Render Markdown text in SwiftUI



CI contact: @gonzalezreal

MarkdownUI is a library for rendering Markdown in SwiftUI, fully compliant with the CommonMark Spec.

Supported Platforms

You can use the Markdown SwiftUI view in the following platforms:

  • macOS 11.0+
  • iOS 14.0+
  • tvOS 14.0+

The NSAttributedString extension is available in:

  • macOS 10.12+
  • iOS 11.0+
  • tvOS 11.0+
  • watchOS 3.0+


You can create a Markdown view in SwiftUI by providing a CommonMark document.

    It's very easy to make some words **bold** and other words *italic* with Markdown.

    **Want to experiment with Markdown?** Play with the [reference CommonMark

Markdown text

From Swift 5.4 onwards, you can create a Markdown view using an embedded DSL for the contents.

Markdown {
    Heading(level: 2) {
        "Markdown lists"
    "Sometimes you want numbered lists:"
    List(start: 1) {
    "Sometimes you want bullet points:"
    List {
        "Start a line with a star"
        Item {
            "And you can have sub points:"
            List {
                "Like this"
                "And this"

A Markdown view renders text using a body font appropriate for the current platform. You can choose a different font or customize other properties like the foreground color, code font, or heading font sizes using the markdownStyle(_:) view modifier.

    ## Inline code
    If you have inline code blocks, wrap them in backticks: `var example = true`.
        font: .system(.body, design: .serif),
        codeFontName: "Menlo",
        codeFontSizeMultiple: 0.88

Markdown style

A Markdown view always uses all the available width and adjusts its height to fit its rendered text.

Use the accentColor(_:) view modifier to configure the link color.

Markdown("Play with the [reference CommonMark implementation](")

Use modifiers like lineLimit(_:) and truncationMode(_:) to configure how the view handles space constraints.

Markdown("> Knowledge is power, Francis Bacon.")

You can set the alignment of the text by using the multilineTextAlignment(_:) view modifier.

    There are many different ways to style code with CommonMark. If you
    have inline code blocks, wrap them in backticks: `var example = true`.

Text alignment

Using the NSAttributedString Extension

If you are not yet using SwiftUI, you can use the NSAttributedString extension to render Markdown in your app.

let attributedString = NSAttributedString(
    document: #"""
    It's very easy to make some words **bold** and other words *italic* with Markdown.
    style: DefaultMarkdownStyle(font: .system(.body))

Supported Markdown Elements

MarkdownUI uses the CommonMark reference parser and it is fully compliant with the CommonMark Spec.

You can explore all the capabilities of this package in the companion demo project.



You can add MarkdownUI to an Xcode project by adding it as a package dependency.

  1. From the File menu, select Swift Packages › Add Package Dependency…
  2. Enter into the package repository URL text field
  3. Link MarkdownUI to your application target

Other Libraries

  • Markdown text disappearing after presenting a sheet

    Markdown text disappearing after presenting a sheet

    So I have this app with a rather elaborate view hierarchy. For some reason when I present a sheet on top of the Markdown text then dismiss it the markdown text disappears but everything is else is still there.

    I've tried to present a sheet in a vanilla standalone project and it works fine there. So not sure exactly what triggers this behaviour in my project. But all other UI elements works fine, it's only the markdown view that disappears.

    Any idea why this could happen? Something with the states of the view not re-rendering somehow?

    opened by helloniklas 8
  • Markdown appears in SwiftUI preview but not in simulator or on device

    Markdown appears in SwiftUI preview but not in simulator or on device

    This is a strange issue that started occurring to me recently. I made a test app to demonstrate it at If you look at the MainView.swift file along with its SwiftUI Preview, you'll see the markdown renders fine. But in the Simulator it never appears at all. I'm using Xcode 12.5.1.

    Any ideas?

    opened by antonjazz 8
  • Spacing issues with lists

    Spacing issues with lists

    I notice that when I have nested lists, I get extra spacing when end I end a sublist. Here's an example of markdown and the MarkDownUI rendering below it, using all standard settings:

    MarkDownUI SubList

    Also, I would love to be able to separate all list items slightly (vertically) from each other without increasing the spacing within a multi-line item… but can't figure out how to do that. Any ideas? Thanks!

    opened by antonjazz 8
  •  mulitiple line space is not equal, influence by paragraphSeparator

    mulitiple line space is not equal, influence by paragraphSeparator


    just like the screenshot

    and the markedown text is:

            作者:[@jedz](,节点:[#程序员]( ,31回复,发布时间:2021-04-13 18:54:26
            用了好多年 OneNote,不过碍于以下几个问题现在想弃坑了:
            1. 字体问题,下英文字体动不动变成 calibri,很不爽。(用了 [OneFont]( []( 基本解决问题)
            2. 对插入代码的支持很差,不支持高亮,而且有时复制出来时会有奇怪的字符,导致粘贴后不能直接运行。
            3. 如果在页面中创建了多个框,则不能自适应宽度,然后移动端上就要拖来拖去才能看。
            4. 无本地文件( UWPMac 版)。
            然后最近试用了一周 Notion,总体感觉还不错,目前遇到两个问题比较影响体验(也可能是我不会用,求指点

    I found the static let paragraphSeparator = "\u{2029}" caused this bug, if I set it to empty by static let paragraphSeparator = "", it looks ok

    but loose the paragraph's line height between

    bug help wanted 
    opened by oblank 8
  • image-related markdown will hang app

    image-related markdown will hang app

    If I try to render the following in a Markdown view, my app hangs:

    ![alt text](image.jpg)

    This was originally part of a large block of markdown our QA threw at the app, and I whittled it down to this single line.

    Note that there is no actual image image.jpg anywhere, but I wouldn't expect malformed markdown to crash/hang the app. This will be displaying arbitrary markdown that the user inputs as a message so I have little control over it.

    Additional info:

    I have done some more narrowing down of this issue and found that when placed in a simple view, the markdown above works (doesn't display anything, but doesn't hang the app either). But if I embed the view into, say, a TabView, then the app hangs.

    I am attaching a sample project with 3 tabs: 2 dummy tabs, and one containing the markdown snippet above. The app hangs on launch trying to render the view w/ markdown.

    In addition, here's the relevant view code which triggers the issue:

    struct ContentView: View {
        @Binding var selected: Int
        var body: some View {
            TabView(selection: $selected) {
                // Home View
                .tabItem {
                    Image(systemName: "house")
                // Browse View
                    .tabItem {
                        Image(systemName: "folder")
                // Notifications View
                .tabItem {
                    Image(systemName: "bell")
    struct MarkdownTestView: View {
        var body: some View {
            Markdown("![alt text](image.jpg)")
    opened by tsfischer 6
  • Custom fonts variants

    Custom fonts variants

    I'm playing around with the release-1.0 branch, thanks for al the great work on that. I understand that this is still pre-release, so what I am looking for might not be implemented, or not possible at this point.

    I am using a custom font in my project like this.

            font: MarkdownStyle.Font.custom("MyCustomFont", size: 16.0),
            foregroundColor: MarkdownStyle.Color(uiColor: R.color.primaryColor()!)

    However, now bold and italic text is rendered in this font as well. Is there a way to specify a different variant of my font for bold/italic?

    opened by danielbuechele 6
  • How to open a link in app (question)

    How to open a link in app (question)

    Right now, the default implementation is to open a browser on the phone, how can one change this to open an in app browser ?

    Any help appreciated. Thank you

    opened by abhinavtatch 5
  • html tag render image size too large

    html tag render image size too large

    This pkg is very helpful for me , thank you ! A bit issue when i render a html tag document , how can i fix it? document = #""" <h2></2> <img src="" alt=""/> """#


    opened by jiangdi0924 5
  • NSTextAttachment not rendering when using NSAttributedString(document:, style:)

    NSTextAttachment not rendering when using NSAttributedString(document:, style:)


    I have a use case in my app where I need to extract the NSAttributedString from markdown text. I wanted to use the parser included in MarkdownUI as I think it performs better than others out there. However, I'm struggling to understand why images aren't working properly. It was my understanding that they were included in the NSAttributedString as NSTextAttachments.

    Below is a simple test to highlight the issue. Is there any way you could shed some light on this?

    Many thanks again!

    import SwiftUI
    import MarkdownUI
    import AttributedText
    #if os(macOS)
    public typealias PlatformFont = NSFont
    public typealias PlatformFont = UIFont
    struct ContentView: View {
        var text = """
        # Let's see if this works
        Image should appear here:
        let markdownStyle = MarkdownStyle(font: PlatformFont.system(size: 12))
        var body: some View {
                AttributedText(NSAttributedString(document: Document(text), style: markdownStyle))
    struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
        static var previews: some View {
    opened by santi-g-s 5
  • Custom font not working

    Custom font not working

    I'm trying to use custom fonts but can't get it to work. It always renders a system default font (Helvetica). I've tried the following solutions so far:

            font: MarkdownStyle.Font.custom("CustomFont-Bold", size: 16.0)
            font: MarkdownStyle.Font.custom("CustomFont", size: 16.0)
        .font(.custom("CustomFont", size: 16.0).bold())
        .font(.custom("CustomFont-Bold", size: 16.0))
    opened by raulvbrito 4
  • Handle line breaks

    Handle line breaks

    For me MarkdownUI is not rendering line breaks correctly. A single line break is ignored and the text is displayed in one line. Double line breaks are looking fine.

    How can I handle this?

    opened by Urkman 4
  • onTapGesture


    I have a Markdown view in my project and would like to switch to an editing mode when you click on it, but onTapGesture is not getting called when I click on the rendered view. Is there another way of achieving this?

    opened by Rukenshia 0
  • [WIP] GitHub Flavored Markdown and native SwiftUI rendering

    [WIP] GitHub Flavored Markdown and native SwiftUI rendering


    Warning This pull request is still a work in progress.

    This pull request contains a rewrite of the library that brings the following features:

    • GitHub Flavored Markdown (autolinks, strikethrough text, task lists, and tables)
    • Native SwiftUI rendering
    • Themes and full customization of inlines and blocks

    Breaking changes

    • MarkdownUI now requires macOS 12+, iOS 15+, tvOS 15+ and watchOS 8+
    • MarkdownUI now uses SwiftUI primitives to render Markdown and no longer depends on gonzalezreal/AttributedText.
    • MarkdownUI brings a new DSL to create Markdown content and no longer depends on gonzalezreal/SwiftCommonMark.
    • MarkdownStyle and all of its subtypes are no longer available. Use the new Theme API to customize the Markdown appearance.
    • MarkdownImageHandler is no longer available. Use the new ImageProvider API to customize the image loading behavior.


    Markdown rendering and styling:

    • [x] Inline text
    • [x] Images
    • [x] Paragraphs
    • [x] Blockquotes
    • [x] Task lists
    • [x] Lists
    • [x] Code blocks
    • [x] Tables
    • [x] Headings
    • [x] Thematic breaks

    Other stuff:

    • [x] Theme support
    • [x] DocC theme
    • [x] GitHub theme
    • [x] Sample code
    • [x] watchOS support
    • [x] Heading anchors
    • [x] API to integrate a code syntax highlighter
    • [x] API to integrate other image loading systems
    • [ ] Documentation
    opened by gonzalezreal 1
  • Issue preventing default button activating (macOS)

    Issue preventing default button activating (macOS)

    With MarkdownUI present on a form and a default button present, e.g.

            Button(action: {
            }, label: {

    When the form is displayed, the default button does not have focus of the .defaultAction key binding (i.e. the Enter key). Pressing the default action once does nothing. pressing it again activates the button.

    It would pre preferred if the Markdown content did not steal the focus. This issue is not present on forms with no MarkdownUI view.

    opened by bartreardon 0
  • Support for WatchOS

    Support for WatchOS


    First of all, thanks very much for the great library!

    WatchOS support would be very helpful for us - do you have any plans to support WatchOS in the near future?

    Thanks, Adam

    opened by oco-adam 2
  • `DisclosureGroup` display issue

    `DisclosureGroup` display issue


    • iOS 15.5
    • iPhone 12

    SwiftUI view:

    struct FaqView: View {
        let faq: Faq
        let navigationBarCtaType: SettingsNavigationCTAType
        private let style = AppStyles.Settings()
        @State private var expandedIds: Set<String> = Set()
        func expanded(id: String) -> Binding<Bool> {
            Binding(get: { expandedIds.contains(id) },
                    set: {
                if $0 {
                } else {
        var body: some View {
            List {
                ForEach(faq.content) { section in
                    DisclosureGroup(isExpanded: expanded(id: {
                        ForEach(section.questions) { question in
                            DisclosureGroup(isExpanded: expanded(id: {
                                VStack { // Hoped this would help but it doesn't
                            } label: {
                    } label: {

    By default, all disclosure groups are not expanded.


    # Alors
    ## Dites
    ### moi 
    **Bold me**
    *Ça geht's mol ?*
    > Quote me [Link me]( ![George]
    Long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long line.


    • navigate to this view
    • expand first level (section)
    • expand second level (question)






    When closing then expanding again, the display is correct.

    opened by PierreMardon 0
  • 1.1.1(Jul 22, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Update GitHub actions by @gonzalezreal in
    • Fix custom font resolution by @gonzalezreal in
    • Fix crash when rendering a code block without a closing fence by @gonzalezreal in
    • Fix hang when trying to load invalid image by @gonzalezreal in
    • Fix rendering thematic break with centered or right aligned text by @gonzalezreal in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.0(Feb 27, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Remove MarkdownStyle.Color by @gonzalezreal in
    • Resolve fonts considering the environment's size category by @gonzalezreal in
    • Use the environment's line spacing by @gonzalezreal in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.0(Jan 16, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Breaking change: New stable API and simplified customization appearance
    • Changed: New rendering implementation.
    • Added: Enable loading images from bundles
    • Added: Render thematic breaks
    • Added: Enable custom markdown link handling
    • Added: Make text not selectable on iOS
    • Changed: Improved list rendering.
    • Removed: NSAttributedString based HTML block rendering
    • Infrastructure: Remove watchOS scheme, remove unnecessary availability attributes and replace SwiftFormat with swift-format.
    • Infrastructure: Use Xcode 13.2 for CI
    • Infrastructure: New demo app with tvOS and Catalyst targets
    • Infrastructure: Improved README and documentation
    • Bug fixed: View update issues on iOS 15
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.5.2(Aug 29, 2021)

  • 0.5.1(Feb 27, 2021)

  • 0.5.0(Feb 25, 2021)

    Breaking change

    MarkdownStyle is now a protocol with a default implementation DefaultMarkdownStyle. This new protocol has methods to customise the attributes of each of the different blocks and inlines in a markdown file.

    To customise the font, foreground color, code font or heading font sizes you can use the markdownStyle(_:) view modifier:

        ## Inline code
        If you have inline code blocks, wrap them in backticks: `var example = true`.
            font: .system(.body, design: .serif),
            codeFontName: "Menlo",
            codeFontSizeMultiple: 0.88
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.4.0(Feb 12, 2021)

    • CommonMark parsing moved to gonzalezreal/SwiftCommonMark

    • SwiftCommonMark adds an embedded DSL to create CommonMark documents. This allows a new syntax when constructing Markdown views:

      Markdown {
          Heading(level: 2) {
              "Result builders are cool!"
          "Sometimes you want bullet points:"
          List {
              "Start a line with a star"
          "Sometimes you want numbered lists:"
          List(start: 1) {
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.3.4(Jan 25, 2021)

  • 0.3.3(Jan 16, 2021)

  • 0.3.2(Jan 14, 2021)

  • 0.3.1(Jan 13, 2021)

  • 0.3.0(Jan 8, 2021)

    • Scale images to fit the Markdown view
    • Fix build for Mac Catalyst environment
    • Update AttributedText dependency to 0.2.1. This fixes the layout issues in macOS.
    • Add support for relative URLs in markdown images, using the markdownBaseURL view modifier.
    • Add initializers to create a Document with the content of the file at a given path.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.0(Jan 3, 2021)

    • Use AttributedText 0.2.0, which improves how the view height adapt to its contents
    • Add Markdown snapshot tests, replacing the renderer tests (and thus fixing #20)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.1(Dec 31, 2020)

Guille Gonzalez
Mobile developer. Converting coffee into code since the nineties. Comic book lover and movie buff.
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