Haptico 📳 - easy to use haptic feedback generator with pattern-play support



Haptico is easy to use iOS haptic feedback generator. Besides default haptic feedbacks it can play patterns! Checkout Example project.

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Table of contents


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

How to use

First of all you will need to import Haptico module into your class:

import Haptico

Also keep in mind that depending on the device you are using - the feedback might be different. Starting from iPhone 7 all the iPhones are coming with haptic engine. Prior to iPhone 7 Haptico will use standard vibration. Also Pattern play and impacts are not supported on devices prior to iPhone 7 and iOS 10

1. Generating predefined default feedbacks.

With Haptico you can generate three default types of haptic notifications:

public enum HapticoNotification {
    case success
    case warning
    case error

Here is small example how can you generate Success, Warning and Error feedbacks:

@IBAction func generateSuccess(_ sender: Any) {
@IBAction func generateWarning(_ sender: Any) {
@IBAction func generateError(_ sender: Any) {

2. Generating impact feedbacks

Besides default haptic notifications, Haptico can also generate impact notifications. The library supports three types of impact notifications (available in iOS10+ and staring from iPhone 7):

public enum HapticoImpact {
    case light
    case medium
    case heavy

And to use them call:


Easy, huh?

3. Pattern play

And now something special - Pattern Play. Haptico can play patterns, "coded" as String. Let's take a look at small example:

Haptico.shared().generateFeedbackFromPattern("..oO-Oo..", delay: 0.1)

Each character in this string represents some specific haptic impact:

  • "O" (capital "o") - heavy impact
  • "o" - medium impact
  • "." - light impact
  • "-" - delay which has duration of 0.1 second

4. UI extensions

Haptico comes with a couple of UI Extensions: HapticoButton (which is subclass of UIButton) and UIAlertController extension with haptic feedback.

In order to start using HapticoButton - just set the class name in your Storyboard to HapticoButton. Then with UIControlEvents.touchDown event you will get heavy impact feedback and with UIControlEvents.touchUpInside and UIControlEvents.touchUpOutside you will get light impact feedback.

To use Haptico together with UIAlertController follow this simple example:

func showSuccessAlert() {
    let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Alert Title", message: "Alert Message", preferredStyle: .alert)
    alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Ok", style: .default, handler: nil))
    present(alert, animated: true, hapticNotification: .success)


Haptico is available through CocoaPods, Carthage and Swift Package Manager.


To install it using CocoaPods, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Haptico'


To install it via Carthage, add the following line to your Cartfile and follow the instructions to adding frameworks to an application:

github "iSapozhnik/Haptico"

Swift Package Manager

To install it using the Swift Package Manager, either directly add it to your project using Xcode 11, or specify it as dependency in the Package.swift file:

// ...
dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/iSapozhnik/Haptico.git", from: "1.1.0"),



isapozhnik, sapozhnik.ivan@gmail.com


If you like this project and it helps you to reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of ☕️ 😉



Haptico is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Add capability for new devices

    Add capability for new devices

    Set hasHapticFeedback to use CoreHaptics to detect if device has haptic engine if device is using iOS 13+ instead of having to rely on a device list that has to be updated each time new iPhones are released.

    opened by justinkumpe 7
  • iPhone 11 above doesn't support hapticFeedback

    iPhone 11 above doesn't support hapticFeedback

    Maybe it's because on UIDevice+Extensions it only checks up to iPhone XS Max.

            get {
                return deviceType == .iPhone6S || deviceType == .iPhone6SPlus ||
                    deviceType == .iPhone7 || deviceType == .iPhone7Plus ||
                    deviceType == .iPhone8 || deviceType == .iPhone8Plus ||
                    deviceType == .iPhoneX || deviceType == .iPhoneXR ||
                    deviceType == .iPhoneXS || deviceType == .iPhoneXSMax
    I said maybe because I don't have iPhone 11 device so I'm not sure if adding iPhone 11 checking will solve the problem.
    opened by thidayatullah 2
  • Added iPhone12 Models

    Added iPhone12 Models

    Added iPhone12 models to UIDevice+Extensions.swift.

    Also bumped version number in podsec file. If merged please push new version to cocoapods. Pushing new version will also resolve #14

    opened by justinkumpe 1
  • Add support for Swift Package Manager

    Add support for Swift Package Manager


    As follow-up to #8, this PR adds support for Swift Package Manager. Since I had to fix some of the imports I also raised the version to 1.1.0.

    opened by ffittschen 1
  • Add Carthage support

    Add Carthage support


    This PR adds Carthage support to Haptico. To do so, I had to delete the top level symlink _Pods.xcodeproj -> Example/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj since it was confusing carthage.

    opened by ffittschen 1
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