17 Repositories
Swift jailbreak Libraries
ESP source code for Free Fire (iOS jailbreak)
ESP FreeFire ESP source code for Free Fire (iOS jailbreak, Free Fire version: 1.93.1). This source is for learning purpose only, please do not use it
source of my jailbreak repository's tweaks
AllTweakSource source of my jailbreak repository's tweaks,enjoy~(please note that most of the tweaks in the repository are just built and test so can
Convert .deb apps to .ipa files, on iOS, locally
DebtoIPA Convert .deb apps to .ipa files, on iOS, locally Usage Download .deb that contains .app file. You will get an error if you try importing othe
iOS 8.4b4-9.3.6 Semi-Untethered jailbreak
Credits: jailbreak made by zachary7829 (jk?) kpmap patch spv/p0laris for patchfinder dora2-ios for part of patchfinder openpwnage Open source iOS 8.4b
Windows 10/11 lock screen replica
Diary 📖 Windows 10/11 lock screen replica Preview Installation Add this repository to your package manager: TBD Install Diary Compatibility iPhone, i
Changes screen gamma on iOS, no jailbreak required
GammaThingy Changes screen gamma on iOS, no jailbreak required RIP official sideload f.lux (https://justgetflux.com/sideload/) 😢 With the new Night S
iOS sandboxed terminal with Python, Lua and Clang
LibTerm LibTerm is a terminal for iOS with Python 3.7 and Lua 5.3. Supports iOS 13 dark mode and multi window. Features The app supports most of OpenT
UTM - Virtual machines for iOS and macOS
UTM It is possible to invent a single machine which can be used to compute any computable sequence. -- Alan Turing, 1936 UTM is a full featured system
This is an iOS Tweak that modifies the brightness slider in the Control Center.
AdvancedBrightnessSlider Tweak This is an iOS Tweak that modifies the brightness slider in the Control Center. Even with dark mode toggled on, I found
iOS 14 checkra1n-jailbreak-targeted passcode interposition
lockdown I can't remember if this version (involving ksecured) is actually functioning, Started working on this right before I moved, haven't really w
Fugu14 is an iOS 14 Jailbreak, including an untether (persistence), kernel exploit, kernel PAC bypass and PPL bypass.
Fugu14 - Untethered iOS 14 Jailbreak Fugu14 is an (incomplete) iOS 14 Jailbreak, including an untether (persistence), kernel exploit, kernel PAC bypas
Log every incoming notification to view them again later, also includes attachments and advanced settings to configure
VÄ“ Natively integrated notification logger Installation Add this repository to your package manager
Make your notification banners smaller and add some color to them
Liddell Liddell notification banners Installation Add this repository to your Package Manager: https://repo.litten.love Install Liddell Compiling Depe
Redesigned video player controls for iOS
Atlas Minimal stock video player replacement demo video Compiling Clone the repo, and make sure you have cephei and all that then just make clean pack
Search jailbreak packages using the Tweakio API, Parcility API or Canister API straight from Cydia, Installer, Sileo and Zebra!
Tweakio Search packages globally directly from your favourite package manager! Works with Cydia, Installer, Zebra and Sileo! How does it work The twea
Dedicated settings app for accessing tweaks preference bundles.
Tweak Settings A dedicated settings app for tweak preferences Author Dana Buehre (CreatureSurvive) cs@creaturecoding.com © Dana Buehre (CreatureSurviv
iOS command-line tool that allows searching and downloading ipa files from the iOS App Store
ipatool for iOS This is a port of Majd Alfhaily's ipatool adapted to run on iOS Build / Installation To build this, make sure you have AppSync install