VLC for iOS and tvOS official mirror


VLC-iOS banner

This is the official mirror repository of VLC for iOS and tvOS application.

You can find the official repository here.

It's currently written in Objective-C / Swift and uses VLCKit, a libvlc wrapper.


  • Xcode 11.0+
  • macOS 10.12+
  • Cocoapods 1.4+



  1. Run [sudo] gem install cocoapods.
  2. Run pod install.
  3. Open VLC.xcworkspace.
  4. Hit "Build and Run".

Custom VLCKit

Mostly for debugging or advanced users, you might want to have a custom local VLCKit build.

  1. Clone VLCKit:

    git clone https://code.videolan.org/videolan/VLCKit.git

  2. Inside the VLCKit folder, run the following command:

    ./compileAndBuildVLCKit.sh -a ${MYARCH}

    MYARCH can be i386 x86_64 armv7 armv7s or aarch64.

    Add -d for a debug build (to have valid stack straces and asserts).

    Add -n if you want to use you own VLC repository for VLCKit (See VLCKit README.md).

  3. Replace the MobileVLCKit.framework with the one you just built.

    Inside your vlc-ios folder, after a pod update, do:

    cd Pods/MobileVLCKit

    rm -rf MobileVLCKit.framework

    ln -s ${VLCKit}/build/MobileVLCKit.framework

  4. Hit "Build and Run".

Beginner's Guide

Can't get your project to build or run? Head over to the beginner's guide for help on common issues beginners tend to run into.

If you can't find your problem on the guide, please feel free to submit an issue.


Pull request

Pull request are more than welcome! If you do submit one, please make sure to use a descriptive title and description.


We try to follow a simple set of rules, outlined by this guide.

Additionally, commit messages should have all the information needed to understand the commit easily as the follwing:

    Subject: Brief description

    Description in detail if needed.

    (ticket related action)

For example:

    UPnP: Remove iOS 7 compatiblity code

    (closes #166)

Gitlab issues

You can look through issues we currently have on the VideoLAN GitLab.

A beginner friendly tag is available if you don't know where to start.



If you have any question or if you're not sure it's actually an issue, please visit our forum.


You have encountered an issue and wish to report it to the VLC dev team?

You can create one on our GitLab or on our bug tracker.

Before creating an issue or ticket, please double check for duplicates!


Want to quickly get in touch with us for a question, or even just to talk?

You will always find someone from the VLC team on IRC, #videolan channel on the freenode network.

For VLC-iOS specific questions, you can find us on #vlc-ios.

If you don't have an IRC client, you can always use the freenode webchat.

Code of Conduct

Please read and follow the VideoLAN CoC.


VLC-iOS is under the GPLv2 (or later) and the MPLv2 license.

See COPYING for more license info.


For everything else, check our wiki or our support page.

We're happy to help!

  • [Playback] iOS control center media controls

    [Playback] iOS control center media controls

    It seems like simply setting _mediaPlayer.position does not actually change the position of control center's scrubber; or am I missing something???

    My workaround was using the [VLCMediaPlayer jumpFoward:Int] function to take care of all the magic that happens behind the scenes for me.

    opened by mkchoi212 19
  • VLCMovieViewController: Added VideoOptionsControlBar to VLCMovieViewController

    VLCMovieViewController: Added VideoOptionsControlBar to VLCMovieViewController


    • [x] I've run bundle exec fastlane test from the root directory to see all new and existing tests pass
    • [x] I've followed the vlc-ios code style
    • [x] I've read the Contribution Guidelines
    • [x] I've updated the documentation if necessary.


    opened by robwayne 17
  • Fix empty view

    Fix empty view


    • [x] I've run bundle exec fastlane test from the root directory to see all new and existing tests pass
    • [x] I've followed the vlc-ios code style and run bundle exec fastlane lint to ensure the code style is valid
    • [x] I've read the Contribution Guidelines
    • [x] I've updated the documentation if necessary.


    simulator screen shot - iphone 6s - 2018-05-14 at 22 08 12

    simulator screen shot - iphone 6s - 2018-05-14 at 22 03 01

    • [x] Adapt empty view to theme
    • [x] Adaptive layout
    • [ ] Enable scrolling?
    opened by mkchoi212 16
  • 360videos with device motion

    360videos with device motion

    It's still work in progress but I wanted to share this. I'm still having the problem that when I hold the phone exactly opposite of the starting point I see the exact start frame upside down again and currently the gesturerecognizers are completely overwritten.

    360videos with devicemotion

    opened by carolanitz 16
  • SwiftFormat integration

    SwiftFormat integration


    • [x] I've run bundle exec fastlane test from the root directory to see all new and existing tests pass
    • [x] I've followed the vlc-ios code style and run bundle exec fastlane lint to ensure the code style is valid
    • [x] I've read the Contribution Guidelines
    • [x] I've updated the documentation if necessary.


    This is the VLC-iOS SwiftFormat integration (https://github.com/nicklockwood/SwiftFormat). I added SwiftFormat as a Xcode run script for VLC-iOS target. Due to my experience with SwiftFormat i disabled the following "magic" rules: blankLinesAtStartOfScope,hoistPatternLet,indent,redundantParens,redundantSelf,trailingCommas,unusedArguments,wrapArguments All SwiftFormat rules are described here: https://github.com/nicklockwood/SwiftFormat#rules

    Full list of code changes:

    • Fixed inconsistent code - newline at end of functions / structs / computed properties
    • Fixed inconsistent code - trailing colon for todos
    • Fixed inconsistent code - blank line around marks
    • Fixed inconsistent code - multiple spaces instead of one
    • Fixed inconsistent code - space inside / at start of comments
    • Fixed inconsistent code - trailing spaces for empty lines
    • Fixed inconsistent code - space inside brackets
    • Fixed inconsistent code - space inside parens
    • Fixed inconsistent code - space inside braces
    • Fixed inconsistent code - space around operators
    • Fixed inconsistent code - code indent
    • Fixed inconsistent code - order for access specifiers
    • Fixed inconsistent code - redundant self reference
    • Fixed inconsistent code - hex formatting
    • Fixed inconsistent code - unnecessary nil initialization
    • Fixed inconsistent code - no new trailing blank lines from inside braces, brackets, parens or chevrons
    • Fixed inconsistent code - sorted imports
    • Added SwiftFormat support for VLC-iOS debug schema
    • Added run script phase for swiftFormat to VLC-iOS project
    opened by Tinkeacc 13
  • Fix StatusBar update in dark mode

    Fix StatusBar update in dark mode


    • [x] I've run bundle exec fastlane test from the root directory to see all new and existing tests pass
    • [x] I've followed the vlc-ios code style
    • [x] I've read the Contribution Guidelines
    • [x] I've updated the documentation if necessary.


    This merge request updates the status bar in dark mode. fixes #403

    opened by robwayne 12
  • Automated framed screenshots

    Automated framed screenshots

    Major feat in this PR are

    • Support for fastlane screenshots with localization
    • New UI tests for the new shiny UI with localization

    I wasn't sure which screens to capture and what kind of text to put in the frames but here's what I came up with. Here's some demo screenshots in German; thanks to Google Translate 😃

    Please note that code for screenshooting is part of UI testing

    opened by mkchoi212 11
  • VLCGoogleDriveController: Implement files sorting

    VLCGoogleDriveController: Implement files sorting


    • [x] I've run bundle exec fastlane test from the root directory to see all new and existing tests pass
    • [x] I've followed the vlc-ios code style
    • [x] I've read the Contribution Guidelines
    • [x] I've updated the documentation if necessary.


    Implemented sorting feature inside Google Drive Controller. Sorting can be invoked by pressing the sort button right next to number of files button now, and sorting button will be hidden when using a non-Google-Drive controller.

    opened by dzz007 9
  • Add donation button

    Add donation button


    • [x] I've run bundle exec fastlane test from the root directory to see all new and existing tests pass
    • [x] I've followed the vlc-ios code style and run bundle exec fastlane lint to ensure the code style is valid
    • [x] I've read the Contribution Guidelines
    • [x] I've updated the documentation if necessary.


    Acceptance Critieria: please test on iOS 9 and iOS 10, 11 and 12 since different buttons and delegate methods are available depending on the OS. for the requirements: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc-ios/issues?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&search=Donation

    The following scenarios should be reviewed:

    • not an apple pay capabale device,
    • apple pay not setup
    • setup cards are not supported

    in order to test please create a sandbox test account as described here : https://developer.apple.com/apple-pay/sandbox-testing/

    known issues:

    • weird animation after a successful donation
    • when a card is not setup and the setup flow is finished the UI doesnt update and the user is prompted to still setup a card
    • constraints warnings when first showing the screen
    • show alternative payment option for those who don't have apple pay
    • backend communication with payment provider is still missing
    do not merge 
    opened by carolanitz 7
  • VLCMediaLibraryManager: Basic migration of MLLabels and MLFiles

    VLCMediaLibraryManager: Basic migration of MLLabels and MLFiles


    • [x] I've run bundle exec fastlane test from the root directory to see all new and existing tests pass
    • [x] I've followed the vlc-ios code style and run bundle exec fastlane lint to ensure the code style is valid
    • [x] I've read the Contribution Guidelines
    • [x] I've updated the documentation if necessary.


    Basic migration of MLLabels and MLFiles.

    Small note: This need a fresh build of VLCMediaLibraryKit to work since the changes haven't been released yet.

    opened by Mikanbu 7
  • Architecture refactoring

    Architecture refactoring


    • [x] I've run bundle exec fastlane test from the root directory to see all new and existing tests pass
    • [x] I've followed the vlc-ios code style and run bundle exec fastlane lint to ensure the code style is valid
    • [x] I've read the Contribution Guidelines
    • [x] I've updated the documentation if necessary.


    opened by Mikanbu 7
  • ios: fix: last selected subtitle not recovered

    ios: fix: last selected subtitle not recovered

    Add a small delay to recover the playback state.

    The bug reproduce steps(install VLC on iPhone):

    1. Play a video with two or more subtitles,
    2. Switch to a subtitle other than the first one
    3. close the video and back to the video list
    4. Open the same video again
    5. The selected subtitle was the first one.

    Expected behavior: At step 5, the selected subtitle should be the one last selected.

    opened by pangwa 0
  • tvOS: NetworkStream UI: Add sorting button new to old

    tvOS: NetworkStream UI: Add sorting button new to old


    • [ ] I've run bundle exec fastlane test from the fastlane directory to see all new and existing tests pass
    • [ ] I've followed the vlc-ios code style
    • [ ] I've read the Contribution Guidelines
    • [ ] I've updated the documentation if necessary.


    It is annoying that new stream URLs are added at the bottom to the list, so you have to scroll down to resume a recent stream.

    Can we add a setting to change this behavior? Alternatively I added a "reverse sorting" button with this PR.

    opened by embeddedc 3
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