A simple and flexible way to add source of overlapping circular pictures, currently supports horizontal overlapping or distant pictures with great layout flexibility.

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Image OnlyPictures








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OnlyPictures is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'OnlyPictures'

Explaination & Live tracker.

onlyPictures.order = .descending


Add UIView in your outlet, select it and go to Properties -> Identity Inspector, add OnlyHorizontalPictures in class property. OnlyVerticalPictures about to release soon.


Create instance of this outlet as below.

@IBOutlet weak var onlyPictures: OnlyHorizontalPictures!

Use DataSource for data assignment & Delegate to get indication of action performed in pictures.

onlyPictures.dataSource = self
onlyPictures.delegate = self

DataSource Methods

extension ViewController: OnlyPicturesDataSource {

    // ---------------------------------------------------
    // returns the total no of pictures
    func numberOfPictures() -> Int {
        return pictures.count
    // ---------------------------------------------------
    // returns the no of pictures should be visible in screen. 
    // In above preview, Left & Right formats are example of visible pictures, if you want pictures to be shown without count, remove this function, it's optional.
    func visiblePictures() -> Int {
        return 6
    // ---------------------------------------------------
    // return the images you want to show. If you have URL's for images, use next function instead of this.
    // use .defaultPicture property to set placeholder image. This only work with local images. for URL's images we provided imageView instance, it's your responsibility to assign placeholder image in it. Check next function.
    // onlyPictures.defaultPicture = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "defaultProfilePicture")
    func pictureViews(index: Int) -> UIImage {
        return pictures[index]
    // ---------------------------------------------------
    // If you do have URLs of images. Use below function to have UIImageView instance and index insted of 'pictureViews(index: Int) -> UIImage'
    // NOTE: It's your resposibility to assign any placeholder image till download & assignment completes.
    // I've used AlamofireImage here for image async downloading, assigning & caching, Use any library to allocate your image from url to imageView.
    func pictureViews(_ imageView: UIImageView, index: Int) { 
        // Use 'index' to receive specific url from your collection. It's similar to indexPath.row in UITableView.
        let url = URL(string: self.pictures[index])
        imageView.image = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "defaultProfilePicture")   // placeholder image
        imageView.af_setImage(withURL: url!)   

Delegate Methods

extension ViewController: OnlyPicturesDelegate {
    // ---------------------------------------------------
    // receive an action of selected picture tap index
    func pictureView(_ imageView: UIImageView, didSelectAt index: Int) {
    // ---------------------------------------------------
    // receive an action of tap upon count
    func pictureViewCountDidSelect() {
    // ---------------------------------------------------
    // receive a count, incase you want to do additionally things with it.
    // even if your requirement is to hide count and handle it externally with below fuction, you can hide it using property `isVisibleCount = true`.
    func pictureViewCount(value: Int) {
        print("count value: \(value)")
    // ---------------------------------------------------
    // receive an action, whem tap occures anywhere in OnlyPicture view.
    func pictureViewDidSelect() {


  • reloadData() will work similar to UITableView -> reloadData(), it will call numberOfPictures() & pictureViews(index: Int)/pictureViews(_ imageView: UIImageView, index: Int) again to reform pictures.


  • Pictures works based on LIFO - Last In First Out, means last added will be shown at top (recent).
  • If your array contains pictures in ascending, it will show last picture OR in other words last appended picture at top (recent).
  • If your array contains pictures in descending, set .order property to .descending to show first picture at top (recent).

            .ascending                                            .descending


onlyPictures.order = .descending

                 .left                                                    .right


onlyPictures.recentAt = .left

                   .left                                                             .center                                                      .right


onlyPictures.alignment = .left

                   .right                                                .left


onlyPictures.countPosition = .right

           .gap = 20                                      .gap = 36                                                .gap = 50


onlyPictures.gap = 36

    .spacing = 0                    .spacing = 2                    .spacing = 4                           .spacing = 4


onlyPictures.spacing = 2

  .spacingColor = .gray                       .spacingColor = .white


onlyPictures.spacingColor = UIColor.white
  • Set image in place of count. If this property set, count properties won't effect.


onlyPictures.imageInPlaceOfCount = UIImage(named:"image_name")

Properties for count


onlyPictures.backgroundColorForCount = .orange

onlyPictures.textColorForCount = .red

onlyPictures.fontForCount = UIFont(name: "HelveticaNeue", size: 18)!
  • To hide count, set .isHiddenVisibleCount = true. But you can receive count in a following funtion of OnlyPicturesDelegate - pictureViewCount(value: Int).
onlyPictures.isHiddenVisibleCount = true

Things you can do additionally, Insert & Remove at First/Last/Specific-Position

  • NOTE: it's your responsibility to insert/remove image in your collection too, you used for pictures. It's similar pattern you follows using UITableView.
Insert first in .order = .descending


onlyPictures.insertFirst(image: UIImage(named: "p11"), withAnimation: .popup)
Insert last in .order = .descending


onlyPictures.insertLast(image: UIImage(named: "p12"), withAnimation: .popup)
Insert at specific position in .order = .descending, below added at 2nd position


onlyPictures.insertPicture(UIImage(named: "p12"), atIndex: 2, withAnimation: .popup)
Remove first in .order = .descending


onlyPictures.removeFirst(withAnimation: .popdown)
Remove last in .order = .descending


onlyPictures.removeLast(withAnimation: .popdown)
Remove from specific position in .order = .descending, below removed from 2nd position


onlyPictures.removePicture(atIndex: 2, withAnimation: .popdown)
Let's check how insertion works with dynamic images. remove is same as above.
Insert first in .order = .descending

let url = URL(string: "http://insightstobehavior.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/testi-5.jpg")
onlyPictures.insertFirst(withAnimation: .popup) { (imageView) in
        imageView.image = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "defaultProfilePicture")
        imageView.af_setImage(withURL: url!)
Insert last in .order = .descending

let url = URL(string: "http://insightstobehavior.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/testi-5.jpg")
onlyPictures.insertLast(withAnimation: .popup) { (imageView) in
        imageView.image = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "defaultProfilePicture")
        imageView.af_setImage(withURL: url!)
Insert at specific position in .order = .descending, below added at 2nd position

let url = URL(string: "http://insightstobehavior.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/testi-5.jpg")
onlyPictures.insertPicture(atIndex: 2, withAnimation: .popup) { (imageView) in
        imageView.image = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "defaultProfilePicture")
        imageView.af_setImage(withURL: url!)


Kiran Jasvanee,

Skype - kiranjasvanee

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kiran-jasvanee-ab363778

eMail - kiran.jasvanee@gmail.com


OnlyPictures is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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