Whole, half or floating point ratings control written in Swift



A simple rating view for iOS written in Swift! Supports whole, half or floating point values. I couldn't find anything that easily set floating point ratings, so I made this control based on a Ray Wenderlich tutorial. Some of the best iOS tutorials that I've come across.

Check out the post on medium for a full write-up.

FloatRatingView Demo


Initialize from a nib/xib or programmatically. Set the empty and full image, then you're pretty much good to go! Check out the demo app to see how it can be used.

Release v4.0 is updated for Swift 5.0 while v1.0.3 is on Swift 2.3.

Usage in an Objective-C Project

  1. Import the Swift File
  2. Ensure the build settings in your project are set to enable Swift usage (see here and here)
  3. import "YOUR_PROJECT_NAME-Swift.h" in your Objective-C files where you want to use FloatRatingView

Pod Installation

For Swift 2.3 projects just add the following to your podfile:

pod 'FloatRatingView', '~> 1.0.3'

For Swift 5.0 projects:

pod 'FloatRatingView', '~> 4'

How it works

The concept is a little different from the source tutorial. The float rating view lays the full image views on top of the empty image views then sets the CALayer mask property to partially hide full images. The full image view mask frame is calculated whenever needed for half or floating point values.

  • Submit Podspec to trunk

    Submit Podspec to trunk

    It'd be easier to people find out about (and use) FloatRatingView if the Podspec was pushed to CocoaPods Spec repo.

    More info: https://guides.cocoapods.org/making/getting-setup-with-trunk.html

    opened by marcelofabri 3
  • ... not key value coding-compliant for the key ...

    ... not key value coding-compliant for the key ...

    I am getting a bunch of warnings of the following type:

    Ignoring user defined runtime attribute for key path [variable name] of instance of UIView. Hit an exception when attempting to set its value ...setValue:forUndefinedKey: this class is not key value coding compliant for the key [variable name]

    I see this for editable, emptyImage, floatRatings, fullImage, halfRatings and so on.

    I have inserted a view controller to storyboard which has a view with custom class FloatRatingView.

    I believe that I started to see it after changing the deployment target to iOS7. I have already searched the web, but I did not find a fast solution. I am happy to help if I understand the issue.

    opened by sebbu 3
  • Added new Optional property `ibDelegate` of type `AnyObject` which se…

    Added new Optional property `ibDelegate` of type `AnyObject` which se…

    …rves as a workaround and addresses the fact that IB cannot reference protocol outlets in Swift files (still the case in Xcode 8.0). This property can be used to set the delegate of the view in a storyboard. See http://bit.ly/2eLvVoq for details.

    Made the delegate property an @IBOutlet. The example app sets the rating view delegate from the storyboard. Opened the storyboard of the example project in Xcode 8.0 and fixed resulting misplacements.

    opened by raginmari 2
  • Rendering issue

    Rendering issue

    I just got this error whenever i am enter in storyboard...after some time it disappears...but it gives slow performance error...how to get rid of this

        error: IB Designables: Failed to render instance of FloatRatingView: Rendering the view took longer than 200 ms. Your drawing code may suffer from slow performance.
    opened by BhavinBhadani 2
  • Version 4.0 released

    Version 4.0 released

    Version 4.0 🆕

    I've updated current project and forked to a new repository, because that repository is not maintained anymore 🙁 (great work, glenyi, thank you for creating that project).

    New version is located here: https://github.com/Sorix/RatingControl.



    FloatingRatingView renamed to RatingControl. Also now it is a subclass of UIControl instead of UIView, because that RatingView is closer to control type than view type.

    Now control supports default UIControl methods, like isEnabled, addAction, @IBAction outlets and so on. Please use it instead of delegate methods, because it's a more native way.


    You can add storyboard's @IBAction outlets in Interface Builder without writing a code for delegate methods. Less code for you.

    Also I've added support for intrinsicContentSize, so view know about own's desired size (like labels or buttons) and you will need to define less constraints and it will be easier to configure it in Interface Builder.


    Support of haptic feedback was added, try that magic on devices with appropriate hardware.


    RatingControl (4.0) is almost compatible with previous version of FloatingRatingView.

    1. You need to find and replace import statements because of library renaming:
    import FloatingRatingView // search that
    import RatingControl // replace to that
    1. Minimum required iOS version now is 10.0.

    Because of that 2 breaking changes, version was changed to 4.0.

    RatingControl is now a subclass of UIControl that's why a lot of old methods was deprecated, you still can use it. XCode will warn you about outdated methods with help messages with fix proposals.

    Other changes

    • Support Swift 4.2
    • Objective-C support
    • Update Example application
    • Tidy folder structure
    opened by Sorix 1
  • Adds Carthage support

    Adds Carthage support

    As mentioned in #15 I've added Carthage support. The process is fairly straightforward, you really only need a project with a configured scheme. I've tested and verified that it works by integrating it into a test project using github "VFUC/FloatRatingView" "carthage" in the Cartfile

    If you're interested, I'd be happy to add the Carthage compatible flag to the README as well, let me know if and where you'd prefer it. 🙂

    opened by VFUC 1
  • Not support in Swift 3.0

    Not support in Swift 3.0

    Hello ,

    I have tried to implement in my application which is in Swift 3.0 but unfortunately this is not work in my app. It gives me error like this "FloatRatingView is not a member class of FloatRatingView"


    opened by Birju-Bhatt 1
  • Added tint to rating images, vertical / bottom-up rating orientation …

    Added tint to rating images, vertical / bottom-up rating orientation …

    …and updated demo layout

    Rating images are tinted based on parent FloatRatingView tintColor, added vertical orientation option for rating and updated constraints in storyboard.

    Additional changes to demo to reflect above changes with switch in view controller to enable and disable vertical orientation.

    opened by reedand 1
  • FloatRatingView not wroking properly when we add it on tableview cell

    FloatRatingView not wroking properly when we add it on tableview cell

    Hi, when i add it on Tableview cell then it not working as expected . i mean when we try to tap on any star it doesn't change the star values only working on floating .

    opened by Sahilberi 1
  • ISSUE With swift 1.2

    ISSUE With swift 1.2

    I have some issues with the interface builder. So XCODE tells me : /Main.storyboard: warning: IB Designables: Ignoring user defined runtime attribute for key path "rating" on instance of "UIView". Hit an exception when attempting to set its value: [<UIView 0x7fc0b9cab4d0> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key rating.

    opened by BilalReffas 1
  • Add tvOS to the podspec?

    Add tvOS to the podspec?

    I'm trying to fix up PopcornTimeTV/PopcornTimeTV, and apparently they've been using this pod in the tvOS target in the past. Not sure how since it appears your podpsec never declared it supported tvOS. It looks like they just created their own spec and manually added tvOS to the spec.

    This leads me to believe it actually works on tvOS. Could you add tvOS to the list of supported platforms, like the spec file linked above does? Worst case, it doesn't work and you can remove it. Best case, it does, and I'll let you know!

    opened by NSExceptional 0
  • No suitable image found

    No suitable image found

    Hi everybody.

    I have an error when I tried to start my app in an Iphone 7 plus with IOS 13.3.1, but in an others Iphone with a IOS oldest it is working fine, it is the error that I have obtain:

    dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/FloatRatingView.framework/FloatRatingView Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/C1FE3C2D-55F9-4A68-B182-26C43EDA4B98/Kafuu.app/Kafuu Reason: no suitable image found. Did find: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/C1FE3C2D-55F9-4A68-B182-26C43EDA4B98/Kafuu.app/Frameworks/FloatRatingView.framework/FloatRatingView: code signature invalid for '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/C1FE3C2D-55F9-4A68-B182-26C43EDA4B98/Kafuu.app/Frameworks/FloatRatingView.framework/FloatRatingView'

    /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/C1FE3C2D-55F9-4A68-B182-26C43EDA4B98/Kafuu.app/Frameworks/FloatRatingView.framework/FloatRatingView: code signature invalid for '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/C1FE3C2D-55F9-4A68-B182-26C43EDA4B98/Kafuu.app/Frameworks/FloatRatingView.framework/FloatRatingView'
    /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/C1FE3C2D-55F9-4A68-B182-26C43EDA4B98/Kafuu.app/Frameworks/FloatRatingView.framework/FloatRatingView: stat() failed with errno=1
    /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/C1FE3C2D-55F9-4A68-B182-26C43EDA4B98/Kafuu.app/Frameworks/FloatRatingView.framework/FloatRatingView: code signature invalid for '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/C1FE3C2D-55F9-4A68-B182-26C43EDA4B98/Kafuu.app/Frameworks/FloatRatingView.framework/FloatRatingView'
    /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/C1FE3C2D-55F9-4A68-B182-26C43EDA4B98/Kafuu.app/Frameworks/FloatRatingView.framework/FloatRatingView: stat() failed with errno=1



    opened by kzp01 1
  • No shared framework scheme for Carthage

    No shared framework scheme for Carthage

    When trying to do a carthage update, receiving the following error:

    Dependency "FloatRatingView" has no shared framework schemes for any of the platforms: iOS

    opened by droobah 0
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