Medium", size: 14.0)!),
                                   .ExpandIcon(UIImage(named: "MyExpandIcon.png")!),
                                   .CollapseIcon(UIImage(named: "MyCollapseIcon.png")!),
		//Not optional :) 
		//Specify for cell reuse identifier here
		let threeLevelAccordian = ThreeLevelAccordian.init(cells: cells, options: options, reuseIdentifier: 					"checklistAccordianCell") 
		threeLevelAccordian.delegate = self
		//The next three lines are extremely important
		delegateController = threeLevelAccordian.controller
		tableView.dataSource = delegateController
		tableView.delegate = delegateController
	//Delegate function
	func didSelectItemAtIndex(index: Int) {
		let alertController = UIAlertController(title: "Clicked", message: "Clicked \(index)", preferredStyle: 					UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert)
		alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Ok", style: UIAlertActionStyle.Cancel, handler: nil))
		self.presentViewController(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil)


You can either specify single customisation values for all cell types through the parameters given below:
1) CellBackgroundColor
2) CellColor: Text color
3) CellHeight
4) CellFont
If you want to apply these values, make sure you mark UseSingleValues to true

You can also provide cell type specific customisations. The names are self explanatory.
For TLAHeaderItem
1) HeaderTextFont
2) HeaderTextColor
3) HeaderCellBackgroundColor
4) HeaderCellHeight

For TLACell
1) ItemTextFont
2) ItemTextColor
3) ItemCellBackgroundColor
4) ItemCellHeight

For TLASubItem
1) SubItemTextFont
2) SubItemTextColor
3) SubItemCellBackgroundColor
4) SubItemCellHeighti
5) IsMultiline: Mark this as true if you are expecting your text to be too big for a single line.

Also, if you want default styling that comes with tables, you can pass options as nil.	

There is expand and collapse icons shown on default for appropriate rows (that is, if the row can be expanded or needs to be collapsed). You can turn it off or set your own icons for expand or collapse. Parameters for the same are:
1) UseAccessoryIcons: mark false if you do not want to show expand/collapse icons
2) ExpandIcon
3) CollapseIcon

You can use these options as shown in the Basic Usage section.


Amrata Baghel,


ThreeLevelAccordian is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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