This is an exercise, a simulation of a scenario. This application is a simplification.
Application works with lists of dynamic objects with dynamic properties. Application allows user to inspect a selection of dynamic objects and edit properties of the selected objects.
WARNING: This application is BROKEN, It does not work as intended. Serves as a starter for a discussion.
This is a sample for a question at Apple Developer Forums.
Problem Definition
- The Model consists of Dynamic Things.
- Dynamic Things have dynamic properties
- Properties are not known to the application developer (they can be created externally, by a user)
- The environment contains multiple dynamic collections of Things, we call them Filters
- The exact Filters are not known to the application developer
- User can list Dynamic Things from a Filter
- There might be views of Dynamic Things that are described externally (not known to the app developer)
- User can select one or multiple Dynamic Things in the list
- An Inspector displays properties of Things in the selection
- If multiple Things are selected, inspector displays values from properties that have only one distinct value, otherwise displays an empty value
- User can use Inspector to change some properteis of selected Things
- User can change properties of one or more Things at once using Inspector
View Hierarchy
+-- Content View (*>)
+-- Navigation View
| |
| +-- [sidebar] List of Thing Filters
| |
| +-- ThingListView(<*) – list of things, selectable, multiple
+-- Inspector(<*) – of selection in the above
(*>) Selection – state, source of truth
(<*) Selection - binding to
Navigation Inspector
| Filter 1 |**Thing 1*****| Selected: |
| Filter 2 | Thing 2 | 1,3 |
| .... |**Thing 3*****| |
| | ... | Name: ___ |
+------- this can be 2D canvas, can be anything to present
a collection of selectable objects.
Note: The ThingListView might as well be some kind of Canvas, or any other view,
it does not have to be just a list view.
Known Issues
called on no change
Issue #1: Binding Offending code location: Inspector.swift -> class Inspector
-> var body
-> nameBinding
-> set
- Pick a Filter (Thing collection)
- Select multiple (more than one) items
- One of (any):
- Change selection to one item
- Switch to another Filter
Result: All previously selected items will be changed.
Expected: No change happens.
What happened: set
of a binding to a text filed is called on selection change.
File Description
- InspectorApp.swift - regular SwiftUI app with an environment object. Nothing special here.
- DynamicThing.swift - definition of core model objects.
- Environment.swift - definition of the model
- ContentView.swift - definition of an application content view – NavigationView with Inspector
- ThingListView.swift - List of Things - target for the NavigationView. Uses multiple selection.
- ThingView - view of a single thing in a list, simulating dynamic content/layout
- Inspector.swift - View of an inspector for Dynamic Things. Simulates editing of a dynamic variable of one or multiuple Things
- Stefan Urbanek