GLScratchCard - Scratch card effect



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To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


GLScratchCard XCode 10 and Swift 4.2. With deployment target 11.0.



GLScratchCard is available through CocoaPods. To install

it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'GLScratchCard'


Copy the files from ~/Pods/DevelopmentPods/GLScratchCard/ to your project.

User Guide

Basic Usage

let controller = GLScratchCardController()
controller.scratchCardView.addDelegate(delegate: self)
controller.scratchCardView.bottomLayerView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "cash_back"))
controller.scratchCardView.topLayerImage = UIImage(named:"scratch_image")!


Break Down

let controller = GLScratchCardController() 

Setting up Components

Titles to be shown initilly, before scratch starts

controller.scratchCardView.doneButtonTitle = "Gift to a friend"
controller.scratchCardView.scratchCardTitle = "Earn up to ₹1,0000"
controller.scratchCardView.scratchCardSubTitle = "From Google Pay \nEarned for paying \nGokul"

Title to be show after scratch ends,

controller.scratchCardView.afterScratchDoneButtonTitle = "Done"
controller.scratchCardView.afterScratchTitle = "Woohoo!"
controller.scratchCardView.afterScratchSubTitle = "Expect payment within a weak."

Top layer image view,

controller.scratchCardView.topLayerImage = UIImage(named:"scratch_image")!

Bottom layer image view (one that will be reviled after scratching ends),

controller.scratchCardView.bottomLayerView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "cash_back"))

Can customise scratch size and shape (.round, .square, .butt),

controller.scratchCardView.scratchCardImageView.lineWidth = 50
controller.scratchCardView.scratchCardImageView.lineType = .round


  1. GLScratchCardDelegate
  2. GLScratchCarImageViewDelegate

Add delegates,

controller.scratchCardView.addDelegate(delegate: self)


func didCloseButtonPressed(sender: UIButton)
func didDoneButtonPressed(sender: UIButton)


func scratchpercentageDidChange(value: Float)
func didScratchStarted()
func didScratchEnded()






GLScratchCard is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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