StarryStars is iOS GUI library for displaying and editing ratings



StarryStars is iOS GUI library for displaying and editing ratings


StarryStars' RatingView is both IBDesignable and IBInspectable

You can change any of the following properties right in the interface builder:


And see the result right away:


To add RatingView to your Storyboard/.xib file just drag a generic UIView from palette, then in "Custom Class" section of identity inspector set class to RatingView



  • cd to your project folder
  • touch Cartfile (if you don't have one yet)
  • nano Cartfile
  • put github "peterprokop/StarryStars" == 2.0.0 into Cartfile
  • Save it: ctrl-x, y, enter
  • Run carthage update
  • Copy framework from Carthage/Build/iOS to your project
  • Make sure that framework is added in Embedded Binaries section of your target (or else you will get dyld library not loaded referenced from ... reason image not found error)
  • Add import StarryStars on top of your view controller's code


Just clone and add StarryStars directory to your project.


  • Make sure that you use latest stable Cocoapods version: pod --version
  • If not, update it: sudo gem install cocoapods
  • pod init in you project root dir
  • nano Podfile, add:
pod 'StarryStars', '~> 2.0.0'
  • Save it: ctrl-x, y, enter
  • pod update
  • Open generated .xcworkspace
  • Don't forget to import StarryStars: import StarryStars!


  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 10.0+
  • Swift 5.0 (for older versions, see swift-2.2 branch)

Usage from code


let rvRightToLeft = RatingView()

rvRightToLeft.frame = view.bounds

rvRightToLeft.editable = true
rvRightToLeft.delegate = self

// RatingView will respect setting this property
rvRightToLeft.semanticContentAttribute = .forceRightToLeft

Objective C:

RatingView* rvRightToLeft = [[RatingView alloc] init];

rvRightToLeft.frame = self.view.bounds;

[self.view addSubview:rvRightToLeft];
rvRightToLeft.editable = YES;
rvRightToLeft.delegate = self;

// RatingView will respect setting this property
rvRightToLeft.semanticContentAttribute = UISemanticContentAttributeForceRightToLeft;

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