A lightweight 3D Linear Carousel with parallax effect



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A lightweight 3D Linear Carousel with parallax effect

[GIF] Threedimensional & Normal mode

Threedimensional demo Normal demo


TGLParallaxCarousel is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

Swift 3:

pod 'TGLParallaxCarousel'

Swift 2.2:

pod 'TGLParallaxCarousel' ', '~> 0.3'


  1. Place one UIView object in your VC in the Storyboard and set it as subclass of TGLParallaxCarousel

  2. Create an IBOutlet in your VC.swift file, connect it a connect delegate and datasource.

@IBOutlet weak var carouselView: TGLParallaxCarousel!

override func viewDidLoad() {

carouselView.delegate = self
carouselView.margin = 10
carouselView.selectedIndex = 2
carouselView.type = .threeDimensional
  1. Conform to delegate
extension ViewController: TGLParallaxCarouselDelegate {

func numberOfItemsInCarouselView(_ carouselView: TGLParallaxCarousel) -> Int {
return 5

func carouselView(_ carouselView: TGLParallaxCarousel, itemForRowAtIndex index: Int) -> TGLParallaxCarouselItem {
return CustomView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 300, height: 150) , number: index)

func carouselView(_ carouselView: TGLParallaxCarousel, didSelectItemAtIndex index: Int) {
print("Tap on item at index \(index)")

func carouselView(_ carouselView: TGLParallaxCarousel, willDisplayItem item: TGLParallaxCarouselItem, forIndex index: Int) {
  1. Enjoy!


taglia3, matteo.tagliafico@gmail.com

LinkedIn, Matteo Tagliafico


TGLParallaxCarousel is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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