Matomo-mobile-2 - Matomo Mobile 2 App - The official Git repository! Liberating Web Analytics on the go!


Matomo Mobile 2 -


Matomo (formerly Piwik) is a downloadable, open source (GPL licensed) real time web analytics software program. It provides you with detailed reports on your website visitors: the search engines and keywords they used, the language they speak, your popular pages... and so much more.

Matomo aims to be an open source alternative to Google Analytics.

Matomo Mobile is the official Matomo app for iOS and Android phones and tablets. The reports generated by Matomo are accessible by using this mobile client. Our vision is to keep the Matomo Mobile app as close as possible to the website. That means same functionality and same look and feel.

Mission Statement

« To create, as a community, the leading international Free/Libre web analytics application, providing access to all functionality through open components and open APIs. »

Or in short:

« Liberate Web Analytics »


Matomo Mobile is released under the GPL v3 license, see LICENSE.




  • Anonymous Tracking in Piwik Mobile

    Anonymous Tracking in Piwik Mobile

    • User can enable/disable tracking in Settings
    • Create a new site on
    • We ask the user whether he wants to enable / disable tracking on first start (after update/install)
    • Create a tracker.js for Piwik Mobile
    • Use tracker.js in Piwik Mobile to track views, exceptions, etc.
    opened by tsteur 28
  • Piwik Mobile to display Custom Variables values when a Custom var name is clicked

    Piwik Mobile to display Custom Variables values when a Custom var name is clicked

    When clicking on a row (Custom var name) Piwik mobile would show a subtable with values (custom var values) Requested in:,76375

    Piwik Mobile requirements:

    • Is Piwik Mobile already able to display a subtable in the same screen?
    • Or would Piwik Mobile reload the screen to display only the Custom var values after clicking on a Custom var name? In this case, the "swipe / back" gesture would come back to the previous "Custom variable names" report.

    Both solutions would be fine IMO... whatever is easiest/best could be done?

    There are also "Piwik core" requirements to make this feature work:

    • Piwik Metadata API also returns which API to call when a row is clicked eg. CustomVariables.getCustomVariablesValuesFromNameId

    • Piwik metadata should support the API call CustomVariables.getCustomVariablesValuesFromNameId currently unsupported

      Then piwik mobile would call metadata API for this API method which would return the whole report for the row clicked, as a standard Piwik report

    Any feedback please post a comment!

    opened by mattab 27
  • Create an iPad specific layout

    Create an iPad specific layout

    Create an iPad specific layout by using a SplitWindow ( ). No Swipe to right, instead open Windows in a modal window or in Popovers ( )

    We have to refactor the app a bit therefore. Currently, there is always only one active window. All events are fired in thePiwik.UI.currentWindow context currently. Now we have multiple active windows at the same time and we have to make sure that events are fired in the correct context.

    opened by tsteur 22
  • "You can't access this resource" error using default login screen

    I can't login to my piwik instance using Piwik Mobile app default login page. The error message says: "You can't access this resource as it requires an View access for at least one website." The error is thrown immediately after login. On the server, there is one user (me, superadmin) and one page.

    However! When I go to "Try it > Accounts > Add new account," using the very same url, login and password, it works and I can browse my page statistics.


    • app version: "2.0.1 - 3.2.0 543fc64"
    • app platform: "iPhone OS 7.1.2 iPhone6,2 (en)"
    • piwik version: 2.4.1
    • installed on intranet, accessed on HTTP via VPN
    opened by ghost 21
  • Can't Login via piwik mobile

    Can't Login via piwik mobile


    i tried a lot of time, i can't not login via piwik mobile.

    but it works when i use the safari to access the login page.

    please tell me how to fix it.

    hardware:iphone4 OS:iOS 4.2.1

    opened by anonymous-matomo-user 20
  • Allow change columns of the report - nb_visits, visits, ...

    Allow change columns of the report - nb_visits, visits, ...

    The user should be able to view all columns of the report, to see Conversion rate, Revenue and Bounce rate per entry.

    Maybe we add an event listener to the title of the statistic list. The title is the blue label containing for example the text "Unique Pageviews" or "Visits". As soon as the user clicks the label we'll open an Option Dialog where the user is able to select the appropriate? I think there is not really enough space in the headline for another icon.

    Another question is: shall we save this selection in a session and use this selection preferably (if the selected statistic supports this)?

    opened by tsteur 16
  • Support SSL when SNI is in use

    Support SSL when SNI is in use

    Android: Dependent on this issue: iOS: Not sure whether it already works here or not. If not it might automatically work by setting a TLS version:!/api/Titanium.Network.HTTPClient-method-setTlsVersion not sure re any other drawbacks etc

    opened by tsteur 15
  • no image in Samsung galaxy note

    no image in Samsung galaxy note

    In the last version of Android market of piwik mobile, I don't have image, neither sparkling. All graph, small image (as image used for navigator) are absent.

    So I have a text only version of piwik. :-)

    opened by anonymous-matomo-user 14
  • Piwik Mobile client could use the Metadata API to automatically provide all reports

    Piwik Mobile client could use the Metadata API to automatically provide all reports

    In Piwik 0.8, a new powerful API was release: metadata API.

    The Metadata API is documented in the (new) doc page at:

    The Metadata API is used to

    • get the list of all reports (category, names, API methods to call, column names, etc.) for all Piwik API reports.
    • get a specific API report data set

    The Piwik Mobile would therefore not have anything hard coded (list of reports, etc.) as it would simply call the Metadata API once, cache it for the given idSite/date/period.

    Then when a specific report is clicked in the Mobile UI, the API.getProcessedReport would return all data ready to be displayed in the Mobile Client.

    Let me know if this makes sense.

    The big advantage is that, when in the future new reports are released in Piwik, the Mobile client will automatically display these reports (translated, etc.). This should also simplify the code and make maintenance easier.

    This Metadata API is currently used to build the PDF UIs and generate PDF reports. It will also be used for the Custom Alerts plugin.

    Let me know if you have any question

    opened by mattab 14
  • Change Manage Account screen

    Change Manage Account screen

    Add/Edit/Manage Accounts doesn't look that good at the moment. Optimize the screen to look a bit more native. Also add an advice how to delete an account on iOS.

    opened by tsteur 13
  • Unable to authenticate to more than one server with 2FA enabled

    Unable to authenticate to more than one server with 2FA enabled

    Hey there,

    I have Matomo instances running, both with 2FA enabled accounts. When I try to add the second server to Matomo Mobile 2 on iOS, it results in the following error:


    Having the first server with 2FA enabled and the second without 2FA, then it works flawlessly.

    opened by philipptrenz 12
  • Mobile App: Connect to Multiple Matomo Dashboards (and switch between them)

    Mobile App: Connect to Multiple Matomo Dashboards (and switch between them)

    When it comes to the mobile version, the first thing I realized is that you can only connect with ONE Matomo Dashboard at a time.

    It would be a great extension of the mobile app (but also the web version on-premise) if you could register multiple servers that have Matomo on-premise and then switch between them in the app on the fly. Because in a professional environment, you can easily have multiple client servers and multiple Matomo Dashboards that you have to administer.

    I appreciate your consideration, and keep up the great work!


    opened by TheRealFreelancer 1
  • Enhancement: Ask before logout / signing out with a confirmation alert

    Enhancement: Ask before logout / signing out with a confirmation alert

    A user writes: Question: What is the feature you are missing the most in Matomo and why? Answer: " a confirmation box before signing out. It is easy accidentally signing out when using the web-app on e.g. an ipad or iphone"

    opened by atom-box 0
  • Graphics glitch on iOS version

    Graphics glitch on iOS version

    On the latest iOS version, when opening the Visits Log, after going back a few pages by pressing the „Previous“ button, entries get displayed on top of each other, making them impossible to read.


    opened by KarimGeiger 7
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