πŸ™ Support your favourite open source projects



Homebrew Mint Twitter: @iosartem

'Spasibo' means 'thank you' in Russian.

Spasibo is a simple command-line tool to supporting open-source frameworks.


  • Based on Github Sponsors
  • Community Health files support
  • Cocoapods, Carthage, and Swift Package Manager support


Run spasibo in project folder and see which of your dependencies support donations. Spasibo scans Podfile.lock, Cartfile and Package.swift files, checks that dependencies have FUNDING.yml and displays a list of funding sources.

Run spasibo --help to see available commands:

OVERVIEW: πŸ™ Support your favourite open source projects

USAGE: spasibo [--path <path>] [--verbose]

  -p, --path <path>       The path to project directory. (default: <current directory>)
  -v, --verbose           Print status updates while running. 
  --version               Show the version.
  -h, --help              Show help information.


  • Homebrew (recommended): brew install artemnovichkov/projects/spasibo
  • Mint: mint run artemnovichkov/spasibo
  • From source: make install

Known issues

With some environments Spasibo may have a problems with Cocoapods. If you see Fail to run pod spec cat error, try to set PATH environment with you pod path. To do it, run:

$ which pod
$ PATH=path/to/your/pod spasibo

If you know how to fix it properly, feel free to create a pull request or an issue with suggestion.


Artem Novichkov, novichkoff93@gmail.com


The project is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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  • Error: There are no dependencies.

    Error: There are no dependencies.

    Describe the bug Several pods cause an Error: There are no dependencies:

    • AppCenter
    • GoogleMaps
    • Reveal-SDK
    • RegexKitLite

    To Reproduce Include any of the above pods in the Podfile and run pod install.

    Expected behavior Spasibo should not fail when encountering such pods.

    Logs When running with -v, spasibo says:

    βš™οΈ Find Podfile dependencies Fail to decode podspec

    Followed by a (valid) JSON representation of the podspec.

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: macOS 10.15.4 (19E287)
    • Spasibo version 0.3
    opened by futuretap 11
  • Add support for FUNDING.yml in community health file

    Add support for FUNDING.yml in community health file

    Hi @artemnovichkov, thank you for building this tool! πŸ™Œ

    This PR adds support for .FUNDING.yml declared in a user Community Health files.

    For example, in none of my packages there is a .github/FUNDING.yml file, however GitHub still displays the Funding badge because it picks up my .FUNDING.yml file from my health files, a.k.a my .github repository.

    In order to support this feature:

    • a new URL static healthFunding method has been created.
    • a addFundings refactoring has been done.
    opened by zntfdr 4
Artem Novichkov
Bearded iOS developer from Siberia πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»
Artem Novichkov
πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯Support for ORM operation,Customize the PQL syntax for quick queries,Support dynamic query,Secure thread protection mechanism,Support native operation,Support for XML configuration operations,Support compression, backup, porting MySQL, SQL Server operation,Support transaction operations.

?? ?? ??Support for ORM operation,Customize the PQL syntax for quick queries,Support dynamic query,Secure thread protection mechanism,Support native operation,Support for XML configuration operations,Support compression, backup, porting MySQL, SQL Server operation,Support transaction operations.

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