Swift library of generic collection view controller with external data processing of functionality, like determine cell's reuseIdentifier
related to indexPath
, configuration of requested cell for display and cell selection handler etc
Initialisation with configuration
_flexibleCollectionVC = FlexibleCollectionViewController(collectionViewLayout: CustomFlowLayout(), configuration: CollectionConfiguration(userInteractionEnabled: true, showsHorizontalScrollIndicator: false, isScrollEnabled: true, multipleTouchEnabled: false, backgroundColor: .clear))
Cell and supplementary view registering
_flexibleCollectionVC.register(UICollectionViewCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: "UICollectionViewCell")
_flexibleCollectionVC.registerSupplementaryView(UIHeaderImageCollectionView.self, kind: .header, reuseIdentifier: UIHeaderImageCollectionView.reuseIdentifier)
Requesting indentifier of cell for specific indexPath
_flexibleCollectionVC.requestCellIdentifier = { value in
return "UICollectionViewCell"
Requesting indentifier of supplementary view for specific indexPath
_flexibleCollectionVC.requestSupplementaryIdentifier = { value in
return UIHeaderImageCollectionView.reuseIdentifier
Configuration of input cell with related data to indexPath
_flexibleCollectionVC.configureCell = { (cell: UICollectionViewCell, data: CollectionImageCellData?, indexPath: IndexPath) in
guard let data = data else {
return false
cell.backgroundColor = data.color
return true
Configuration of supplementary view with related kind and data to indexPath
_flexibleCollectionVC.configureSupplementary = { (view: UICollectionReusableView, kind: SupplementaryKind, data: CollectionImageCellData?, indexPath: IndexPath) in
if let view = view as? UIHeaderImageCollectionView, let data = data {
view.text = data.category
return true
return false
Process cell selection to related indexPath
_flexibleCollectionVC.cellDidSelect = { value in
return (deselect: true, animate: true)
Estimate cell size
_flexibleCollectionVC.estimateCellSize = { value in
guard let layout = value.1 as? UICollectionViewFlowLayout else {
return nil
let col: CGFloat = 3
let width = value.0.bounds.width-(layout.sectionInset.left+layout.sectionInset.right)
let side = round(width/col)-layout.minimumInteritemSpacing
return CGSize(width: side, height: side)
Put predefined cells in generated order related to ListGenerator
Swift 3 or above
FlexibleCollectionViewController is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "FlexibleCollectionViewController"
Pilipenko Dima, dimpiax@gmail.com
FlexibleCollectionViewController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.