iOS custom badge button.



MIBadgeButton is badge button written in Swift with high UITableView/UICollectionView performance.


alt tag


MIBadgeButton is available through CocoaPods, to install it simply add the following line to your Podfile:

# Swift 3
pod "MIBadgeButton-Swift", :git => '', :branch => 'master'

# Swift 2
pod "MIBadgeButton-Swift", :git => '', :branch => 'swift2'

Add MIBadgeButton to Storyboard or init with frame

button.badgeString = "120"

Set EdgeInsets to change the default position of the badge (Optional)

button.badgeEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(10, 0, 0, 15)

Change the badge text color and background color

button.badgeTextColor = UIColor.blueColor()
button.badgeBackgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()


Mustafa Ibrahim,


Designed for iOS 8.


MIBadgeButton is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • "Use of undeclared type MiBadgeButton"

    throwing my this error when I try to add a button to storyboard and give it the MiBadgeButton class and add an IBOutlet to it in code:

    "Use of undeclared type MiBadgeButton"

    i have tried:

    import MIBadgeButton_Swift

    but it does not seem to help.

    Any Ideas?

    opened by uknowmeright 8
  • Optional.None instead of empty string

    Optional.None instead of empty string

    Passing Optional.None instead of empty string in setupBadgeViewWithString upon initializing from Interface Builder.

    If an empty string is passed in those functions, when you initialize the badge from IB it will show an empty circle, but the badge should be hidden.

    simulator screen shot mar 23 2016 4 32 00 pm

    opened by dirtydanee 2
  • Adding badge to system UIBarButtonItem

    Adding badge to system UIBarButtonItem

    How to add badge on top of system BarButtonItem of specific style (ex. bookmarked)

    i am able to set my own image by button.setImage(UIImage(named: "filter_icon"), forState: .Normal). But how can we use system UIBarButtonSystemItem images?

    Any help!

    opened by stephen-talari 1
  • Getting warning message when installing from CocoaPods

    Getting warning message when installing from CocoaPods

    Thank you for this great work. I would like to tell you I'm getting this warning message from the terminal when I install MIBadgeButton via CocoaPods. @mustafaibrahim989

    [!] Unable to read the license file /Users/username/appname.iOS/Pods/MIBadgeButton-Swift/mit-license.txt for the spec MIBadgeButton-Swift (0.1) `

    opened by LuaiKalkatawi 1
  • iOS 9 Xcode 7.0GM issue

    iOS 9 Xcode 7.0GM issue

    Hi Mustafa,

    I am facing issue on this line, in code that you have shared:

    labelString.drawInRect(textFrame, withAttributes: attributes as [NSObject: AnyObject]) // issue is here

    Message: [NSObject: AnyObject] cannot be converted to expected type [String : AnyObject]?

    Pankaj Bansal

    opened by coolagrwal 1
  • UIBarButtonItem


    It would be fantastic to have an easy way to use this on a UIBarButtonItem. Any chance you will extend it to cover this? I want to use this for a notification count indicator badge.

    opened by jedgrant 1
  • Fix xc beta6 compilation errors

    Fix xc beta6 compilation errors

    Mustafa, you have some compilation errors it think this is because you don't have the latest version of xcode (beta6), i have solved a lot of those errors, but still there are some errors in 'MIBadgeLabel', due to a change in the api that calculates the text size (sizeWithFont)

    opened by aibrahim16 1
  • Badge anchor

    Badge anchor

    -Badge now can stick to 4 different position on button here i call it anchor, these position are TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight and Center. Those anchors have offset values e.g when anchor set to TopLeft have 2 valid offset values, left and top respectively. You can either use offset value to do minor position adjustment or leave it zero which will no effect.

    "badgeEdgeInsets" property is still taking into count when calculating X Y for badge, therefore, this become 4 different options when working with badge. 1.Leave both "badgeEdgeInsets" or anchor offset to zero, this lead to badge's center been placed at 4 different position on button 2.Change "badgeEdgeInsets" to do minor adjustment 3.Change anchor offset to do minor adjustment 4.Combine "badgeEdgeInsets" with anchor offset

    -Class become designable and some properties are inspectable which mean badge's properties can be adjust in Interface Builder and visual of badge will automatically update base on those properties

    opened by tomneo2004 0
  • Fix layout breaking on bounds change

    Fix layout breaking on bounds change

    This request just adds a simple override at the bottom of the button code.
 The override makes it so the button will adjust the badge to be in the correct position when the button's bounds change. Here's the complete code changed:

        When the Button's bounds change, readjust the badge to be in the correct spot.
        This comes into play when the button is in a stack view and needs to adjust it's size, or when a constraint is changed.
    open override var bounds: CGRect {
        didSet {
            setupBadgeViewWithString(badgeText: badgeString)
    opened by thecoolwinter 0
  • Can I use this with a masked button?

    Can I use this with a masked button?

    I am setting my button image to a gradient image and masking the actual button image over it, but have found that when using this process it is not showing the badge button indicator anymore. As soon as I change it back to as non masked style button it works just fine. Is there a way to use a masked button and not loose the indicator?? I can obviously use a UIView for this if necessary, but wanted to ask if you may have a solution before I went that route????

    Also, completely unrelated to the first issue, just FYI the way you have your POD setup, it forces cocoa pods to download the full version of this with every single update. Not sure if this is intended, but seems to be completely unnecessary as if there is an update it will download it automagically. Keep up the great work!!! Thank you!!!

    img_8433 img_8432

    opened by sdevo619 1
  • The statusbar overlap badge label in navigationitem iOS 11

    The statusbar overlap badge label in navigationitem iOS 11

    In iOS 10, it looks OK but in iOS 11, the statusbar overlap badge label when push navigation. Can anyone help me? Thanks Please see my image:

    opened by seasoft-phuc 4
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