Custom transition between two collection view layouts


Display Switcher

CocoaPods Compatible Platform License Yalantis

We designed a UI that allows users to switch between list and grid views on the fly and choose the most convenient display type. List view usually provides more details about each user or contact. Grid view allows more users or contacts to appear on the screen at the same time.

We created design mockups for both list and grid views using Sketch. As soon as the mockups were ready, we used Principle to create a smooth transition between the two display types. Note that the hamburger menu changes its appearance depending on which view is activated:



  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 11
  • Swift 5



pod ‘DisplaySwitcher’, '~> 2.0


github "Yalantis/DisplaySwitcher" "master"

Use Cases

You can use our Contact Display Switch for:

  • Social networking apps
  • Dating apps
  • Email clients
  • Any other app that features list of friends or contacts

Our DisplaySwitcher component isn't limited to friends and contacts lists. It can work with any other content too.


At first, import DisplaySwitcher:

import DisplaySwitcher

Then create two layouts (list mode and grid mode):

private lazy var listLayout = DisplaySwitchLayout(staticCellHeight: listLayoutStaticCellHeight, nextLayoutStaticCellHeight: gridLayoutStaticCellHeight, layoutState: .list)

private lazy var gridLayout = DisplaySwitchLayout(staticCellHeight: gridLayoutStaticCellHeight, nextLayoutStaticCellHeight: listLayoutStaticCellHeight, layoutState: .grid)

Set current layout:

private var layoutState: LayoutState = .list
collectionView.collectionViewLayout = listLayout

Then override two UICollectionViewDataSource methods:

func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    // count of items

func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
    // configure your custom cell

Also override one UICollectionViewDelegate method (for custom layout transition):

func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, transitionLayoutForOldLayout fromLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, newLayout toLayout: UICollectionViewLayout) -> UICollectionViewTransitionLayout {
    let customTransitionLayout = TransitionLayout(currentLayout: fromLayout, nextLayout: toLayout)
    return customTransitionLayout

And in the end necessary create transition and start it (you can simply change animation duration for transition layout and for rotation button):

let transitionManager: TransitionManager
if layoutState == .list {
    layoutState = .grid
    transitionManager = TransitionManager(duration: animationDuration, collectionView: collectionView!, destinationLayout: gridLayout, layoutState: layoutState)
} else {
    layoutState = .list
    transitionManager = TransitionManager(duration: animationDuration, collectionView: collectionView!, destinationLayout: listLayout, layoutState: layoutState)
rotationButton.selected = layoutState == .list
rotationButton.animationDuration = animationDuration

Under the hood

We use five classes to implement our DisplaySwitcher:


In the BaseLayout class, we use methods for building list and grid layouts. But what’s most interesting here is the сontentOffset calculation that should be defined after the transition to a new layout.

First, save the сontentOffset of the layout you are switching from:

 override func prepareForTransitionFromLayout(oldLayout: UICollectionViewLayout) {
       previousContentOffset = NSValue(CGPoint:collectionView!.contentOffset)  
       return super.prepareForTransitionFromLayout(oldLayout)


Then, calculate the сontentOffset for the new layout in the targetContentOffsetForProposedContentOffset method:

override func targetContentOffsetForProposedContentOffset(proposedContentOffset: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
       let previousContentOffsetPoint = previousContentOffset?.CGPointValue()
       let superContentOffset = super.targetContentOffsetForProposedContentOffset(proposedContentOffset)
       if let previousContentOffsetPoint = previousContentOffsetPoint {
           if previousContentOffsetPoint.y == 0 {
               return previousContentOffsetPoint
           if layoutState == CollectionViewLayoutState.ListLayoutState {
               let offsetY = ceil(previousContentOffsetPoint.y + (staticCellHeight * previousContentOffsetPoint.y / nextLayoutStaticCellHeight) + cellPadding)
               return CGPoint(x: superContentOffset.x, y: offsetY)
           } else {
               let realOffsetY = ceil((previousContentOffsetPoint.y / nextLayoutStaticCellHeight * staticCellHeight / CGFloat(numberOfColumns)) - cellPadding)
               let offsetY = floor(realOffsetY / staticCellHeight) * staticCellHeight + cellPadding
return CGPoint(x: superContentOffset.x, y: offsetY)
       return superContentOffset

And then clear value of variable in method finalizeLayoutTransition:

override func finalizeLayoutTransition() {
       previousContentOffset = nil


In the BaseLayoutAttributes class, a few custom attributes are added:

var transitionProgress: CGFloat = 0.0
   var nextLayoutCellFrame = CGRectZero
   var layoutState: CollectionViewLayoutState = .ListLayoutState

transitionProgress is the current value of the animation transition that varies between 0 and 1. It’s needed for calculating constraints in the cell.

nextLayoutCellFrame is a property that returns the frame of the layout you switch to. It’s also used for the cell layout configuration during the process of transition.

layoutState is the current state of the layout.


The TransitionLayout class overrides two UICollectionViewLayout methods:

layoutAttributesForElementsInRect and
layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath, where we set properties values for the class BaseLayoutAttributes.


The TransitionManager class uses the UICollectionView’sstartInteractiveTransitionToCollectionViewLayout method, where you point the layout it must switch to:

func startInteractiveTransition() {
       transitionLayout = collectionView.startInteractiveTransitionToCollectionViewLayout(destinationLayout, completion: { success, finish in
           if success && finish {
       }) as! TransitionLayout
       transitionLayout.layoutState = layoutState

CADisplayLink class

This class is used to control animation duration. This class helps calculate the animation progress depending on the animation duration preset:

private func createUpdaterAndStart() {
       start = CACurrentMediaTime()
       updater = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: Selector("updateTransitionProgress"))
       updater.frameInterval = 1
       updater.addToRunLoop(NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop(), forMode: NSRunLoopCommonModes)

dynamic func updateTransitionProgress() {
       var progress = (updater.timestamp - start) / duration
       progress = min(1, progress)
       progress = max(0, progress)
       transitionLayout.transitionProgress = CGFloat(progress)

       if progress == finishTransitionValue {

That’s it! Use our DisplaySwitcher in any way you like! Check it out on Dribbble.

Let us know!

We’d be really happy if you sent us links to your projects where you use our component. Just send an email to And do let us know if you have any questions or suggestion regarding the animation.

P.S. We’re going to publish more awesomeness wrapped in code and a tutorial on how to make UI for iOS (Android) better than better. Stay tuned!


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright © 2017 Yalantis

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  • Solved didSelectItemAtIndexPath issue #7

    Solved didSelectItemAtIndexPath issue #7


    I opened didSelectItemAtIndexPath issue #7 then I solved it in this PR.

    No need for gesture recognizer as it disable the cell tap. So I just added gesture recognizer when searchBarTextDidBeginEditing so that the keyboard will disappear when the user tap. Then I removed gesture recognizer when searchBarTextDidEndEditing.

    Note that I added:

    func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView,
                            didSelectItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
            print("Hi \(indexPath.row)")

    Just to check the functionality so maybe it better to move to new view or any suggestions?


    opened by Maryom 8
  • `pod install` on the example project doesn't work

    `pod install` on the example project doesn't work

    $ pod --version
    $ pod install
    [!] Invalid `Podfile` file: [!] Unsupported options `{:exclusive=>true}` for target `DisplaySwitcher_Example`..
     #  from /Users/aaron/Downloads/DisplaySwitcher-master/Example/Podfile:4
     #  -------------------------------------------
     >  target 'DisplaySwitcher_Example', :exclusive => true do
     #    pod 'DisplaySwitcher', :path => '../'
     #  -------------------------------------------
    opened by aaronbrethorst 7
  • Add possibility to customise collection view

    Add possibility to customise collection view

    Currently there is no possibility to customise collection view: set different cell paddings and specify number of grid columns. Also because of layout state property is private there is no possibility to configure cell before transition in willTransition depending on the current layout state.

    Commit summary:

    • I extended init with 3 new property: cellHeightPadding, cellWidthPadding and gridLayoutCountOfColumns. All this properties have default values as before for backwards compatibility.

    • Now DisplaySwitchLayout has layoutState read-only property for configure cell before transition.

    Now there is possibility to make own design of collection view.

    opened by SRozhina 5
  • an error happened while carthage update

    an error happened while carthage update

    please help me

    while i carthage update , an error happened as below

    Dependency "DisplaySwitcher" has no shared framework schemes

    while i pod install, another error happened

    [!] Unable to find a specification for DisplaySwitcher (~> 1.0)

    opened by hunter123321000 4
  • constraint errors when changing layout

    constraint errors when changing layout

    report a bug

    When testing the demo I sometimes get a contraint error when changing layout:

    2017-01-23 02:15:58.926309 DisplaySwitcher_Example[8893:1432862] [LayoutConstraints] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
    	Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. 
    	Try this: 
    		(1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; 
    		(2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. 
        "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x61800008c170 H:|-(10)-[UILabel:0x7fe945b1ded0'Marry Kennedy']   (active, names: '|':UIView:0x7fe945b1dd30 )>",
        "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x61800008b270 H:[UILabel:0x7fe945b1ded0'Marry Kennedy']-(11)-|   (active, names: '|':UIView:0x7fe945b1dd30 )>",
        "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x61800008b6d0 UIImageView:0x7fe945b1e160.width == 1   (active)>",
        "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x61800008c3f0 UIImageView:0x7fe945b1e160.width == UIView:0x7fe945b1dd30.width   (active)>"
    Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint 
    <NSLayoutConstraint:0x61800008b270 H:[UILabel:0x7fe945b1ded0'Marry Kennedy']-(11)-|   (active, names: '|':UIView:0x7fe945b1dd30 )>
    Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints to catch this in the debugger.
    The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKit/UIView.h> may also be helpful.
    Hi 0
    Hi 0
    Hi 0
    Hi 0
    Hi 0
    2017-01-23 02:16:17.912348 DisplaySwitcher_Example[8893:1432862] [MC] System group container for path is /Users/Kevin/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/28151775-0F99-4CC1-9CF3-3060CC67F995/data/Containers/Shared/SystemGroup/
    2017-01-23 02:16:17.912974 DisplaySwitcher_Example[8893:1432862] [MC] Reading from private effective user settings.
    2017-01-23 02:16:31.670696 DisplaySwitcher_Example[8893:1432862] [LayoutConstraints] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
    	Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. 
    	Try this: 
    		(1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; 
    		(2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. 
        "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x608000084e70 H:|-(10)-[UILabel:0x7fe942437b70'Leo Nicholson']   (active, names: '|':UIView:0x7fe9424379d0 )>",
        "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60800008acd0 H:[UILabel:0x7fe942437b70'Leo Nicholson']-(11)-|   (active, names: '|':UIView:0x7fe9424379d0 )>",
        "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x608000094730 UIImageView:0x7fe942437e00.width == 3   (active)>",
        "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x608000092a20 UIImageView:0x7fe942437e00.width == UIView:0x7fe9424379d0.width   (active)>"
    Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint 
    <NSLayoutConstraint:0x60800008acd0 H:[UILabel:0x7fe942437b70'Leo Nicholson']-(11)-|   (active, names: '|':UIView:0x7fe9424379d0 )>
    Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints to catch this in the debugger.
    The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKit/UIView.h> may also be helpful.
    2017-01-23 02:16:38.154543 DisplaySwitcher_Example[8893:1432862] [LayoutConstraints] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
    	Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. 
    	Try this: 
    		(1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; 
    		(2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. 
        "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x61800008ff50 H:|-(10)-[UILabel:0x7fe942700440'Monica Lamberts']   (active, names: '|':UIView:0x7fe942702c80 )>",
        "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x618000088390 H:[UILabel:0x7fe942700440'Monica Lamberts']-(11)-|   (active, names: '|':UIView:0x7fe942702c80 )>",
        "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x618000082710 UIImageView:0x7fe9427013f0.width == 3   (active)>",
        "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x618000084060 UIImageView:0x7fe9427013f0.width == UIView:0x7fe942702c80.width   (active)>"
    Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint 
    <NSLayoutConstraint:0x618000088390 H:[UILabel:0x7fe942700440'Monica Lamberts']-(11)-|   (active, names: '|':UIView:0x7fe942702c80 )>
    Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints to catch this in the debugger.
    The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKit/UIView.h> may also be helpful.

    I am running Xcode 8.2.1 Simulator: Iphone 5s ios 10.2

    type: bug status: queued 
    opened by kiwo12345 3
  • Invalid parameter not satisfying: (name != nil) && ([name length] > 0)

    Invalid parameter not satisfying: (name != nil) && ([name length] > 0)

    Keep getting the error Invalid parameter not satisfying: (name != nil) && ([name length] > 0) while loading the view, app works, everything works, just loading the view crashes the app.

    opened by mogsten 3
  • Swift 3 ready?

    Swift 3 ready?

    It seems there is a problem with this lib and swift 3 perhaps?...

    *** Building scheme "DisplaySwitcher" in DisplaySwitcher.xcworkspace
    /usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -workspace /Users/Shared/xna/frontend/apps/ios/xxxx/Carthage/Checkouts/DisplaySwitcher/Example/DisplaySwitcher.xcworkspace -scheme DisplaySwitcher -configuration DEBUG -sdk iphoneos ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE=bitcode CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CARTHAGE=YES clean build2016-09-23 17:29:39.238 xcodebuild[30695:20532020] [MT] PluginLoading: Required plug-in compatibility UUID 8A66E736-A720-4B3C-92F1-33D9962C69DF for plug-in at path '~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/Alcatraz.xcplugin' not present in DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs
    Build settings from command line:
        CARTHAGE = YES
        SDKROOT = iphoneos10.0
    Check dependencies
    “Use Legacy Swift Language Version” (SWIFT_VERSION) is required to be configured correctly for targets which use Swift. Use the [Edit > Convert > To Current Swift Syntax…] menu to choose a Swift version or use the Build Settings editor to configure the build setting directly.
    “Use Legacy Swift Language Version” (SWIFT_VERSION) is required to be configured correctly for targets which use Swift. Use the [Edit > Convert > To Current Swift Syntax…] menu to choose a Swift version or use the Build Settings editor to configure the build setting directly.
    ** CLEAN FAILED **
    The following build commands failed:
        Check dependencies
    (1 failure)
    Check dependencies
    “Use Legacy Swift Language Version” (SWIFT_VERSION) is required to be configured correctly for targets which use Swift. Use the [Edit > Convert > To Current Swift Syntax…] menu to choose a Swift version or use the Build Settings editor to configure the build setting directly.
    “Use Legacy Swift Language Version” (SWIFT_VERSION) is required to be configured correctly for targets which use Swift. Use the [Edit > Convert > To Current Swift Syntax…] menu to choose a Swift version or use the Build Settings editor to configure the build setting directly.
    ** BUILD FAILED **
    The following build commands failed:
        Check dependencies
    (1 failure)
    A shell task (/usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -workspace /Users/Shared/xna/frontend/apps/ios/xxCarthage/Checkouts/DisplaySwitcher/Example/DisplaySwitcher.xcworkspace -scheme DisplaySwitcher -configuration DEBUG -sdk iphoneos ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE=bitcode CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CARTHAGE=YES clean build) failed with exit code 65:
    2016-09-23 17:29:39.238 xcodebuild[30695:20532020] [MT] PluginLoading: Required plug-in compatibility UUID 8A66E736-A720-4B3C-92F1-33D9962C69DF for plug-in at path '~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/Alcatraz.xcplugin' not present in DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs
    ** CLEAN FAILED **
    opened by sirvon 2
  • customize cellPadding

    customize cellPadding


    Sorry for posting here, this is not really an issue.

    I'd like to know if it's possible to set my own cell padding in the object BaseLayout. I want a very thin space between cells in grid mode.

    Kind regards,

    opened by leobouilloux 2
  • I'm getting some errors. Is it possible you make a video tutorial?

    I'm getting some errors. Is it possible you make a video tutorial?


    The more information you provide, the faster we can help you.

    ⚠️ Select what you want - a feature request or report a bug. Please remove the section you aren't interested in.

    A feature request

    What do you want to add?

    Please describe what you want to add to the component.

    How should it look like?

    Please add images.

    Report a bug

    What did you do?

    Please replace this with what you did.

    What did you expect to happen?

    Please replace this with what you expected to happen.

    What happened instead?

    Please replace this with what happened instead.

    Your Environment

    • Version of the component: insert here
    • Swift version: insert here
    • iOS version: insert here
    • Device: insert here
    • Xcode version: insert here
    • If you use Cocoapods: run pod env | pbcopy and insert here
    • If you use Carthage: run carthage version | pbcopy and insert here

    Project that demonstrates the bug

    Please add a link to a project we can download that reproduces the bug.

    type: enhancement priority: low status: need feedback 
    opened by borut888 1
  • Question about adding container view in bar button item

    Question about adding container view in bar button item

    Hi. Could you please help me. I saw that in your example project there is a container view inside bar button. I tried to do the same in my project using storyboard, but couldn't. Now I just copied it from your example project and set up. How could you add container view with buttons inside bar button?

    opened by SRozhina 1
  • transition content offset issues

    transition content offset issues

    report a bug

    when i set GridLayoutCountOfColumns = 2,the transition content offset is not correct untitled

    I am running Xcode 9.1 Simulator: Iphone X ios 11.1

    type: bug priority: medium status: work in progress 
    opened by moliya 1
  • Stretchy Header

    Stretchy Header

    I used stretchy Header FlowLayout after import DisplaySwitcher my Header doesn't seem anymore?

    import UIKit

    class STCollectionViewFlowLayout: UICollectionViewFlowLayout {

    override func shouldInvalidateLayout(forBoundsChange newBounds: CGRect) -> Bool {
        return true
    override func layoutAttributesForElements(in rect: CGRect) -> [UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes]? {
        let layoutAttributes = super.layoutAttributesForElements(in: rect)       
        layoutAttributes?.forEach({ (attributes) in
            if attributes.representedElementKind == UICollectionView.elementKindSectionHeader {
                guard let collectionView = collectionView else {
                let contentOffsetY = collectionView.contentOffset.y
                if contentOffsetY > 0 {
                let width = collectionView.frame.width
                let height: CGFloat = attributes.frame.height - contentOffsetY
                attributes.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: contentOffsetY, width: width, height: height)
        return layoutAttributes


    priority: low 
    opened by Murodillo 0
  • how to customize it to switch betweem list amd card view mood

    how to customize it to switch betweem list amd card view mood


    The more information you provide, the faster we can help you.

    ⚠️ Select what you want - a feature request or report a bug. Please remove the section you aren't interested in.

    A feature request

    What do you want to add?

    i want to switch between list and card view mood not grid

    How should it look like?

    like this

    Your Environment

    • Version of the component: insert here
    • Swift version: swift 4.1
    priority: low 
    opened by Ranaios 0
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