29 Repositories
Swift transitions Libraries
AlertTransition is a extensible library for making view controller transitions, especially for alert transitions.
AlertTransition AlertTransition is a extensible library for making view controller transitions, especially for alert transitions. Overview AlertTransi
API to make great custom transitions in one method
AZTransitions Make your modal transition with custom animation. AZTransitions helps you think about creativity, giving specific API methods. Visual Ex
Allows trendy transitions using swipe gesture such as "swipe back anywhere".
SwipeTransition allows trendy transitions using swipe gesture such as "swipe back". Try the demo on the web (appetize.io): https://appetize.io/app/peb
Painless custom transitioning. Easy extend, easy setup, just focus on animations.
TransitionManager Painless custom transitioning. Easy extend, easy setup, just focus on animations. Installation CocoaPods You can use CocoaPods to in
An iOS library to create beautiful card transitions.
CSCardTransition CSCardTransition is a small library allowing you to create wonderful push and pop transition animations like in the App Store. It wor
Ios-card-transition - iOS CocoaPod to create beautiful card transitions
CSCardTransition CSCardTransition is a small library allowing you to create wond
MusicAlbumApp - Applications for training networking, field validation, screen transitions, and GCD
MusicAlbumApp This is an educational application for finding music albums and vi
Custom transition between two collection view layouts
Display Switcher We designed a UI that allows users to switch between list and grid views on the fly and choose the most convenient display type. List
An easy to use UITableViewCell subclass that allows to display swippable buttons with a variety of transitions.
MGSwipeTableCell MGSwipeTableCell is an easy to use UITableViewCell subclass that allows to display swipeable buttons with a variety of transitions. T
Configurable morphing transitions between text values of a label.
TOMSMorphingLabel Configurable morphing transitions between text values of a label. Triggering the animation is as easy as setting the labels text pro
SamuraiTransition is an open source Swift based library providing a collection of ViewController transitions featuring a number of neat “cutting” animations.
SamuraiTransiton is a ViewController transition framework in Swift. It is an animation as if Samurai cut out the screen with a sword. transition types
A simple project which shows how to pull off custom view controller transitions.
Custom View Controller Transitions This project explains and shows how to make custom view controller transitions in the most simple way possible. Eac
🌊 - Jelly is a library for animated, non-interactive & interactive viewcontroller transitions and presentations with the focus on a simple and yet flexible API.
Jelly is a library for animated, non-interactive & interactive viewcontroller transitions and presentations with the focus on a simple and yet flexibl
:date: UIDatePicker modally presented with iOS 7 custom transitions.
AIDatePickerController Installation Manually Download and drop /AIDatePickerControllerfolder in your project. Congratulations! Usage // Create a date
Router is a library that assists with SwiftUI view transitions.
Router Router is a library that assists with SwiftUI view transitions. Installation .package(name: "Router", url: "git@github.com:1amageek/Router.git"
SwiftUI Animation Library. Useful SwiftUI animations including Loading/progress, Looping, On-off, Enter, Exit, Fade, Spin and Background animations that you can directly implement in your next iOS application or project. The library also contains huge examples of spring animations such as Inertial Bounce, Shake, Twirl, Jelly, Jiggle, Rubber Band, Kitchen Sink and Wobble effects. Browse, find and download the animation that fits your needs.
swiftui-animations SwiftUI Animations Library. Useful SwiftUI animations for your next project. YouTube Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/nimbbble An
Fastbot is a model-based testing tool for modeling GUI transitions to discover app stability problems
Fastbot is a model-based testing tool for modeling GUI transitions to discover app stability problems. It combines machine learning and reinforcement learning techniques to assist discovery in a more intelligent way.
A simple iOS app with one default and four custom transitions.
A simple iOS app with one default and four custom transitions. The app uses the same two view controllers for every transition.
Garland View seamlessly transitions between multiple lists of content.
Garland View seamlessly transitions between multiple lists of content. We specialize in the designing and coding of custom UI for Mobile
ZoomTransitioning provides a custom transition with image zooming animation and swiping the screen edge.
ZoomTransitioning Overview ZoomTransitioning provides a custom transition with image zooming animation. When you use this library with UINavigationCon
A UICollectionViewLayout subclass that adds custom transitions/animations to the UICollectionView without effecting your existing code.
AnimatedCollectionViewLayout Normally a UICollectionView has no transition effects when you scroll from one item to another. There are lots of ways to
Easy interactive interruptible custom ViewController transitions
Introduction Transition is a library that helps you build iOS view controller transitions. Implementing a nice interactive custom view controller tran
SamuraiTransition is an open source Swift based library providing a collection of ViewController transitions featuring a number of neat “cutting” animations.
SamuraiTransiton is a ViewController transition framework in Swift. It is an animation as if Samurai cut out the screen with a sword. transition types
🌊 - Jelly is a library for animated, non-interactive & interactive viewcontroller transitions and presentations with the focus on a simple and yet flexible API.
Jelly is a library for animated, non-interactive & interactive viewcontroller transitions and presentations with the focus on a simple and yet flexibl
Library for smooth animation of images during transitions.
ImageTransition ImageTransition is a library for smooth animation of images during transitions. Something looks like below: e.g. UIImageView e.g. UIIm
Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
Hero is a library for building iOS view controller transitions. It provides a declarative layer on top of the UIKit's cumbersome transition APIs—makin
A simple way to create custom interactive UIViewController transitions
EasyTransitions is a library that helps developers create custom interactive transitions using simple functions defined in a protocol and avoid handli
Image slide-show viewer with multiple predefined transition styles, with ability to create new transitions with ease.
ATGMediaBrowser ATGMediaBrowser is an image slide-show viewer that supports multiple predefined transition styles, and also allows the client to defin
An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
Lottie for iOS, macOS (and Android and React Native) View documentation, FAQ, help, examples, and more at airbnb.io/lottie Lottie is a mobile library