A customizable SpriteKit particles animation on the border of a view.



Carthage compatible Version License Platform


With ParticlesLoadingView you can create your own amazing SpriteKit particles animations with the Xcode's built-in Particle Emitter Editor that looks like the following picture. Go ahead and create your own particles animation by doing File ➡️ New File ➡️ iOS Resource ➡️ SpriteKit Particle File.


To see it in action, run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. The example project shows how to set up ParticlesLoadingView in a few different ways.

The easiest way to add a particles animation around the border of any UIView subclass is to use the extension method as follows:

let view = ... // Your UIView subclass here
view.addParticlesAnimation(effect: ParticleEffect.Fire) // Use a built-in effect
view.addParticlesAnimation(emitter: emitter) // Use your own SKEmitterNode

You can also use the already provided ParticlesLoadingView class to create an animation. Instantiate it by code or in Storyboard and select a built-in ParticleEffect or set the scene.emitterNode to your custom SKEmitterNode object.

var loadingView: ParticlesLoadingView = {
    let view = ParticlesLoadingView(frame: 0, y: 0, width: 75, height: 75))
    view.particleEffect = .Spark
    view.duration = 1.5
    view.layer.cornerRadius = 15.0
    return view

// OR provide your own SKEmitterNode

let emitter = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithFile(NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("Spark", ofType: "sks")!) as? SKEmitterNode
if let emitter = emitter { 
    loadingView.scene.emitterNode = emitter


/// Duration in seconds of the animation to complete a tour on the border of the view.
public var duration = 2.0
/// The size of each particle image. This value is used to calculate the inner padding of the view path so that the emitted particles are visible.
public var particlesSize: CGFloat = 5.0
/// The emitter of particles that is animated along the border of the view.
public var emitterNode: SKEmitterNode? = nil

You can provide your own particle emitter node by designing an animation with the particle emitter editor and creating a SKEmitterNode. If you want to customize it further than that, the project is documented so go ahead and 🍴 it.

If you think a feature should be included in this project, submit a PR or open a new issue.


ParticlesLoadingView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "ParticlesLoadingView"

You can also use Carthage if you prefer. Add this line to your Cartfile.

github "BalestraPatrick/ParticlesLoadingView"


iOS 9.0 and Swift 3 are required.

If you are using Swift 4, please use the swift4 branch.

If you are using Swift 2.3, please use the swift2.3 branch.


I'm Patrick Balestra. Email: me@patrickbalestra.com Twitter: @BalestraPatrick.


ParticlesLoadingView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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