Gradients πŸŒ” A curated collection of 180 splendid gradients made in swift



πŸŒ” A curated collection of 180 splendid gradients made in swift


Awesome Swift Version License Platform Carthage compatible

180 splendid Gradients inspired by itmeo/webgradients View all the gradients here Β»

πŸ„πŸΌ Easy To Use


180+ Gradients

public enum Gradients: Int, CaseIterable {
    case warmFlame = 1
    case nightFade
    case springWarmth
    case juicyPeach
    case fabledSunset
    case perfectBlue


public enum Direction {
    case top
    case left
    case right
    case bottom
    case degree(CGFloat)

🎨 Customize


// degree for radian direction supported
let customLayer = Gradients.linear(to: .degree(-225), colors: [0x231557, 0x44107A, 0xFF1361, 0xFFF800], locations: [0.0, 0.29, 0.67, 1.0]) // Fabled Sunset


  • Comets: β˜„οΈ Comets: Animating Particles in Swift.
  • DeliTodo: Todo application for iOS using Deli.


Gradients is written in Xcode 10, Swift 4+, iOS 9.0+ Required

πŸ“² Installation

Gradients is available through Cocoapods or Carthage


pod "Gradients"


0.3.0 ">
github "cruisediary/Gradients" ~> 0.3.0

❀️ Contribution

Pull requests are always welcomed πŸ„πŸΌ


  • awesome-swift - A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!
  • awesome-gradient - 🌈 A curated list of awesome Gradient frameworks, libraries and software and resources

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Author


πŸ›‘ License

Gradients is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Added Swift Package Manager Support

    Added Swift Package Manager Support

    This adds support for SPM (#23)

    Please note that after merging this pull request, a new tag (0.3.1) is needed in order to provide full compatibility with SPM.

    opened by guidev 3
  • Swiftlint


    Swiftlint is handy for catching stuff like trailing whitespace and and other stylistic misses so I thought it might help to add in a .swiftlint.yml disabling some current warnings.

    opened by Nirma 2
  • radial and linear functions declaration into Gradients namespace

    radial and linear functions declaration into Gradients namespace

    Radial and linear function ( maybe upcoming functions in the future ) declarations should be wrapped by a namespace such as Gradients.

     Gradients.linear(to: .top, colors: [0xdf89b5, 0xbfd9fe], locations: [0.0, 1.0])

    Without a namespace these functions can be called only their name which is not intended.

    If we do not want to users create their own custom radial or linear layers, we could mark these methods as private.

    opened by muhasturk 2
  • Alpha assert is wrong

    Alpha assert is wrong

    Alpha value is must be between 0.0 and 1.0

    The opacity value of the color object, specified as a value from 0.0 to 1.0. Alpha values below 0.0 are interpreted as 0.0, and values above 1.0 are interpreted as 1.0.
    opened by muhasturk 1
  • I can't set your gradient

    I can't set your gradient

    Hello ! I'm trying to set your gradient via viewdidappear, but it doesn't work

    ExampleOfCode: viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) { self.view.layer.addSublayer(Gradients.coupDeGrace.layer) }

    opened by IKorabel 1
  • "complex" gradients do not render

    Gradients such as "elegance", "raccoonBack", "aboveClouds", etc... do not produce a colour, whereas the more simple ones such as "purpleDivision", "aquaSplash", "warmFlame" etc... do produce a colour as expected. Any idea why?

    opened by 368433 3
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