242 Repositories
Swift android-development Libraries
A flexible mock server for automated and regression testing of iOS, Android and other apps.
Note: This document is intended as a quick introduction to Voodoo. As Voodoo has a large number of features, please refer to Voodoo's Github Wiki for
Here it is my study note for iOS development.
iOS-Projects for beginners HI, this is Kaia and here it is my study note for iOS development. Check the detailed Notes below: Project Name Objective B
This app demonstrates iOS-development techniques.
CatFancy Introduction CatFancy is an iOS app that demonstrates iOS-development techniques. Users can browse breeds of cats with images from various so
⚡️ Capacitor plugin to register push notifications via Azure Notification Hub.
Azure Notification Hubs @jonz94/capacitor-azure-notification-hubs Capacitor plugin to register push notifications via Azure Notification Hub. Install
Support for native cross-platform in-app-purchasing API's in Titanium
Support for native cross-platform in-app-purchasing API's in Titanium. This repository represents a modern alternative to ti.storekit (iOS) and ti.inappbilling (Android).
A collection of common tools and commands used throughout the development process, customized for Kipple projects.
KippleTools A collection of common tools and commands used throughout the development process, customized for Kipple projects. ⚠️ The code in this lib
DivKit is an open source Server-Driven UI (SDUI) framework.
DivKit 🐋 is an open source Server-Driven UI (SDUI) framework. It allows you to roll out server-sourced updates to different app versions. Also, it can be used for fast UI prototyping, allowing you to write a layout once and then ship it to iOS, Android, and Web platforms.
Config plugin to auto configure Indy SDK for iOS & Android
Indy SDK Expo Plugin Powered by Getting started | Contributing | License An Expo Config Plugin to automatically set up and configure the Indy SDK for
Fridax enables you to read variables and intercept/hook functions in Xamarin/Mono JIT and AOT compiled iOS/Android applications.
Fridax is a Node package for dealing with Xamarin applications while using the Frida API. Goal • Installation • Usage • Examples • Issues • License Bu
Radare2 and Frida better together.
r2frida Radare2 and Frida better together. Description This is a self-contained plugin for radare2 that allows to instrument remote processes using fr
📱Objection - runtime mobile exploration
objection is a runtime mobile exploration toolkit, powered by Frida, built to help you assess the security posture of your mobile applications, without needing a jailbreak.
Runtime Mobile Security (RMS) 📱🔥 - is a powerful web interface that helps you to manipulate Android and iOS Apps at Runtime
Runtime Mobile Security (RMS) 📱 🔥 by @mobilesecurity_ Runtime Mobile Security (RMS), powered by FRIDA, is a powerful web interface that helps you to
Allows you to emulate an Android native library, and an experimental iOS emulation
unidbg Allows you to emulate an Android native library, and an experimental iOS emulation. This is an educational project to learn more about the ELF/
Full featured multi arch/os debugger built on top of PyQt5 and frida
Dwarf A debugger for reverse engineers, crackers and security analyst. Or you can call it damn, why are raspberries so fluffy or yet, duck warriors ar
Demo project to sync color changes to an Raspberry Pi Mood Light via iOS/Android
Raspberry Pi Mood Light Demo project to remotely control an Raspberry Pi Mood Light over Bluetooth via iOS and Android. 📺 Watch the video Overview In
Ported scrcpy for mobile platforms, to remotely control Android devices on your iPhone or Android phone.
scrcpy-mobile Ported scrcpy for mobile platforms, to remotely control Android devices on your iPhone or Android phone. Currently only supports control
Glassfy React Native SDK
Open source SDK to quickly integrate subscriptions, stop worring about code maintenance, and getting advanced real-time data. Full support for Android.
Bitcoin Development Kit - React Native Module
bdk-rn A React Native version of the Bitcon Development Kit (https://bitcoindevkit.org/) Table of Contents Installation Usage Library API Installation
CardGameEngine - Prototyping a game engine for the Bang card game
CardGameEngine Prototyping a game engine for the Bang card game. Features Engine is open source Powerful scripting language using JSON Card design is
SwiftUI Backports - Introducing a collection of SwiftUI backports to make your iOS development easier
SwiftUI Backports Introducing a collection of SwiftUI backports to make your iOS development easier. Many backports support iOS 13+ but where UIKIt fe
React-native-place-picker: Pick any place with single click 🚀
React-native-place-picker: Pick any place with single click 🚀
Bar Button Item that can be moved anywhere in the screen, like Android's stickers button.
FlowBarButtonItem Bar Button Item that can be moved anywhere in the screen, like Android's stickers button. [, dimensions, and timestamp. The
ESF modular ingestion tool for development and research.
ESFang This is a tool devised for modular consumption of EndpointSecurity Framework (ESF) events from the MacOs environment. This is my attempt to ove
A library for building an internal/development support app easily
Scenarios A library supporting fast prototyping for iOS Projects. Introduction Challenges of mobile frontend development Stories with multiple require
A guide on setting up Xcode with all the essential Applications, Tools, and Frameworks to make your development experience with Xcode great!
A guide on setting up Xcode with all the essential Applications, Tools, and Frameworks to make your development experience with Xcode great!
Save development time! Respresso automatically transforms and delivers your digital assets into your projects
Respresso iOS client Respresso is a centralized resource manager for shared Android, iOS and Web frontend projects. It allows you to simply import the
Build native iOS, Android, and Web apps with Capacitor and Remix.run 💿
This repository holds production ready Capacitor templates for building native mobile applications using Remix. Using Capacitor, you can quickly build out a native mobile application for iOS and Android using web technology, such as Remix.
All in one eKYC (Electronic Know Your Customer) solution available for android and ios
WideKYC All in one eKYC (Electronic Know Your Customer) solution available for android and ios. Wide Technologies provides an SDK for you to implement
Codegeneration tool for isomorphic server and mobile Go apps with gRPC & Protobuf.
Codegeneration tool for isomorphic server and mobile Go apps with gRPC & Protobuf. Share code between your backend, Android & iOS app!
Respresso is a centralized resource manager for shared Android, iOS and Web frontend projects
Introduction Respresso is a centralized resource manager for shared Android, iOS and Web frontend projects. It allows you to simply import the latest
Save development time! Respresso automatically transforms and delivers your digital assets into your projects
Respresso Android client Respresso is a centralized resource manager for shared Android, iOS and Web frontend projects. It allows you to simply import
Save development time! Respresso automatically transforms and delivers your digital assets into your projects
Introduction Respresso is a centralized resource manager for shared Android, iOS and Web frontend projects. It allows you to simply import the latest
An application to convert strings to diffirent formats
Localized An application to convert strings to diffirent formats This app will help developers to convert strings from application in one platform to
TestKit has been upgraded to a full solution for implementing Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) in Swift iOS apps.
The easiest way to implement full BDD in your Swift iOS projects! Use plain English specs (Gherkin) to drive tests that include both UI automation and interacting with application data & state.
An Android Wear style confirmation view for iOS
GoogleWearAlert Objective-C version kindly written by dimohamdy - https://github.com/dimohamdy/GoogleWearAlert An Android Wear style confirmation view
Swift modules for game development.
Introduction I have been making iOS games with Swift, SceneKit, and SpriteKit since 2015 when I was in high school. After working on over a hundred pr
A sample modulated project to show my knowledge about Swift and Software Development process
A sample modulated project to show my knowledge about Swift and Software Development process
GitHub in your pocket. Built with React Native
GitPoint GitHub in your pocket. Built with React Native. Table of Contents Introduction Features Feedback Contributors Build Process Backers Sponsors
Animated Minimal Podcast App UI using SwiftUi 3.0 🤓
Minimal Podcast App UI Animated Minimal Podcast App UI using SwiftUi 3.0 🤓 Video Preview Screenshots Features SwiftUI 3D Card Animation SwiftUI Delay
A PSP emulator for Android, Windows, Mac and Linux, written in C++.
PPSSPP - a fast and portable PSP emulator Created by Henrik Rydgård Additional code by many contributors, see the Credits screen Originally released u
Adblock Fast is a new, faster ad blocker for Android, iOS, Chrome, and Opera.
A new, faster ad blocker for Android, iOS, Chrome, and Opera Try Adblock Fast: Android (Android 5.0 and up with Samsung Internet 4.0 and up) iOS (iOS
An original board game for 2 players, a mash-up of Sudoku and Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe
An original board game for 2 players, a mash-up of Sudoku and Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe. It is implemented as an iOS app in Swift and C/C++
🕹 iOS game - classic Tic Tac Toe with AI and state machines [Swift + SpriteKit + GameplayKit].
🕹 iOS game - classic Tic Tac Toe with AI and state machines [Swift + SpriteKit + GameplayKit].
App for the Swift Alps Game Jam! 🕹
Welcome to the Swift Alps Game Jam repo - which houses an app that will contain all of the games made at the game jam. To participate, do the followin
Corona virus tracker app for IOS and Android
Corona virus tracker app for IOS and Android
Cross-platform 👻 Crypto Wallet Generator in Go
coingrig-go-wallet Cross-platform 👻 Crypto Wallet Generator in Go Build Run ./build.sh Artifacts iOS .xcframework is in ios/ directory Android .jar a
Puma - A set of build utilities to automate mobile application development and deployment
Puma → https://github.com/onmyway133/Swiftlane Puma is a set of build utilities
Awesome-ios-app - Suitable for beginners iOS development small app
awesome-ios-app Suitable for beginners iOS development small app. Table of Conte
ColorMix-by-IUKit - colorMix app by Intro to app development in Swift
colorMix-by-IUKit colorMix app by "Intro to app development in Swift" In this ap
Impelemented native Crisp chat sdk on android and ios
crisp_chat_sdk Impelemented native Crisp chat sdk on android and ios Preview Simulator.Screen.Recording.-.iPhone.13.mini.-.2022-02-07.at.18.24.56.mp4
NY Times is an Minimal News 🗞 iOS application built to describe the use of SwiftSoup and CoreData with SwiftUI.
🗽 NY Times is an Minimal News 🗞 iOS app 📱 built to describe the use of SwiftSoup and CoreData with SwiftUI🔥
A Hacker News client written in React Native
React Native Hacker News A modern cross-platform HackerNews client built on React Native Features The app currently has the following functionality: H
An app to get you the latest and the trending news based on your location.
Newsline Link to APK : http://bit.ly/newslineapp Newsline is an android application made with flutter which makes use of NewsAPI.org to fetch and serv
The source code to How to build a news app with react native 📰
Royal News · The source code to How to build a news app with react native article on NimreyCode, medium, and dev.to. Requirements: Android Studio or X
Blazing⚡️Fast BTC and ETH Wallet Generator library for React Native, Android and iOS
Blazing ⚡️ Fast BTC and ETH Wallet Generator library for React Native, Android and iOS.
MockChat TDD MVVM SwiftUI - Mockable, Test driven Development, clear Architecture example using SwiftUI
MockChat_TDD_MVVM_SwiftUI Mockable, Test driven Development, clear Architecture
LinkedIn-Profile - UI of Android LinkedIn App Profile Page in iOS SwiftUI
LinkedIn-Profile UI of Android LinkedIn App Profile Page in iOS SwiftUI Sample I
Login-screen-using-Swift - Firebase Apple Open Source Development
Firebase Apple Open Source Development This repository contains all Apple platfo
CodePath-iOS-Prework - Prework project for Intro to Mobile App Development course on CodePath
CodePath iOS Prework App Description This app has an input field, text, and seve
Just simple template - example how to use haptics in iOS Development
Haptics Just simple template - example how to use haptics in iOS Development imp
Keybase Go Library, Client, Service, OS X, iOS, Android, Electron
Keybase Hi, and welcome to the Keybase client repo. All our client apps (macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android) are being actively developed in this
Tipsy - Bill splitting and tip calculating App developed during iOS & Swift classes - The Complete App Development Bootcamp
Tipsy 💵 Bill splitting and tip calculating App developed during iOS & Swift cla
ImagePicker - selecting images from the photo albums, with allowed permissions /on real device accesing the camera
ImagePicker - selecting images from the photo albums, with allowed permissions /on real device accesing the camera, permission also needed/after picking an image it has the possibility to rename it
The Outline Client is a cross-platform VPN or proxy client for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and ChromeOS
Outline Client The Outline Client is a cross-platform VPN or proxy client for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and ChromeOS. The Outline Client is design
The Bitwarden mobile application is written in C# with Xamarin Android, Xamarin iOS, and Xamarin Forms.
Bitwarden Mobile Application The Bitwarden mobile application is written in C# with Xamarin Android, Xamarin iOS, and Xamarin Forms. Build/Run Require
11t is an iOS and Android app for connecting to Mastodon, written in Flutter.
README 11t is an iOS and Android app for connecting to Mastodon, written in Flutter. I connect to Mastodon on mastodon.social, but everyone can start
Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. Forum: https://discourse.joplinapp.org/
Joplin® is a free, open source note taking and to-do application, which can handle a large number of notes organised into notebooks. The notes are sea
Codepath-intro-prework - Hello World iOS App | Prework Project for CodePath Intro to Mobile App Development
Hello World iOS App App Description Prework Project for CodePath Intro to Mobile
Nextflix - Integrating project of the IOS development course by Digital House
nextflix Projeto integrador do curso de desenvolvimento IOS pela Digital House A
IOS-Bootcamp-Examples - Learn to Swift while building apps - With IOS Development Bootcamp
IOS-Bootcamp-Examples Learn to Swift while building apps - With IOS Development
Restaurant - Educational application from the Apple Mobile Development Course for MDA
Restaurant Educational application from the Apple Mobile Development Course for
The App Brewery Complete App Development course project
Destini The App Brewery Complete App Development course project. "A Choose Your
FreeRDP is a free remote desktop protocol library and clients
FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation FreeRDP is a free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), released under the Apache lic
Development of the TUM Campus App for iOS devices - for and from students at Technical University of Munich.
Development of the TUM Campus App for iOS devices - for and from students at Technical University of Munich.
A digital BookShelf for your reading progress.
BookSearch a flutter medium series What is this? An open source app which revolves all around books: “Collecting books as you read them, virtually”. I
Simple yet powerful, open-source SpaceX launch tracker
SpaceX GO! Simple yet powerful, open-source SpaceX launch tracker About the project The purpose of this project is to develop the ultimate SpaceX expe
Kotlin Multiplatform sample with SwiftUI and Compose (Desktop and Android) clients. Heavily inspired by Wordle game.
WordMasterKMP Kotlin Multiplatform sample heavily inspired by Wordle game and also Word Master and wordle-solver samples. The main game logic/state is
🏀 iOS and Android NBA app created with React Native
Swish An iOS and Android NBA app created with React Native. If you would like to request a feature, find a bug, have a question, or would like to leav
Real-time single person pose estimation for Android and iOS.
This repository currently implemented the CPM and Hourglass model using TensorFlow. Instead of normal convolution, inverted residuals (also known as M
Learning Swift using Docker containers as development environment
100-days-of-swift Small setup to help me learn Swift. I don't own a mac so this is what I came up with 😎 .
A very simple way to implement Backbone.js style custom event listeners and triggering in Swift for iOS development.
Swift Custom Events A very simple way to implement Backbone.js style custom event listeners and triggering in Swift for iOS development. This provides
MothECS - Simple Entity Component System in Swift
MothECS: Simple Entity Component System in Swift 📦 MothECS is a simple entity c
React-native-photo-editor - Photo editor using native modules for iOS and Android
🌄 Image editor using native modules for iOS and Android. Inherit from 2 available libraries, ZLImageEditor (iOS) and PhotoEditor (Android)
GraphQL based Jetpack Compose, Wear Compose and SwiftUI Kotlin Multiplatform sample
GraphQL based Jetpack Compose, Wear Compose and SwiftUI Kotlin Multiplatform sample
iOS Trakt Client - Keep track of your favorite TV shows and movies on your iPhone. (Under development)
CouchTracker Keep track of your favorite movies and tv shows on your iPhone Setup for development You will need Xcode 11.2.1 Swift 5.1.2 Run the follo
The Art World in Your Pocket or Your Trendy Tech Company's Tote, Artsy's mobile app.
Meta State: production Point People: Brian Beckerle, Mounir Dhahri, Pavlos Vinieratos CI : This is an Artsy OSS project. Other mobile projects are Ene
Collection of native Swift extensions to boost your development. Support tvOS and watchOS.
SparrowKit Collection of native Swift extensions to boost your development. Support iOS, tvOS and watchOS. If you like the project, don't forget to pu
A library of Swift extensions to turbocharge your iOS development.
Alexandria A library of Swift extensions to turbocharge your iOS development. Background Here at Oven Bits, we love Swift. We started using it when it
Titanium Amplitude - Use the native Amplitude iOS/Android SDK in Titanium
Titanium Amplitude Module A lightweight module to use the native Amplitude SDK's in Titanium. Example import Amplitude from 'ti.amplitude'; // Initia
This repo contains beginner examples to advanced in swift. Aim to create this for learning native iOS development.
iOS-learning-with-swift-22 This repo contains beginner examples to advanced in swift. Aim to create this for learning native iOS development. Oh, you
iOS UI Kit With Android-Style Tools. JustUiKit contains JustLinearLayout, JustFrameLayout and so on
iOS UI Kit With Android-Style Tools. JustUiKit contains JustLinearLayout, JustFrameLayout and so on. It is designed to make Android developers build iOS UI easily. Also for iOS developers, it provides a new way to build UI.