Swifty API for NSTimer



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Modern Swifty API for NSTimer

SwiftyTimer allows you to instantly schedule delays and repeating timers using convenient closure syntax. It's time to get rid of Objective-C cruft.

Read Swifty APIs: NSTimer for more information about this project.


You can easily schedule repeating and non-repeating timers (repeats and delays) using Timer.every and Timer.after:

Timer.every(0.7.seconds) {

Timer.after(1.minute) {
    println("Are you still here?")

You can specify time intervals with these intuitive helpers:


You can pass method references instead of closures:

Timer.every(30.seconds, align)

Manual scheduling

If you want to make a timer object without scheduling, use new(after:) and new(every:):

let timer = Timer.new(every: 1.second) {

(This should be defined as an initializer, but a bug in Foundation prevents this)

Call start() to schedule timers created using new. You can optionally pass the run loop and run loop modes:

timer.start(modes: .defaultRunLoopMode, .eventTrackingRunLoopMode)


If you want to invalidate a repeating timer on some condition, you can take a Timer argument in the closure you pass in:

Timer.every(5.seconds) { (timer: Timer) in
    // do something
    if finished {


Note: If you're running Swift 2, use SwiftyTimer v1.4.1


If you're using CocoaPods, just add this line to your Podfile:

pod 'SwiftyTimer'

Install by running this command in your terminal:

pod install

Then import the library in all files where you use it:

import SwiftyTimer


Just add to your Cartfile:

github "radex/SwiftyTimer"


Simply copy Sources/SwiftyTimer.swift to your Xcode project.

More like this

If you like SwiftyTimer, check out SwiftyUserDefaults, which applies the same swifty approach to NSUserDefaults.

You might also be interested in my blog posts which explain the design process behind those libraries:


If you have comments, complaints or ideas for improvements, feel free to open an issue or a pull request.

Author and license

Radek Pietruszewski

SwiftyTimer is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Include NSTimer in block?

    Include NSTimer in block?

    What are your thoughts about including the timer object in the block?

    public class func every(interval: NSTimeInterval, _ block: NSTimer -> Void) -> NSTimer {}

    Otherwise I need to declare the variable separately like this:

    var timer: NSTimer?
    timer = NSTimer.every(5.seconds) {
    opened by efremidze 7
  • Usage issue

    Usage issue

    I was wondering if you can clarify what the difference is between

    NSTimer.every(0.7.seconds) {


    let timer = NSTimer.new(every: 1.second) {
    opened by pjebs 3
  • is it supposed to work on a background queue?

    is it supposed to work on a background queue?

    Thanks for sharing your work. Trying to do something apparently simple but I see nothing on the console and breakpoints don't stop there. What am I getting wrong?

    let backgroundQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "1sec",
        qos: .background,
        target: nil)
    backgroundQueue.async {
        Timer.every(1.seconds) {
            self.log.debug("Timer tick at \(Date())")


    opened by jaimeagudo 2
  • Support lower deployment targets than 10.11

    Support lower deployment targets than 10.11

    I haven't perused the source fully, but I would imagine there is no reason that 10.11 is the deployment target for this. I'm wanting to use it in a project that needs to support mavericks. My guess is it was an oversight, as it was in my project file.

    opened by jhoughjr 2
  • Use default arguments naming

    Use default arguments naming

    When I call a NSTimer.after and pass a function, it doesn't have a argument name for second argument. This feels not natural for me regarding that all other functions usually used default or external names.

      NSTimer.after(1.second, close)

    Using default names don't change the nice trailing closure syntax

    public class func after(interval: NSTimeInterval, block: () -> Void) -> NSTimer 
    NSTimer.after(1.second) {

    If you agree I can make a PR :)

    opened by kostiakoval 2
  • Convert code base to swift 3.0 (Xcode 8.0 beta 2)

    Convert code base to swift 3.0 (Xcode 8.0 beta 2)


    Fixes https://github.com/radex/SwiftyTimer/issues/27

    Most of the migration was done using Xcode's migration tool. It is mostly about renaming NSTimer to Timer.

    Minor thing to note: Swift 3 will now produce a warning of the result of Timer.<method> is unused.

    Let me know if you have any question.

    opened by ldiqual 1
  • Support for Swift Package Manager

    Support for Swift Package Manager

    Swift Package Manager

    • iOS: Open Xcode, File->Swift Packages, search input https://github.com/radex/SwiftyTimer.git, and then select Version Up to Next Major 2.1.1 < .
    • Or add dependencies in your Package.swift:
    .package(url: "https://github.com/radex/SwiftyTimer.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "2.1.1")),

    Please git a new tag to support it.

    opened by janlionly 0
  • Add the ability to specify RunLoop and RunLoopMode in `after` and `every` methods

    Add the ability to specify RunLoop and RunLoopMode in `after` and `every` methods

    This was required in my project to be able to use after and every methods for timers that need to update the UI. The timer needs to run in .commonModes to be able to update the UI while scrolling.

    It keep the same behaviour as previously and the signature is backward compatible. I added a new start function because the splat operator is not available in Swift, hence the need to create a new one that takes an array as parameters.

    Feedbacks are welcome, I will adjust the PR accordingly.

    opened by madeinqc 0
  • Can't figure out how to stop timer

    Can't figure out how to stop timer


    I want to make a function that starts the timer unless there is a bool true in params (e.g. animateStatusIcon(stop: true)) - in that case I want to stop the timer. Does anyone have an idea what's going on here?

    The timer starts but no matter what I do it wont stop.

    func animateStatusIcon(stop: Bool? = nil){
            let icon = NSImage(named: "statusIcon")
            let iconActive = NSImage(named: "statusIconActive")
            let timer = Timer.every(0.4.seconds) {
                self.statusItem.image = icon
                Timer.after(0.2.seconds) {
                    self.statusItem.image = iconActive
            if(stop == true){
                print("should stop now")
            } else  {
    opened by benjam1n 0
  • Crash when calling fire() after creating timer

    Crash when calling fire() after creating timer

    The following code worked with 1.3.0 but crashes with 1.4.0:

    let timer = NSTimer.every(1) { 
                print("do something!")

    The internal refactoring of not using NSTimer initializers might be the problem.

    opened by BenchR267 10
Radek Pietruszewski
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