Generate random user Avatars for apps.

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Image Avatar


Generate random user Avatars for apps.

Works for iOS 9.3+


  • Simply install using Cocoapods, add 'pod Avatar' to your podfile

Simple to use

  • import Avatar

  • Get a random user avatar by running let avatar = Avatar.generate(for: avatar.frame.size, scale: 20)

    • avatar.frame.size is the size of your UIImageView for the avatar
    • scale is the pixel size of each color generated, aka. the resolution
  • Get a random user avatar and the seed by running

      Avatar.generate(for: avatar.frame.size, scale: 20) { (seed, avatarImage) in
  • AvatarSeed has the available properties:

    • scale: Int - resolution of each square of the image
    • map: [Int] - the layout map of the colors represented by an Int from 0 to 2
    • size: CGSize - size of the overall image
    • colors: Colors - tuple that contains the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors of the image.
    • Can be created by calling: let seed = AvatarSeed(map: map, colors: colors, size: size, scale: scale)
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