Optimizing UITableViewCell For Fast Scrolling



Your code usually has less than ten milliseconds to run before it causes a frame drop.1

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Visualize Bad Drawings On The Fly

Injects 4 classes:

  • UITableViewCell
  • UICollectionViewCell
  • UITableViewHeaderFooterView
  • UICollectionReusableView (as footers/headers)

Monitors 6 time sensitive API calls:

  • [UIView drawRect:]
  • tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:
  • tableView:viewForHeaderInSection:
  • tableView:viewForFooterInSection:
  • collectionView:cellForItemAtIndexPath:
  • collectionView:viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind:atIndexPath:

Visualizes bad drawing code in 2 ways:

  • Displays non-recycled UIView, CALayer and UIImage objects with bold red bolders.
  • Displays the time it takes to complete each time sensitive API calls, in milliseconds.


Step 1: Drop DWURecyclingAlert.m into your project, Swift or ObjC.

Step 2: There's no step 2.

(Optionally) Using CocoaPods and manually start the injection:

pod 'DWURecyclingAlert'

Then manually start injection by running the following function anywhere in your project:

void Inject_DWURecyclingAlert();

UI Configuration

It's likely that your project happens to use lots of [UIColor redColor] here and there. Or, maybe you want to localize the millisecond warning string with your team's first language. Take a look at the UI Configuration section and customize them the way you like.

How It Works

Method swizzling and associated objects. You could always read the source.

Disabled in Release By Default

DWURecyclingAlert.m requires the DEBUG macro to compile and run. As a result, it's disabled in Release by default. If you also want to disable it in debug builds, comment out the DWURecyclingAlertEnabled macro at the top of the file.


  • Whether your cell / header / footer are created by code or by nib/storyboard, DWURecyclingAlert.m has a way to scan it.
  • It's perfectly normal for a cell to have multiple subviews that override drawRect:, if that's the case, DWURecyclingAlert.m will calculate the sum for all the time it takes to go through each drawRect: call.
  • DWURecyclingAlert.m requires iOS 6 or higher to compile.

Example Project

Inside this repo you can find the RecyclingAlert example project.


DWURecyclingAlert is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

1: Facebook AsyncDisplayKit Guide. (http://asyncdisplaykit.org/guide)

  • Support for UICollectionView headers and footers

    Support for UICollectionView headers and footers

    UICollectionView headers and footers are created by using the [dequeueReusableSupplementaryViewOfKind:withReuseIdentifier:forIndexPath:] method. It would be a very useful addition if recycling alerts and timings were displayed for headers and footers.

    opened by graemesi 4
  • move some function into calayer

    move some function into calayer

    Hello @diwu,

    這次的改動比之前的有大一些, 主要是有些散落在外的 function, 應該是可以被歸併到 CALayercategory 裡面, 並在前面都加上 dwu_ 前綴.

    寫了一些簡單的 #pragma mark 分別源碼的功能性.

    剩下一些地方就比較小, 像是

    SEL imageSelector = NSSelectorFromString(@"image");


    SEL imageSelector = @selector(image);

    少一次轉換, 然後

    id returnValue = ((id ( *)(id, SEL, id, id))objc_msgSend)(_self, targetSelector, arg1, arg2);


    UIView *returnView = ((UIView * ( *)(id, SEL, id, id))objc_msgSend)(_self, targetSelector, arg1, arg2);

    直接當 UIView 取出來, 則不用再作轉換

    for (CALayer *subview in layer.sublayers)


    for (CALayer *sublayer in self.sublayers)

    等等之類的小地方. 感謝.

    opened by DaidoujiChen 3
  • It is not working with layer in UIView

    It is not working with layer in UIView

    I try to use this but It cannot render the layer on UIView such as borderColor

    screen shot 2558-06-19 at 11 48 40 pm

    following the figure you will see my 3pt border color on bookmark button has not been rendered.

    opened by macbaszii 3
  • reduce some code

    reduce some code

    Hello @diwu,

    在這次的修改裡面, 把 CALayerDWURecyclingAlert 做了一些修減, 可以整個拿掉 method dwu_increaseDwuRecyclingCountByOne, 直接透過 dwuRecyclingCount++ 來控制變數, 看起來會相對直覺一些.

    opened by DaidoujiChen 1
  • reduce code length, fix some selector using

    reduce code length, fix some selector using

    Hello @diwu,

    這次修改的部分主要的目的, 是想把 generateTimeLabelForUITableViewCellgenerateTimeLabelForUICollectionViewCell 類似的部分, 抽出來做為另外一個 function.

    過程中, 有發現一些點, 感覺上怪怪的, 所以一併做了一些修改, 第一個是

    NSString *selStr = NSStringFromSelector(@selector(setDataSource:));
    SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString(selStr);
    SEL newSelector = NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:@"dwu_uicollectionview_%@", selStr]);

    這類的寫法, 把同樣的 SELNSString 然後又轉回 SEL, 我們應該可以寫成

    SEL selector = @selector(setDataSource:);
    NSString *selStr = NSStringFromSelector(selector);
    SEL newSelector = NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:@"dwu_uitableview_%@", selStr]);


    第二個是, 原先的 code 裡面

    SEL cellForItemSel = NSSelectorFromString(cellForItemSelStr);
    SEL newCellForItemSel = NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:@"dwu_%@", selStr]);

    在這邊 newCellForItemSel 應該是由 cellForItemSel 這個 SEL 的延續, 而不是 selStr 的, 這邊的 selStr 指的是更外面的 setDataSource:, 我猜測, 這邊我們想要替換的 SEL 應該是 collectionView:cellForItemAtIndexPath:, 所以把程式碼替換成下面的樣子

    SEL cellForItemSel = @selector(collectionView:cellForItemAtIndexPath:);
    NSString *cellForItemSelStr = NSStringFromSelector(cellForItemSel);
    SEL newCellForItemSel = NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:@"dwu_%@", cellForItemSelStr]);

    大致上是這個樣子, 可以互相討論, 謝謝. :)

    opened by DaidoujiChen 1
  • remove duplicate data store

    remove duplicate data store

    Hello @diwu,

    在 trace 紅框出現的邏輯時, 發現在 dwu_recursionHelper2 這個 function 裡面, 有部分可以小幅修改一下,

    第一個是, 我們應該可以只用一個 container 就好. 所以我把 cgImageRefSet 整個拆掉了. 第二個是, 純取 address 的話, 可以用 %p 取代 %@.

    另外一個部分, 當 layer.delegate 被放到 cgImageRefDict 時, 會導致該目標無法被釋放, 但是要改起來的話, 會動到比較多地方, 我暫時就先不動他.

    opened by DaidoujiChen 1
  • Fix broken headings in Markdown files

    Fix broken headings in Markdown files

    GitHub changed the way Markdown headings are parsed, so this change fixes it.

    See bryant1410/readmesfix for more information.

    Tackles bryant1410/readmesfix#1

    opened by bryant1410 0
  • Casts for XCode 10.1 version

    Casts for XCode 10.1 version

    Casts for correct XCode 10.1 build:

    diff --git a/RecyclingAlert/DWURecyclingAlert/DWURecyclingAlert.m b/RecyclingAlert/DWURecyclingAlert/DWURecyclingAlert.m
    index 122336b..8ffcc32 100644
    --- a/RecyclingAlert/DWURecyclingAlert/DWURecyclingAlert.m
    +++ b/RecyclingAlert/DWURecyclingAlert/DWURecyclingAlert.m
    @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ static void dwu_swizzleDrawRectIfNotYet(CALayer *layer) {
         if (![layer.delegate isKindOfClass:[UIView class]]) {
    -    UIView *containerView = layer.delegate;
    +    UIView *containerView = (UIView *)layer.delegate;
         if (!dwu_implementsSelector(containerView, @selector(drawRect:))) {
    @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ - (void)dwu_scanLayerHierarchyRecursively {
     - (UIView *)dwu_findCell {
    -    UIView *containerView = self.delegate;
    +    UIView *containerView = (UIView *) self.delegate;
         if (!containerView) {
             return nil;
    @@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ - (UIView *)dwu_findCell {
     - (void)dwu_injectLayer: (CALayer *)layer withCellDelegate:(UIView *)cellDelegate {
         if (layer.delegate && [layer.delegate isKindOfClass:[UIView class]]) {
    -        UIView *containerView = layer.delegate;
    +        UIView *containerView = (UIView *) layer.delegate;
             containerView.dwuCellDelegate = cellDelegate;
    @@ -465,4 +465,4 @@ static void dwu_generateTimeLabelForUICollectionViewCell() {
    \ No newline at end of file
    opened by demensdeum 0
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