SwiftUI TextEdit View - A proof-of-concept text edit component in SwiftUI & CoreText.


SwiftUI TextEdit View

A proof-of-concept text edit component in SwiftUI & CoreText. No UIKit, No AppKit, no UITextView/NSTextView/UITextField involved.

Note Due to SwiftUI limitations (as of May 2021) it's not possible to handle keystrokes just with SwiftUI. To overcome this limitation, the UIKeyboardViewController is responsible for handling keys and forward to SwiftUI codebase.

If you have questions or want to reach to me, use this thread: https://twitter.com/krzyzanowskim/status/1269402396217745410


Marcin Krzyzanowski @krzyzanowskim


TextEdit 2021-05-03 19_00_33


struct TextEditingView: View {
    @State private var text = "type here...\n"
    @State private var font = UIFont.preferredFont(forTextStyle: .body) as CTFont
    @State private var carretWidth = 2.0 as CGFloat

    var body: some View {
            text: $text,
            font: $font,
            carretWidth: $carretWidth



CoreText + SwiftUI.


For fun and profit.


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Marcin Krzyzanowski
I build apps and developer tools! Passionate about open source & developer productivity. You can follow me on Twitter @krzyzanowskim
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