Lightweight set of text fields with nice animation and functionality



Swift Version Build Platform Documentation Pod Carthage License

This is lightweight library that provides different types of Text Fields based on your needs. I was inspired by Jan Henneberg.



  • Customizable placeholder
  • Customizable label under text field
  • Customizable via Attributes Inspector
  • Nice animation for placeholder
  • Nice animation for bottom line
  • No override of UITextField' behaviors
  • Clean code with divided functionalities
  • Easy to use and extend
  • Right-to-Left support
  • Complete documentation and support


  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 11.0+
  • Swift 5.0+



To integrate TweeTextField into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'TweeTextField'

Then run pod install to integrate the library in your project.

Swift Package Manager

Adding TweeTextField to the dependencies value of your Package.swift file.

// swift-tools-version:5.0

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "YOUR_PROJECT_NAME",
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", from: "1.6.1"),

Or you may use Xcode. File->Swift Packages->Add Package Dependency. Then put link to the repository.


To integrate TweeTextField into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "oleghnidets/TweeTextField"

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built TweeTextField.framework into your Xcode project. More info you can find on official page.


  1. Download the code.
  2. Drag and drop sources in your project.
  3. Import the library in code by import TweeTextField.


Check out the documentation for more details. Select one of the text fields provided based on your requirements. In general, you can use TweeAttributedTextField. It is a main class with aggregated functionalities of other text fields.

Look at class diagram:


  • TweePlaceholderTextField has a customized placeholder label which has animations on the beginning and ending editing.
  • TweeBorderedTextField shows a bottom line permanently.
  • TweeActiveTextField shows animated bottom line when a user begins editing.
  • TweeAttributedTextField shows the custom info label under text field.

You can set up text field based on your preferences via Attributes Inspector. Also the library has some properties accessible for you. Check out sample project for more information.

Attributes Inspector

emailTextField.infoAnimationDuration = 0.7
emailTextField.infoTextColor = .systemRed
emailTextField.infoFontSize = 13
emailTextField.activeLineColor = .systemBlue
emailTextField.activeLineWidth = 1
emailTextField.animationDuration = 0.3
emailTextField.lineColor = .lightGray
emailTextField.lineWidth = 1
emailTextField.minimumPlaceholderFontSize = 10
emailTextField.originalPlaceholderFontSize = 13
emailTextField.placeholderDuration = 0.3
emailTextField.placeholderColor = .systemGray2
emailTextField.tweePlaceholder = "Email address"
emailTextField.placeholderLabel.font = UIFont.preferredFont(forTextStyle: .largeTitle)



Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.

  • Problems when changing orientations

    Problems when changing orientations

    What did you do?

    Changed the device orientation to landscape and back to portrait when the TweeAttributedTextField was in focus (when the keyboard is showing-up).

    What happened instead?

    The TweeAttributedTextField height is increased by x2 and the placeholder became to the middle of the TweeAttributedTextField.

    What did you expect?

    The TweeAttributedTextField should stay the same and the placeholder should re-calculate it's position and be above the TweeAttributedTextField.


    • Library version: 1.2.2
    • Xcode version: 9.4.1
    • Swift version: 4.1.2
    • Platform running (iOS version): 11.4
    opened by Idomo 13
  • Set `text` programmatically in text field does not move placeholder upward.

    Set `text` programmatically in text field does not move placeholder upward.

    I have a scenario in which I don't have to activate the text field. I have set text in it programatically based on some conditions but now the issue is, this library does not support this thing. When I set text programatically in the text field then placeholder label does not move up. Both text & placeholder text show in the field. It would be a great improvement if you can add this feature in your library.

    help wanted 
    opened by m-junaid-butt 12
  • AutoLayout crashes in the recent commits

    AutoLayout crashes in the recent commits

    What did you do?

    Updated to Xcode 10 beta 5

    What happened instead?

    The layout manager crashed on runtime with message 'Unable to activate constraint with anchors' either on viewDidLoad or when the field become editing

    What did you expect?

    work without crashing


    • Library version: branch: master (should be commit b49c32bc7270167417f32820e7353e9f1fdf65fa )
    • Xcode version: 10.0 beta 5
    • Swift version: (if applicable, if not remove) 4.0
    • Platform running (iOS version): iOS 12 beta 6

    Demo Project

    ℹ (Optional) Please link to or upload a project I can download that reproduces the issue.

    Note: I specify the build to commit 01c233ede811a7bb7e8ba7e3d0b5d83b44e1300d and the crash disappears

    bug needs investigation 
    opened by johnny77221 8
  • Change font of the placeholder label

    Change font of the placeholder label

    What did you do?

    I tried to change the font of the placeholder directly but it didn't worked usernameTextField.placeholderLabel.font = UIFont(name: "Avenir-Heavy", size: 12.0) So i decided to create a subclass and override the font variable

    class CRWTextField: TweeAttributedTextField {
      open override var font: UIFont? {
        get { return UIFont(name: "Avenir-Heavy", size: 12.0) }
        set { super.font =  UIFont(name: "Avenir-Heavy", size: 12.0) }

    What happened instead?

    The font of the label was changed but now the text is very near the bottom line; as seen in the image: IMG_0095

    What did you expect?

    ℹ Expected results. Please replace this with what you expected.


    • **Library version:Lastest
    • **Xcode version:10.1
    • **Swift version: 4.2
    • **Platform running (iOS version): iOS 12
    bug needs investigation 
    opened by dfmarulanda 7
  • Placeholder  font size bug

    Placeholder font size bug

    Hello. I have a problem with the display of the empty field's placeholder. In two different situations, the size of the text of the placeholder is different.

    Example: There are two fields of type TweeAttributedTextField.

    1. If I have the field # 1 selected and I manually tap on the field # 2 - the Placeholder font # 1 has the correct dimensions
    2. If I have the field # 1 selected and I go to the next field using the becomeFirstResponder method, the # 1 Placeholder font is larger than the specified

    The difference is not significant, but noticeable

    In the above examples, the fields are always empty

    TweeTextField version (1.0.4) Xcode Version 9.2 Swift 4 iOS 11.2.1

    opened by VinnichenkoD 7
  • Framework via Carthage ins't working

    Framework via Carthage ins't working

    What did you do?

    ℹ When I use Carthage to install the framework, everything is empty. If I do the same thing with CocoaPods, everything is working as expected.

    What happened instead?

    ℹ Framework is empty or have nothing open / public to access in.

    What did you expect?

    ℹ Access to TweeTextField classes as it is with a CocoaPods install.


    • Library version: 1.2.0
    • Xcode version: 9.4.1
    • Swift version: 4.1
    • Platform running (iOS version): Simulator (iOS 11.4)
    bug waiting for response 
    opened by damien-nd 6
  • Add SPM support

    Add SPM support

    Hi, thanks for sharing this project. Maybe you could integrate SwiftPackageManager Support in the future? Since Xcode 11 supports it natively in the UI it will may be used more often in the future.

    opened by rpolenthon 5
  • Add support to manage gap between placeholder label and entered text.

    Add support to manage gap between placeholder label and entered text.

    What did you do?

    ℹ Please replace this with what you did.

    What happened instead?

    ℹ Actual results. Please replace this with of what happened instead.

    What did you expect?

    ℹ Expected results. Please replace this with what you expected.


    • Library version:
    • Xcode version:
    • Swift version: (if applicable, if not remove)
    • Platform running (iOS version):

    Demo Project

    ℹ (Optional) Please link to or upload a project I can download that reproduces the issue.

    enhancement waiting for response 
    opened by abdurrehmanio 4
  • Unable to display the placeholder above the text field

    Unable to display the placeholder above the text field

    What did you do?

    usernameTextField.placeholder = "Username"
    usernameTextField.placeholderColor = .systemBlue
    usernameTextField.infoTextColor = .systemGray2
    usernameTextField.showInfo("Hello World!", animated: true)
    usernameTextField.lineWidth = 1.0
    usernameTextField.lineColor = .systemGray2

    What happened instead?

    I cannot find a way to place the placeholder above the text field (like the gif shown on the README file).

    What did you expect?

    To find an easier way to add the placeholder above the text field ;-)


    • Library version: master
    • Xcode version: 11.4
    • Swift version: (if applicable, if not remove) Apple Swift version 5.2
    • Platform running (iOS version): iOS

    Demo Project

    See snippet above.

    needs investigation 
    opened by tciuro 3
  • Fix placeholder animation glitch

    Fix placeholder animation glitch

    Implementation Details :construction:

    When using embedded view, setText will happen on viewWillAppear on parent view controller. Having a placeholder animation will have placeholder animation not being completed once view appeared on screen and will make the overall appearance like having glitch.

    I propose to lock placeholder animation only in case textfield is editing otherwise no animation is used to move the placeholder.

    opened by loicgriffie 3
  • Placeholder overlay with set text when the text is set in Interface builder

    Placeholder overlay with set text when the text is set in Interface builder

    This bug is kind of like #8 mentioned, but now it's in case when I set text in interface builder it's fine when I set the text programmically, but it would be good if you can fix this.

    What did you do?

    set both text and placeholder in interface builder

    What happened instead?

    Text and placeholder displayed, placeholder didn't move up

    What did you expect?

    expected placeholder moved up since text is set


    • Library version: 1.2.2
    • Xcode version: 10 beta 2
    • Swift version: 4.0 (main project is using 4.2 with specified swift_version=4.0 in Podfile post_install area)
    • Platform running (iOS version): 12.0 on iPhone 8 simulator

    Demo Project

    ℹ (Optional) Please link to or upload a project I can download that reproduces the issue.

    opened by johnny77221 3
  • really good

    really good

    What did you do?

    ℹ Please replace this with what you did.

    What happened instead?

    ℹ Actual results. Please replace this with of what happened instead.

    What did you expect?

    ℹ Expected results. Please replace this with what you expected.


    • Library version:
    • Xcode version:
    • Swift version: (if applicable, if not remove)
    • Platform running (iOS version):

    Demo Project

    ℹ (Optional) Please link to or upload a project I can download that reproduces the issue.

    opened by phonefixnicole 0
  • For iOS 16 textfield Long press

    For iOS 16 textfield Long press

    For iOS 16 textfield crashing.

    ℹ Long press in the textfield

    What happened instead?

    ℹ Actual results. If any textfield text selected or long pressed textfield giving crash

    What did you expect?

    ℹ Expected results. If any textfield text selected or long pressed it should't give crash.


    • Library version:
    • Xcode version: 14
    • Swift version: 5+
    • Platform running (iOS 16):

    Demo Project

    ℹ (Optional) Please link to or upload a project I can download that reproduces the issue.

    opened by malisanjay5433 1
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