A custom SwiftUI modifier to present an ActionSheet or a Popover menu

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Menu ActionOver


A custom SwiftUI modifier to present an Action Sheet on iPhone and a Popover on iPad and Mac.

iPhone Preview

iPad Preview

Mac Preview



  • Slidable and dismissable with drag gesture.
  • Light/Dark mode.
  • Customizable button color.
  • Custon popup position on ipad and mac.
  • Custom popup arrow edge position on ipad and mac.
  • iOS compatibility
  • iPad compatibility
  • Mac compatibility



  • iOS 13.0+ / macOS 10.15.4+
  • Xcode 11.2+
  • Swift 5+

Via Swift Package Manager

In Xcode 11 or grater, in you project, select: File > Swift Packages > Add Pacakage Dependency.

In the search bar type ActionOver and when you find the package, with the next button you can proceed with the installation.

If you can't find anything in the panel of the Swift Packages you probably haven't added yet your github account. You can do that under the Preferences panel of your Xcode, in the Accounts section.

How to Use

To use the Action Over just attach the new modifier:

    presented: Binding<Bool>,
    title: String,
    message: String?,
    buttons: [ActionOverButton],
    ipadAndMacConfiguration: IpadAndMacConfiguration,
    normalButtonColor: UIColor = UIColor.label

If you want a starting point copy in your ContentView file the following code:

import SwiftUI
import ActionOver

struct ContentView: View {

    @State var presented = false

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 40) {
                Hi, this is the Action Over modifier.

                With this modifier you will preset an Action Sheet on iPhone
                and a Popover on iPad and Mac.

                You will write just once your actions, and with a single modifier
                you will dislay the proper menu according the user's device.
                Button(action: {
                    self.presented = true
                }, label: {
                    Text("Show Action Over")
                        presented: $presented,
                        title: "Settings",
                        message: "Wich setting will you enamble?",
                        buttons: buttons,
                        ipadAndMacConfiguration: ipadMacConfig
                HStack {
                .navigationBarTitle("Action Over", displayMode: .large)

    private var buttons: [ActionOverButton] = {
        return [
                title: "Option one",
                type: .normal,
                action: {}
                title: "Option two",
                type: .normal,
                action: {}
                title: "Delete",
                type: .destructive,
                action: {}
                title: nil,
                type: .cancel,
                action: nil

    private var ipadMacConfig = {
        IpadAndMacConfiguration(anchor: nil, arrowEdge: nil)

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
  • Runtime error on macOS - needs 10.15.4

    Runtime error on macOS - needs 10.15.4

    Andrea, thank you for this code! However, I am attempting to run it via Catalyst on my Mac and I am getting this error:

    application requires at least OS X version 10.15.4 (10.15.4), but is being run on 10.15.3 ( 10.15.3/19D76), and so is exiting.

    I am using Xcode 11.4.1 and have been able to run other Catalyst apps under 10.15.3 so what is the problem here? I've searched the code looking for special OS requirements but can't find any.

    Now, before you suggest I update to 10.15.4 let me tell you my horror story. I did update to 10.15.4 and I have spent the last five days trying undo that foolish decision! 10.15.4 is a nightmare of bugs. Mail, Messages, Contacts, Spotlight, all break with the "not responding" status. I had an external boot disk with 10.15.3 but some obtuse security "feature" in 10.15.4 prevents using an external disk as a startup disk. After days of searching for a backdate solution I was finally able to restore my machine back to 10.15.3.

    Any ideas?

    opened by WholeCheese 5
  • Suggestions


    I have a couple of minor changes I would like to suggest that I have implemented on a branch. I can list them here or create a PR. Which do you prefer? I guess I need better access to create a PR?

    opened by SAPIENTechnologies 3
  • Not building for MacOS

    Not building for MacOS

    Hello, thanks for the great package. It says Mac compatible, but it is only building in iOS for me. It looks like the platforms array in Package.swift only has iOS listed, is that the issue?

    opened by lukemorse 1
  • Missing change

    Missing change

    For some reason, when I update to the latest code in XCode's SWP, the change made to ActionOverViewModifier line 156 has not been updated.

    should be: .padding(.all, 10)

    code shows: .padding(.vertical, 10)

    opened by SAPIENTechnologies 1
  • Compile time errors

    Compile time errors

    Hello. I have installed this package as directed and have tried to follow your code example. Rather than put it directly into contentView, I have created an ActionButton with body as such...

    var body: some View { Button( action: { self.showActions = true}, label: { Image(systemName: "plus").font(.title) } ) .actionOver( presented: $showActions, title: "Options", message: "", buttons: buttons, ipadAndMacConfiguration: ipadMacConfig ) }

    I create ActionButton array as your sample shows and an ipadMacConfig.

    The following errors appear: Use of undeclared type 'ActionOverButton' Use of unresolved identifier 'IpadAndMacConfiguration' 'actionOver' is inaccessible due to 'internal' protection level

    I have tried importing ActionOver to no avail. Any ideas?

    opened by SAPIENTechnologies 1
  • Cannot find 'self' in scope

    Cannot find 'self' in scope

    Cannot find 'self' in scope when calling finction on action handler.

       var actionButtons: [ActionOverButton] = {
            return [
                    title: "Edit Profile",
                    type: .normal,
                    action: {}
                    title: "Change Password",
                    type: .normal,
                    action: {}
                ActionOverButton(title: "Sign out", type: .destructive) {
                    title: nil,
                    type: .cancel,
                    action: nil
        private var ipadMacConfig = {
            IpadAndMacConfiguration(anchor: nil, arrowEdge: nil)
        func setting() {

    Edit - Solved

    var actionButtons: [ActionOverButton] {
            return [
                    title: "Edit Profile",
                    type: .normal,
                    action: {}
                    title: "Change Password",
                    type: .normal,
                    action: {}
                ActionOverButton(title: "Sign out", type: .destructive) {
                    title: nil,
                    type: .cancel,
                    action: nil
    opened by toseefkhilji 0
  • Grammar/spelling changes and padding change

    Grammar/spelling changes and padding change

    ContentView: Minor spelling and grammatical changes

    ActionOverViewModifier: changed padding for popover from .vertical to .all to give nicer padding when no message is present

    opened by SAPIENTechnologies 0
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