Various usages of the Macaw library



Macaw Examples is a place where you can find various usages of the Macaw library.

We are a development agency building phenomenal apps.

Launching Example

  • clone the repo
  • open terminal and run cd <MacawExamplesRepo>/{ExampleName}/
  • run pod install to install all dependencies
  • run open {ExampleName}.xcworkspace/ to open project in the Xcode



A simple application with animated bar charts. Step by step tutorial is presented on the Getting Started wiki page.


Activity Monitor app concept shows number of steps, running level and daily summary.


Do you like chemistry? This iPad application shows full power of Macaw: affine transformations, user events, animation and various effects.


Recreating Auxy, Streaks and Zova interfaces with Macaw.


Liquid Swipe concept showing amination with smooth tranformation for forward and backward swiping. Inspired with Cuberto's framework.


FanMenu – an animated circular menu control.


  • iOS 8.0+ / Mac OS X 10.9+
  • Xcode 8.0+


Macaw Examples are available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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