Custom iOS camera and photo picker with editing capabilities



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Paparazzo is a component for picking and editing photos.

Key Features
πŸ“· Taking photos using camera
πŸ“± Picking photos from user's photo library
βœ‚οΈ Photo cropping and rotation
πŸ’§ Applying filters to photos




There are two options to install Paparazzo using CocoaPods.

Using Marshroute:

pod "Paparazzo"

or if you don't use Marshroute and prefer not to get it as an additional dependency:

pod "Paparazzo/Core"


You can use either the entire module or photo library exclusively.

Presenting entire module

Initialize module assembly using Paparazzo.AssemblyFactory (or Paparazzo.MarshrouteAssemblyFactory if you use Marshroute):

let factory = Paparazzo.AssemblyFactory()
let assembly = factory.mediaPickerAssembly()

Create view controller using assembly's module method:

let data = MediaPickerData(
    items: items,
    autocorrectionFilters: filters,
    selectedItem: items.last,
    maxItemsCount: maxItemsCount,
    cropEnabled: true,
    autocorrectEnabled: true,
    cropCanvasSize: cropCanvasSize

let viewController = assembly.module(
    data: data,
    routerSeed: routerSeed,    // omit this parameter if you're using Paparazzo.AssemblyFactory
    configure: configure

Method parameters:

  • items β€” array of photos that should be initially selected when module is presenter.
  • filters β€” array of filters that can be applied to photos.
  • selectedItem β€” selected photo. If set to nil or if items doesn't contain any photo with matching identifier, then the first photo in array will be selected.
  • maxItemsCount β€” maximum number of photos that user is allowed to pick.
  • cropEnabled β€” boolean flag indicating whether user can perform photo cropping.
  • autocorrectEnabled β€” boolean flag indicating whether user can apply filters to photo .
  • cropCanvasSize β€” maximum size of canvas when cropping photos. (see Memory constraints when cropping).
  • routerSeed β€” routerSeed provided by Marshroute.
  • configure β€” closure that allows you to provide module's additional parameters.

Additional parameters of MediaPicker module

Additional parameters is described in protocol MediaPickerModule:

  • setContinueButtonTitle(_:), setContinueButtonEnabled(_:) , setContinueButtonVisible(_:) and setContinueButtonStyle(_:) allow to customize "Continue" button text and availability.
  • setAccessDeniedTitle(_:), setAccessDeniedMessage(_:) and setAccessDeniedButtonTitle(_:) allow to customize "Access Deined" view texts.
  • setCropMode(_:) allow to customize photo crop behavior.
  • onItemsAdd is called when user picks items from photo library or takes a new photo using camera.
  • onItemUpdate is called after user performed cropping.
  • onItemAutocorrect is called after applying filter.
  • onItemMove is called after moving photo.
  • onItemRemove is called when user deletes photo.
  • onFinish and onCancel is called when user taps Continue and Close respectively.

Memory constraints when cropping

When cropping photo on devices with low RAM capacity your application can crash due to memory warning. It happens because in order to perform actual cropping we need to put a bitmap of the original photo in memory. To descrease a chance of crashing on older devices (such as iPhone 4 or 4s) we can scale the source photo beforehand so that it takes up less space in memory. cropCanvasSize is used for that. It specifies the size of the photo we should be targeting when scaling.

Presenting photo library

Initialize module assembly using Paparazzo.AssemblyFactory (or Paparazzo.MarshrouteAssemblyFactory if you use Marshroute):

let factory = Paparazzo.AssemblyFactory()
let assembly = factory.photoLibraryAssembly()

Create view controller using assembly's module method:

let viewController = assembly.module(
    selectedItems: selectedItems,
    maxSelectedItemsCount: maxSelectedItemsCount,
    routerSeed: routerSeed,    // omit this parameter if you're using Paparazzo.AssemblyFactory
    configure: configure
  • selectedItems β€” preselected photos (or nil).
  • maxItemsCount β€” maximum number of photos that user is allowed to pick.
  • routerSeed β€” routerSeed provided by Marshroute.
  • configure β€” closure used to provide additional module setup.

Presenting mask cropper

MaskCropper is a module which provides easy way to customize cropping experience. See CroppingOverlayProvider protocol to get more details.

Initialize module assembly using Paparazzo.AssemblyFactory (or Paparazzo.MarshrouteAssemblyFactory if you use Marshroute):

let factory = Paparazzo.AssemblyFactory()
let assembly = factory.maskCropperAssembly()

Create view controller using assembly's module method:

let data = MaskCropperData(
    imageSource: photo.image,
    cropCanvasSize: cropCanvasSize
let viewController = assembly.module(
    data: data,
    croppingOverlayProvider: croppingOverlayProvider,
    routerSeed: routerSeed,    // omit this parameter if you're using Paparazzo.AssemblyFactory
    configure: configure
  • imageSource β€” photo that should be cropped.
  • croppingOverlayProvider β€” provider from CroppingOverlayProvidersFactory.
  • routerSeed β€” routerSeed provided by Marshroute.
  • configure β€” closure used to provide additional module setup.

Presenting scanner

Scanner is a module which provides easy way to handle realtime stream from camera. See ScannerOutputHandler protocol to get more details.


Initialize module assembly using Paparazzo.AssemblyFactory (or Paparazzo.MarshrouteAssemblyFactory if you use Marshroute):

let factory = Paparazzo.AssemblyFactory()
let assembly = factory.scannerAssembly()

Create view controller using assembly's module method:

let data = ScannerData(
    initialActiveCameraType: .back,
    cameraCaptureOutputHandlers: []
let viewController = assembly.module(
    data: data,
    routerSeed: routerSeed,    // omit this parameter if you're using Paparazzo.AssemblyFactory
    configure: configure
  • initialActiveCameraType β€” preferred camera when starting the module (front or back).
  • cameraCaptureOutputHandlers β€” array of handlers that confirm the ScannerOutputHandler protocol.
  • routerSeed β€” routerSeed provided by Marshroute.
  • configure β€” closure used to provide additional module setup.

UI Customization

You can customize colors, fonts and icons used in photo picker. Just pass an instance of PaparazzoUITheme to the initializer of assembly factory.

var theme = PaparazzoUITheme()
theme.shutterButtonColor = .blue
theme.accessDeniedTitleFont = .boldSystemFont(ofSize: 17)
theme.accessDeniedMessageFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 17)
theme.accessDeniedButtonFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 17)
theme.cameraContinueButtonTitleFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 17)
theme.cancelRotationTitleFont = .boldSystemFont(ofSize: 14)

let assemblyFactory = Paparazzo.AssemblyFactory(theme: theme)


Photos picked by user via Paparazzo is provided to you either as MediaPickerItem (when using MediaPicker module) or as PhotoLibraryItem (when using PhotoLibrary module). Both of these enitities are just wrappers around ImageSource, which is a protocol that allows you to get different image representations regardless of where it comes from. To find out how to use it go to


You can see the list of supported languages here. If you don't see your language, we encourage you to contribute to the project by creating pull request that adds Localizable.strings file for that language.

If you're not satisfied with a string that is provided by Paparazzo, you can override it in your project. Just add Paparazzo.strings to your main bundle. Override only the strings you need (you can see an example of this in PaparazzoExample project).



  • The passing images

    The passing images

    @prn @limarc @eshkinkot @dkostyrev @lahmatiy thanks for helping me out last type with the storyboard example but two more questions. Is there anyway to access the images taken by the camera because I plan on passing them to a new view controller

    enhancement question 
    opened by jackpaster 22
  • Saving images to server and extracting them

    Saving images to server and extracting them

    @prn @limarc @eshkinkot @dkostyrev @lahmatiy Hey guys, I love this project its great. I just have one problem. once I extract my images from my server and want to edit the images or change the images I have using the paparazzo camera, Do I convert all my images back and put them into an image source array and set it in items down below or what do I do. Thanks again.

    opened by Ahmedshubber 16
  • Fatal error: Not enough bits to represent the passed value

    Fatal error: Not enough bits to represent the passed value

    When i am cropping a photo and tap to the check/OK button then i get this error Fatal error: Not enough bits to represent the passed value

    public init<T: Hashable>(hashable: T) {
        self.init(int32Value: Int32(hashable.hashValue))


    opened by Umity 9
  • Camera View is not appearing !

    Camera View is not appearing !

    I am using code snippets from storyboard example. Everything works fine except for camera view that is showing nothing(but a white background). The strange thing , that i take can take pictures. PS : Swift 4 , iOS 11 and i converted Paparazzo pod to swift 4 Any help ?

    opened by skander300 9
  • Crop isn't working

    Crop isn't working

    This pod is awesome but the crop doesn't seem to be working for me. When I click on the crop icon nothing happens on screen and I get this log:

    2018-06-17 02:46:43.291844+0100 AppName[2095:993923] [ImageManager] Unable to load image data, /var/mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE/IMG_0841.JPG

    Does anyone know why this is coming up?

    opened by jamesalester 8
  • pod install

    pod install

    @HiveHicks I'm trying to install the pods for the updated project but all im getting is the files from the old version. I did pod 'Paparazzo' and my minimum deployment target is iOS 9. What do you think could be the problem

    opened by jackpaster 6
  • Accessing all the images in ImageSource

    Accessing all the images in ImageSource

    @HiveHicks Hello, as I've said before this is a great project. Its the only easily editable photo/camera editing app which I like. But when a user clicks on the media picker to present the paparazzo camera and takes or selects all the photos he or she wants and then clicks the button. on that done button I am passing all 25 images in a segue to another view controller where it will then be accessed in a custom image slider. But I keep getting this error. "Could not cast value of type 'ImageSource.PHAssetImageSource' (0x10e9f17c8) to 'UIImage' (0x110e290b0)." could you please help me. Here is my code.

    Paparazzo view controller: screen shot 2017-03-29 at 8 59 28 pm

    `@IBAction private func showPhotoLibrary() { var theme = PaparazzoUITheme() theme.shutterButtonColor = theme.shutterButtonDisabledColor = theme.accessDeniedTitleFont = .boldSystemFont(ofSize: 17) theme.accessDeniedMessageFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 17) theme.accessDeniedButtonFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 17) theme.cameraContinueButtonTitleFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 17) theme.cancelRotationTitleFont = .boldSystemFont(ofSize: 14) let assemblyFactory = Paparazzo.AssemblyFactory(theme: theme) let assembly = assemblyFactory.photoLibraryAssembly()

        let galleryController = assembly.module(
            selectedItems: [],
            maxSelectedItemsCount: 5,
            configuration: { [weak self] module in
                weak var module = module
                module?.onFinish = { result in
                    if case let .selectedItems(photoLibraryItems) = result {
                        self?.photos = { $0.image }
                        self?.performSegue(withIdentifier: "ShowNow", sender: self?.photos)
        let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: galleryController)
        present(navigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)
    override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
        if (segue.identifier == "ShowNow") {
            let pivc: view2ViewController? = segue.destination as? view2ViewController
            pivc?.arrImages = photos
            // here images is the array of images

    Photo slider view controller: screen shot 2017-03-29 at 8 59 20 pm

    `@IBOutlet weak var imgSlider: UIView! var passedPhotos: [ImageSource]? var arrImages = Array() fileprivate var sliderVc1: LIHSliderViewController!

    override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let slider1: LIHSlider = LIHSlider(images: arrImages as! [UIImage]) I'm getting this error "Could not cast value of type 'ImageSource.PHAssetImageSource' (0x10e9f17c8) to 'UIImage' (0x110e290b0)." right here. Its a thread break error. So if you can show me how I can access all the images from the paparazzo view controller, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks `

    opened by Ahmedshubber 5
  • square image camera

    square image camera

    @HiveHicks Hey, so I want to use this camera to take and crop to square images. My question, does this camera already convert full screen images to square images, or do I have to do something or is there already a call i can make in the papparazo camera to make it a square camera. Thanks I really need a response for the next launch.

    opened by jackpaster 3
  • Passing images example

    Passing images example

    @HiveHicks I created an example on stack overflow for passing images. I think it may help explain what I tried to do and what the problem was. Here is the link.

    opened by Ahmedshubber 3
  • Fix app freeze when accessing photo library for the first time in iOS 15.2

    Fix app freeze when accessing photo library for the first time in iOS 15.2


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Launch iOS 15.2 simulator and remove PaparazzoExample_NoMarshroute app if installed.
    2. Build and run PaparazzoExample_NoMarshroute on that simulator.
    3. Tap "Media Picker".

    Expected result: Media picker is presented.

    Actual result: Media picker is not presented, app is frozen (main thread is blocked forever).

    opened by HiveHicks 2
  • Crash on trying show paparazzoViewController

    Crash on trying show paparazzoViewController

    Hi, I just created empty project and add Paparazzo pod from 'develop' branch.

    Then I trying start project and it crashes.

    Here code of my ViewController

    import UIKit
    import Paparazzo
    class ViewController: UIViewController {
    	override func viewDidLoad() {
    	private func showPicker() {
    		let viewController = PaparazzoFacade.paparazzoViewController(
    					theme: PaparazzoUITheme(),
    					parameters: MediaPickerData(
    						items: [],
    						maxItemsCount: 3
    					onFinish: { images in
    				self.present(viewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

    Here my Podfile

    source ''
    platform :ios, '11.0'
    target 'testPaparazzo' do
      pod 'Paparazzo/Core', :git => '', :branch => 'develop'
    opened by spase84 2
  • App freeze when accessing the Photo library when app is 1st installed on iOS 15.2

    App freeze when accessing the Photo library when app is 1st installed on iOS 15.2

    Context: Using Xcode 13.2 and building on iOS 15.2 devices When installing the app for the 1st time on a device or simulator.

    Solution Before iOS 15.2 version we could register PHPhotoLibrary.shared().register(self) without authorization, in iOS 15.2 it is not possible, you will get an error. You have to request authorization(requestAuthorization(_:)) for register PHPhotoLibrary.shared().register(self).

    How to implement it?

    opened by outsourcestudio 1
  • Failed to bind EAGLDrawable

    Failed to bind EAGLDrawable

    Hi, after a continuous use of the camera in mediapicker, at some point all the buttons are like stuck or disabled but the camera view keeps displaying normally. I get the following error in the log :

    Failed to bind EAGLDrawable: <CAEAGLLayer: 0x282b9fc60> to GL_RENDERBUFFER 2 Failed to make complete framebuffer object 8cd6

    Please, help me with this issue.

    Thanks in advance.

    opened by jcvelaguirre 2
  • Consider to replace

    Consider to replace "class" by "AnyObject"

    I noticed that protocols in Paparazzo are defined by class:

    public protocol PaparazzoPickerModule: class { ... }

    Have you any plans to replace "class" by "AnyObject" according to the Swift evolution proposal #0153?

    opened by vkaltyrin 0
  • 5.0.0(Oct 2, 2020)

    • XCode 12, iOS 14 and Swift 5 support
    • Handle limited photo access mode
    • New UX flow in photo library v2
    • New camera screen with seamless transition to it from photo library
    • Photos taken inside the app are now saved to user's photo library
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.0.0(Oct 2, 2020)

    • Swift 4.2 support
    • Bumped deployment target to iOS 9
    • GPS metadata is now written to captured photo if the app is authorized to access it
    • Continue button can now be placed at the bottom of the screen
    • UI fixes for devices with safe areas
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.0(Jan 31, 2019)

    • Redesigned photo library, added albums support (@HiveHicks)
    • Support localization (@hivehicks)
    • Add PaparazzoFacade for easy Paparazzo initialization (@hivehicks)
    • Support iPhone X (@erikstrottmann, @hivehicks)
    • Add ability to enable haptic feedback on photo reordering (@west0r)
    • Add scanner module with support for camera output handling (@khomTima)
    • Optimize photo library opening (@khomTima)
    • Bug fixes & improvements
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.0(Oct 6, 2017)

    • Add support for photo filters (@khomTima)
    • Add support for mask cropping (@vkaltyrin)
    • Add support for photo reordering (@peskish)
    • Add support for cache cleaning (@CognitiveDisson)
    • Minor fixes and improvements
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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