TapticEngine generates haptic feedback vibrations on iOS device.



License Swift Carthage compatible CocoaPods compatible Downloads with CocoaPods Awesome


TapticEngine generates haptic feedback vibrations on iOS device. This library wrapps on UIImpactFeedbackGenerator, UISelectionFeedbackGenerator, UINotificationFeedbackGenerator.



Build Xcode project.

  1. Open TapticEngine.xcodeproj.
  2. Change Scheme to TapticEngineDemo
  3. Run


// Triggers an impact feedback between small, light user interface elements. (`UIImpactFeedbackStyle.light`)

// Triggers an impact feedback between moderately sized user interface elements. (`UIImpactFeedbackStyle.medium`)

// Triggers an impact feedback between large, heavy user interface elements.  (`UIImpactFeedbackStyle.heavy`)

// Triggers a selection feedback to communicate movement through a series of discrete values.

// Triggers a notification feedback, indicating that a task has completed successfully. (`UINotificationFeedbackType.success`)

// Triggers a notification feedback, indicating that a task has produced a warning. (`UINotificationFeedbackType.warning`)

// Triggers a notification feedback, indicating that a task has failed. (`UINotificationFeedbackType.error`)

// Prepare an impact feedback for `UIImpactFeedbackStyle.light`.

// Prepare a selection feedback.

// Prepare a notification feedback.


  • Swift 4.0+
  • iOS 9.0+ (But it works on iOS 10 or later. On iOS 9, it does nothing.)



TapticEngine is available through Carthage. To install it, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "WorldDownTown/TapticEngine"


TapticEngine is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'TapticEngine'


Download and drop TapticEngine/Sources folder in your project.


WorldDownTown, WorldDownTown@gmail.com


TapticEngine is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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  • 1.1.0(Apr 10, 2017)

    • Update method interface.
    // Triggers a impact feedback between small, light user interface elements. (`UIImpactFeedbackStyle.light`)
    // Triggers a impact feedback between moderately sized user interface elements. (`UIImpactFeedbackStyle.medium`)
    // Triggers a impact feedback between large, heavy user interface elements.  (`UIImpactFeedbackStyle.heavy`)
    // Triggers a selection feedback to communicate movement through a series of discrete values.
    // Triggers a notification feedback, indicating that a task has completed successfully. (`UINotificationFeedbackType.success`)
    // Triggers a notification feedback, indicating that a task has produced a warning. (`UINotificationFeedbackType.warning`)
    // Triggers a notification feedback, indicating that a task has failed. (`UINotificationFeedbackType.error`)
    // Prepare a impact feedback for `UIImpactFeedbackStyle.light`.
    // Prepare a selection feedback.
    // Prepare a notification feedback.
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    Source code(zip)
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