40 Repositories
Swift inter-process-communication Libraries
A wrapper around Foundation.Process, inspired by Rust's std::process::Command.
SwiftCommand A wrapper around Foundation.Process, inspired by Rust's std::process::Command. This package makes it easy to call command line programs a
Take home assignment for an iOS developer role interview process.
Cocktails My solution to a take home assignment I was given as a step of an interview process for an iOS developer role. The task I was asked to write
A collection of common tools and commands used throughout the development process, customized for Kipple projects.
KippleTools A collection of common tools and commands used throughout the development process, customized for Kipple projects. ⚠️ The code in this lib
Real-time communication application form Google Jacquard tag to macOS
Jacquard RTC Real-time communication application form Google Jacquard tag to macOS Abstract Want to use your Google Jacquard equipped product with you
OBSwiftSocket is a Swift library to be used for communication with OBS Studio via obs-websocket (v5).
OBSwiftSocket OBSwiftSocket is a Swift library to be used for communication with OBS Studio via obs-websocket (v5). obs-websocket v5 specification: ht
Util for executing shell commands, and getting the results easily(data, string, and any decodable).
ShellExecutor Util for executing shell commands, and getting the results easily(data, string, and any decodable). Requirements Xcode 14.0+ Swift 5.7+
Vitals - A tiny macOS process monitor lives in the menu bar, keeping track of resource usage
Vitals lives in the menu bar, keeping track of resource usage in the background so you can summon it instantly at any time.
Collection of Swift-extensions to boost development process.
SwiftBoost Collection of Swift-extensions to boost development process. Community Installation Ready to use on iOS 13+, tvOS 13+, watchOS 6.0+. Swift
SwiftyXPC - a wrapper for Apple’s XPC interprocess communication library that gives it an easy-to-use, idiomatic Swift interface.
SwiftyXPC is a wrapper for Apple’s XPC interprocess communication library that gives it an easy-to-use, idiomatic Swift interface.
A Jamf Classic communication framework written in Swift
JamfKit JamfKit is an iOS / macOS / tvOS framework to communicate with the JSS API offered by any Jamf host. Summary Features Installation Carthage Co
IconChanger - an app that can change you app's icon. It simplifies your icon changing process
IconChanger IconChanger is an app that can change you app's icon. It simplifies your icon changing process. How to use Go to github release Download t
A sample modulated project to show my knowledge about Swift and Software Development process
A sample modulated project to show my knowledge about Swift and Software Development process
An awesome Swift HTTP library to rapidly create communication layers with API endpoints
An awesome Swift HTTP library to rapidly create communication layers with API endpoints
Rakning C-19 is an app that can be downloaded voluntarily and facilitates the contact tracing process amidst the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic in Iceland
Rakning C-19 App Rakning C-19 is an app that can be downloaded voluntarily and facilitates the contact tracing process amidst the ongoing Covid-19 pan
Nextcloud Talk is a fully on-premises audio/video and chat communication service
Nextcloud Talk iOS app Video & audio calls and chat through Nextcloud on iOS Nextcloud Talk is a fully on-premises audio/video and chat communication
ResponderChainDemo - Learned how to use responder chain for communication between the views
ResponderChainDemo Learned how to use responder chain for communication between
Jitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application.
Jitsi Meet is a set of Open Source projects which empower users to use and deploy video conferencing platforms with state-of-the-art video quality and features.
Unit-Converter-SwiftUI - A simple Unit Converter iOS app built in the process of learning SwiftUI
SwiftUI-Unit-Converter A simple Unit Converter iOS app built in the process of l
Memorize - learning process from Standford University Swift UI videos
Memorize I am learning Swift UI. This app is in learning process from Standford
A simple thread-safe, in-memory bus for Swift that supports fully-typed Events and States.
Causality Causality is a simple thread-safe, in-memory bus for Swift that supports fully-typed Events and States. In addition, Causality has provision
A sample app that implements the ideal UI representation around the loading process
SwiftUILoadingStateSample This is a sample app that implements the ideal UI repr
A simple class that wraps the process of saving or loading a struct or class into a single file
EZFile This is a simple class that wraps the process of saving or loading a stru
Coding challenge for hiring process of Sicredi company
Coding Challenge of Sicredi Screen Shots
A Jamf Classic communication framework written in Swift
JamfKit JamfKit is an iOS / macOS / tvOS framework to communicate with the JSS API offered by any Jamf host. Summary Features Installation Carthage Co
Assertions for XCTest which prevent fatal errors causing the process to die.
Hela Assertions for XCTest which prevent fatal errors causing the process to die. The following assertions are supported. These functions are built on
Free Market Selection Process Test
Prueba Proceso de Seleccion Mercado Libre (Xcode Version 13.0, iOS 15) Caracteristicas de la App SearchPortrait SearchLandscape DetailPortrait DetailL
Swift toolkit for passing messages between iOS apps and extensions.
_________ ___ ___ _ _____ _________ ___ ___ / / \ \ / / |_| ( ___ \ \__ __/ \ \ / / / _____/ \ \ /\ /
OpenTok Text Chat Accelerator Pack enables text messages between mobile or browser-based devices.
Text Chat Accelerator Pack iOS This project is deprecated The OpenTok Text Chat Accelerator Pack for iOS project is now a part of Accelerator Core iOS
Syntax sugar of OpenTok iOS SDK with Audio/Video communication including screen sharing
Accelerator Core iOS The Accelerator Core is a solution to integrate audio/video communication to any iOS applications via OpenTok platform. Accelerat
Style Art library process images using COREML with a set of pre trained machine learning models and convert them to Art style.
StyleArt Style Art is a library that process images using COREML with a set of pre trained machine learning models and convert them to Art style. Prev
SwiftCANLib is a library used to process Controller Area Network (CAN) frames utilizing the Linux kernel open source library SOCKETCAN.
SwiftCANLib SwiftCANLib is a library used to process Controller Area Network (CAN) frames utilizing the Linux kernel open source library SOCKETCAN. Th
📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
Wire™ This repository is part of the source code of Wire. You can find more information at wire.com or by contacting opensource@wire.com. You can find
📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
Wire™ This repository is part of the source code of Wire. You can find more information at wire.com or by contacting opensource@wire.com. You can find
Kommunicate iOS SDK for customer support
Kommunicate iOS Chat SDK for Customer Support An Open Source iOS Live Chat SDK for Customer Support Overview Kommunicate provides open source live cha
A publish/subscribe EventBus optimized for iOS
SwiftEventBus Allows publish-subscribe-style communication between components without requiring the components to explicitly be aware of each other Fe
A communication channel from your Mac to your watch.
Stargate A communication channel from your Mac to your watch. Providing a convenient wrapper around MMWormhole and PeerKit, Stargate leverages Multipe
Monitor for displaying process traffic on Mac Status bar
ITraffic-monitor-for-mac Monitor for displaying process traffic on Mac Status bar MacOS version required The macOS version should = 10.15, since the
Implementation of x-callback-url (Inter app communication) in swift
CallbackURLKit - Inter app communication Starting to integrate URL scheme in an app, why not be compliant with x-callback-url. CallbackURLKit.register
SwiftEventBus - A publish/subscribe EventBus optimized for iOS
Allows publish-subscribe-style communication between components without requiring the components to explicitly be aware of each other
Time is a Swift package that makes dealing with calendar values a natural and straight-forward process.
Time Time is a Swift package that makes dealing with calendar values a natural and straight-forward process. Working with calendars can be extremely c