169 Repositories
Swift natural-language-processing Libraries
Swift library for working with LSP
LanguageServerProtocol This is a Swift library for interacting with Language Server Protocol. It contains type definitions and utilities useful for bo
A functional tool-belt for Swift Language similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore.js in Javascript
Dollar Dollar is a Swift library that provides useful functional programming helper methods without extending any built in objects. It is similar to L
iOS Picture In Picture Sample with Swift Language
PipSamleProject iOS Picture In Picture Sample with Swift Language Application Demo Resources Apple Adopting Picture in Picture Sample Video License MI
This is a sample AR project written with Swift language for iOS devices
ARSample This is a sample AR project written with Swift language for iOS devices. While I was learning the ARKit framework, I defined this project and
Python VM written in Swift
Violet Violet is one of those Swift - Python interop thingies, except that this time we implement the whole language from scratch. Name comes from V
A lightweight and powerful editor for localizing iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS applications.
It is Strings but with a Z 😬 Loved the project? Please share it with your friends and give it a ⭐️ Stringz is a lightweight and powerful editor that
Extensions and classes in Swift that make it easy to get an iOS device reading and processing MIDI data
MorkAndMIDI A really thin Swift layer on top of CoreMIDI that opens a virtual MIDI destination and port and connects to any MIDI endpoints that appear
High-performance and flexible video editing and effects framework, based on AVFoundation and Metal.
High-performance and flexible video editing and effects framework, based on AVFoundation and Metal.
Phimp.me - Photo Image Editor and Sharing App. Phimp.me is a Photo App for iOS that aims to replace proprietary photo applications. It offers features such as taking photos, adding filters, editing images and uploading them to social networks.
Phimp.me iOS Phimp.me is a Photo App for iOS that aims to replace proprietary photo applications. It offers features such as taking photos, adding fil
Swift library to manage in app notification in swift language, like WhatsApp, Telegram, Frind, ecc.
InAppNotify - Manage in App notifications During develop of my app Frind, I needed to manage in app notifications like whatsapp or telegram, but i did
iOS application for finding formants in spoken sounds
FORMANT PLOTTER Buy on the App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/formant-analyzer/id799183655?mt=8&uo=4&at=11l6hc&ct=fnd This is an iOS project t
Movies Information DataBase (Add - Delete - Edit - Search)
MoviesInformation Movies Information DataBase (Add - Delete - Edit - Search) This Code Provide Simple Program About Movies Information This Program Ca
The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
Swift Package Manager Project The Swift Package Manager is a tool for managing distribution of source code, aimed at making it easy to share your code
Swift audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS
AudioKit AudioKit is an audio synthesis, processing, and analysis platform for iOS, macOS (including Catalyst), and tvOS. Installation To add AudioKit
Lightweight In App Purchases Swift framework for iOS 8.0+, tvOS 9.0+ and macOS 10.10+ ⛺
SwiftyStoreKit is a lightweight In App Purchases framework for iOS, tvOS, watchOS, macOS, and Mac Catalyst. Features Super easy-to-use block-based API
iOS association game chatbot. AI based on neural word embedding language model. Image recognition with convolutional neural net.
AssociationBot ##iOS association game chatbot. UI based on JSQMessagesDemo. Association database created with the help of Word2Vec neural word embeddi
Add progress bars to gifs!
Add progress bars to gifs! App Store Download | About | Features | Usage | Contributing | License 😀 Thanks to everyone who contributed during Hackto
Swift audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS
AudioKit AudioKit is an audio synthesis, processing, and analysis platform for iOS, macOS (including Catalyst), and tvOS. Installation To add AudioKit
Discover, download, compile & launch different image processing & style transfer CoreML models on iOS.
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ IMPORTANT: I'm no longer maintaining Awesome-ML. Awesome ML is an iOS app that is made to demonstrate different image processing CoreML model
Kickstarter for iOS. Bring new ideas to life, anywhere.
Welcome to Kickstarter’s open source iOS app! Come on in, take your shoes off, stay a while—explore how Kickstarter’s native squad has built and conti
a custom language construction kit
Swifties a custom language construction kit intro Swifties aims to provide a flexible toolkit for creating custom languages in Swift. demo A custom Li
macOS GUI Library for the Nim Programming Language
NimCocoa NimCocoa is an experimental implementation of a Native GUI for the Nim programming language running on macOS. Rather than rely on low level c
Blobmorphism is a brand new design language I've created to break free of the material overload in iOS, built in SwiftUI. Everything feels smooth and fluid.
Blobmorphism is a brand new design language I've created to break free of the material overload in iOS, built in SwiftUI. Everything feels smooth and fluid.
A Pure Swift implementation of the markdown mark-up language
SmarkDown A pure Swift markdown implementation consistent with Gruber's 1.0.1 version. It is released under the BSD license so please feel free to use
OysterKit is a framework that provides a native Swift scanning, lexical analysis, and parsing capabilities. In addition it provides a language that can be used to rapidly define the rules used by OysterKit called STLR
OysterKit A Swift Framework for Tokenizing, Parsing, and Interpreting Languages OysterKit enables native Swift scanning, lexical analysis, and parsing
Automatic summarizer text in Swift
Overview Reductio is a tool used to extract keywords and phrases using an implementation of the algorithm TextRank. Installation Swift Package Manager
RSNetworking is a networking library written entirly for the Swift programming language.
RSNetworking is a networking library written entirly for the Swift programming language.
Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language.
What is Swifter? Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language. Branches * stable - lands on CocoaPods and others. Supports the latest
Most natural Swift logging
Evergreen Most natural Swift logging Evergreen is a logging framework written in Swift. It is designed to work just as you would expect, yet so versat
A high-performance image library for downloading, caching, and processing images in Swift.
Features Asynchronous image downloader with priority queuing Advanced memory and database caching using YapDatabase (SQLite) Guarantee of only one ima
Swift implementation of JMESPath, a query language for JSON.
Swift implementation of JMESPath, the JSON query language
🌤 Swift Combine extensions for asynchronous CloudKit record processing
Swift Combine extensions for asynchronous CloudKit record processing. Designed for simplicity.
SQLite.swift - A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3.
SQLite.swift provides compile-time confidence in SQL statement syntax and intent.
Stencil is a simple and powerful template language for Swift.
Stencil Stencil is a simple and powerful template language for Swift. It provides a syntax similar to Django and Mustache. If you're familiar with the
A video composition framework build on top of AVFoundation. It's simple to use and easy to extend.
A high-level video composition framework build on top of AVFoundation. It's simple to use and easy to extend. Use it and make life easier if you are implementing video composition feature.
A functional tool-belt for Swift Language similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore.js in Javascript
Dollar Dollar is a Swift library that provides useful functional programming helper methods without extending any built in objects. It is similar to L
You can dismiss modal viewcontroller like Facebook Messenger by pulling scrollview or navigationbar in Swift.
PullToDismiss PullToDismiss provides dismiss modal viewcontroller function like Facebook Messenger by pulling scrollview or navigationbar with smooth
Protocol oriented, type safe, scalable design system foundation swift framework for iOS.
Doric: Design System Foundation Design System foundation written in Swift. Protocol oriented, type safe, scalable framework for iOS. Features Requirem
A way to quickly add a notification badge icon to any view. Make any view of a full-fledged animated notification center.
BadgeHub A way to quickly add a notification badge icon to any view. Demo/Example For demo: $ pod try BadgeHub To run the example project, clone the r
Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language.
What is Swifter? Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language. Branches * stable - lands on CocoaPods and others. Supports the latest
Super lightweight library that helps you to localize strings, even directly in storyboards!
Translatio Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements iOS 9 or higher. Swi
Swift friendly localization and i18n with in-app language switching
Localize-Swift Localize-Swift is a simple framework that improves i18n and localization in Swift iOS apps - providing cleaner syntax and in-app langua
Localize is a framework writed in swift to localize your projects easier improves i18n, including storyboards and strings.
Localize Localize is a framework written in swift to help you localize and pluralize your projects. It supports both storyboards and strings. Features
Realtime Dynamic localization translation delivery system for iOS and Mac OSX in Swift. Create and update texts from localization.com without needing to recompile or redeploy. Cocapod for iOS devices (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and Mac)
LocalizationKit Localization kit is a powerful to localize texts and translation management tool. I am a developer and invariably I get the questions
Localization of the application with ability to change language "on the fly" and support for plural form in any language.
L10n-swift is a simple framework that improves localization in swift app, providing cleaner syntax and in-app language switching. Overview 🌟 Features
Localization/I18n: Incrementally update/translate your Strings files from .swift, .h, .m(m), .storyboard or .xib files.
Installation • Configuration • Usage • Build Script • Donation • Migration Guides • Issues • Contributing • License BartyCrouch BartyCrouch incrementa
The fast path to autolayout views in code
NorthLayout The fast path to autolayout views in code Talks https://speakerdeck.com/banjun/auto-layout-with-an-extended-visual-format-language at AltC
Write concise Autolayout code
Winner of Hacking with Swift Recommended award You + Stevia = 🦄 💡 Write concise, readable layouts 🏖 Reduce your maintenance time 🎨 Compose your st
Fast Swift Views layouting without auto layout. No magic, pure code, full control and blazing fast. Concise syntax, intuitive, readable & chainable. [iOS/macOS/tvOS/CALayer]
Extremely Fast views layouting without auto layout. No magic, pure code, full control and blazing fast. Concise syntax, intuitive, readable & chainabl
Fabulous Image Processing in Swift
Toucan is a Swift library that provides a clean, quick API for processing images. It greatly simplifies the production of images, supporting resizing,
A smart and easy-to-use image masking and cutout SDK for mobile apps.
TinyCrayon SDK for iOS A smart and easy-to-use image masking and cutout SDK for mobile apps. TinyCrayon SDK provides tools for adding image cutout and
A Swift implementation of fastimage. Supports PNG, GIF, and JPEG.
ImageScout ImageScout is a Swift implementation of fastimage. It allows you to find the size and type of a remote image by downloading as little as po
GPUImage 3 is a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing using Metal.
GPUImage 3 Janie Clayton http://redqueengraphics.com @RedQueenCoder Brad Larson http://www.sunsetlakesoftware.com @bradlarson contact@sunsetlakesoftwa
GPUImage 2 is a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing.
GPUImage 2 Brad Larson http://www.sunsetlakesoftware.com @bradlarson contact@sunsetlakesoftware.com Overview GPUImage 2 is the second generation of th
FlexibleImage is implemented with the hope that anyone could easily develop an app that provides features such as Camera Filter and Theme.
FlexibleImage is implemented with the hope that anyone could easily develop an app that provides features such as Camera Filter and Theme. When you wr
Open source implementation of Apple's Combine framework for processing values over time.
OpenCombine Open-source implementation of Apple's Combine framework for processing values over time. The main goal of this project is to provide a com
Luminous provides you a lot of information about the system and a lot of handy methods to quickly get useful data on the iOS platform.
Luminous Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements iOS 8+ Swift 5 Xcode 1
Time is a Swift package that makes dealing with calendar values a natural and straight-forward process.
Time Time is a Swift package that makes dealing with calendar values a natural and straight-forward process. Working with calendars can be extremely c
QueryKit, a simple type-safe Core Data query language.
QueryKit QueryKit, a simple type-safe Core Data query language. Usage QuerySetPerson(context, "Person")
Beethoven is an audio processing Swift library
Beethoven is an audio processing Swift library that provides an easy-to-use interface to solve an age-old problem of pitch detection of musical signals.
AudioKit is an audio synthesis, processing, and analysis platform for iOS, macOS, and tvOS.
AudioKit is an audio synthesis, processing, and analysis platform for iOS, macOS (including Catalyst), and tvOS. Installation To add AudioKit
SwiftyStoreKit is a lightweight In App Purchases framework for iOS, tvOS, watchOS, macOS, and Mac Catalyst ⛺
SwiftyStoreKit is a lightweight In App Purchases framework for iOS, tvOS, watchOS, macOS, and Mac Catalyst. Features Super easy-to-use block-based API
Advanced Natural Motion Animations, Simple Blocks Based Syntax
FlightAnimator Moved to Swift 3.1 Support: For Swift 3.1 - Use tag Version 0.9.9 See Installation Instructions for clarification Introduction FlightAn
The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
Swift Package Manager Project The Swift Package Manager is a tool for managing distribution of source code, aimed at making it easy to share your code
A solid language pack for Vim.
A collection of language packs for Vim. One to rule them all, one to find them, one to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. It won't affect y
Emacs support for Apple's Swift programming language.
swift-mode Major-mode for Apple's Swift programming language. Installation Install swift-mode package from MELPA. To install without MELPA, download l
Swift Featured Projects in brain Mapping
Swift 开源精选 自 2014年 WWDC 发布 Swift 语言以来,本项目 一直致力于将主流 Swift 中文学习、开发资源汇集于此,并且尽力紧密地跟踪、甄选优秀 Swift 开源项目,以方便开发者快速获得并使用。考虑 Swift 已经正式发布超过四年半(更无力管理维护海量的 Swift
A collection useful tips for the Swift language
SwiftTips The following is a collection of tips I find to be useful when working with the Swift language. More content is available on my Twitter acco
Explanations and samples about the Swift programming language
About Swift Contents Explanations and samples about: Swift Programming Language Swift Standard Library Target audience Developers familiar with object