✨ An elegant way to guide your beloved users in iOS apps - Material Showcase.


Material Showcase for iOS

Carthage compatible Download

An elegant and beautiful tap showcase view for iOS apps based on Material Design Guidelines.

Screenshots Screenshots


  • iOS 10.0+
  • Swift 4.2+



You can install it by using CocoaPods. Please add the following line to your Podfile.

pod 'MaterialShowcase'


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate MaterialShowcase into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "aromajoin/material-showcase-ios" ~> 0.8.0

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built MaterialShowcase.framework into your Xcode project.

Swift Package Manger

In the XCode, please select menu option "File" => "Swift Packages" => "Add package dependency..." Then, select the project you want to add the package, and enter this repository URL.




In order to integrate the library into Object-C project, please follow the instructions from this doc.


  let showcase = MaterialShowcase()
  showcase.setTargetView(view: button) // always required to set targetView
  showcase.primaryText = "Action 1"
  showcase.secondaryText = "Click here to go into details"
  showcase.show(completion: {
    // You can save showcase state here
    // Later you can check and do not show it again

Note: showcase.show() should be called after your views are placed correctly, for example inside UIViewController's viewWillAppear() or viewDidAppear() function. You SHOULD NOT call it inside viewDidLoad() because views have not laid down correctly yet, showcase can not calculate these views positions and it results in unexpected errors.

Supported target views

There are several target view supported.

  // Any UIView
  showcase.setTargetView(view: view)
  // UIBarButtonItem
  showcase.setTargetView(barButtonItem: barItem)
  // UITabBar item
  showcase.setTargetView(tabBar: tabBar, itemIndex: 0)
  // UItableViewCell
  showcase.setTargetView(tableView: tableView, section: 0, row: 0)

Enable TapThrough

By default, tapping a showcase's target does not perform it's predefined action. This can be overridden.

  // UIButton
  showcase.setTargetView(button: button, tapThrough: true)
  // UIBarButtonItem
  showcase.setTargetView(barButtonItem: barItem, tapThrough: true)
  // UITabBar item
  showcase.setTargetView(tabBar: tabBar, itemIndex: 0, tapThrough: true)

Handle showcase status

  // Right after showing.
  showcase.show(completion: {
    // You can save showcase state here

  // To handle other behaviors when showcase is dismissing, delegate should be declared.
  showcase.delegate = self

  extension ViewController: MaterialShowcaseDelegate {
    func showCaseWillDismiss(showcase: MaterialShowcase, didTapTarget: Bool) {
      print("Showcase \(showcase.primaryText) will dismiss.")
    func showCaseDidDismiss(showcase: MaterialShowcase, didTapTarget: Bool) {
      print("Showcase \(showcase.primaryText) dimissed.")

Dismiss showcase programmatically

  showcase.completeShowcase(animated: true, didTapTarget: false)

Support both LTR and RTL text alignment

In default, text aligment is set to be left-to-right. If you want to show text in right-to-left direction. Please define following.

showcase.primaryTextAlignment = .right
showcase.secondaryTextAlignment = .right

Dismiss showcase only if users click to target view

In default, showcase will be dismissed when users click to any place in whole showcase view. If you want to dismiss showcase only when users click to target view correctly, please set the following property.

showcase.isTapRecognizerForTargetView = true

Customize UI properties

You can define your own styles based on your app.

  // Background
  showcase.backgroundAlpha = 0.9
  showcase.backgroundPromptColor = UIColor.blue
  showcase.backgroundPromptColorAlpha = 0.96
  showcase.backgroundViewType = .full // default is .circle
  showcase.backgroundRadius = 300
  // Target
  showcase.targetTintColor = UIColor.blue
  showcase.targetHolderRadius = 44
  showcase.targetHolderColor = UIColor.white
  // Text
  showcase.primaryTextColor = UIColor.white
  showcase.secondaryTextColor = UIColor.white
  showcase.primaryTextSize = 20
  showcase.secondaryTextSize = 15
  showcase.primaryTextFont = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: primaryTextSize)
  showcase.secondaryTextFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: secondaryTextSize)
  showcase.primaryTextAlignment = .left
  showcase.secondaryTextAlignment = .left
  // Animation
  showcase.aniComeInDuration = 0.5 // unit: second
  showcase.aniGoOutDuration = 0.5 // unit: second
  showcase.aniRippleScale = 1.5
  showcase.aniRippleColor = UIColor.white
  showcase.aniRippleAlpha = 0.2

Sequence items

You can define showcase items and create sequence.

If you set key param sequence visible just one time or key is empty will always show be repeated

Always appear

  let sequence = MaterialShowcaseSequence()
  let showcase2 = MaterialShowcase()
  let showcase3 = MaterialShowcase()
  let showcase1 = MaterialShowcase()
  showcase1.delegate = self
  showcase2.delegate = self
  showcase3.delegate = self

Will appear once so we have key

  let sequence = MaterialShowcaseSequence()
  let showcase2 = MaterialShowcase()
  let showcase3 = MaterialShowcase()
  let showcase1 = MaterialShowcase()
  showcase1.delegate = self
  showcase2.delegate = self
  showcase3.delegate = self
  //Once the key value changes , it will appear once
  sequence.temp(showcase1).temp(showcase2).temp(showcase3).setKey(key: "temp").start()

Must extends MaterialShowCaseDelegate and This code into showCaseDidDismiss function

extension ViewController: MaterialShowcaseDelegate {
    func showCaseDidDismiss(showcase: MaterialShowcase, didTapTarget: Bool) {

For more information, please take a look at sample app.

If you have any issues or feedback, please visit issue section. Please feel free to create a pull request.

Third Party Bindings

React Native

For React Native developers, you can use this library via its binding bridge created by @prscX.


For NativeScript developers, you can use this library via 3rd party plugin created by @hamdiwanis.


Please check the FAQ page here.


Material Showcase is available under the Apache license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • How to increase the radius of colored background circle especially for iPads?

    How to increase the radius of colored background circle especially for iPads?

    I am trying to increase the size of the showcase to fit the device like it appears on iPhones but unable to find right option for that. Simulator Screen Shot - iPad Pro (12 9-inch) (3rd generation) - 2019-10-23 at 10 55 25

    I am trying to stretch the blue circle in the screenshot to be fit to the screen like it appears on the iPhone or at least be able to modify the size of it.

    Thank You :)

    opened by pathaderavi-zz 14
  • Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftUIKit.dylib

    Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftUIKit.dylib


    When running a UI test outside Xcode, I get this error:

    Testing failed:
                    Screenshots_MyApp-Runner.app (91451) encountered an error (Failed to load the test bundle. (Underlying error: The bundle “Screenshots_MyApp” couldn’t be loaded because it is damaged or missing necessary resources. The bundle is damaged or missing necessary resources. dlopen_preflight(/Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/Build/Products/Debug-MyApp-iphonesimulator/Screenshots_MyApp-Runner.app/PlugIns/Screenshots_MyApp.xctest/Screenshots_MyApp): Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftUIKit.dylib
      Referenced from: /Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/Build/Products/Debug-MyApp-iphonesimulator/Screenshots_MyApp-Runner.app/PlugIns/Screenshots_MyApp.xctest/Frameworks/MaterialShowcase.framework/MaterialShowcase
      Reason: image not found))

    The solution for this problem is to add this line in your podspec:


    Please follow this report: https://github.com/airbnb/lottie-ios/issues/1141

    I was able to fix this by creating a fork and applying this flag manually.

    Thank you.

    opened by ppamorim 12
  • MaterialShowCaseSequence Not Present

    MaterialShowCaseSequence Not Present

    Hi I am currently working in an application which needs multiple showcases shown in an sequence (just like the example shown in the ReadMe ) however I cannot find that option can you please help

    opened by deepskandpal 12
  • TapThrough Functionality

    TapThrough Functionality

    Let me know if this needs more explanation.

    Also, I did make changes to the sample app on my local machine to test this out, but didn't necessarily want to include them. Let me know if you'd want to see how I tested, or if you have trouble testing yourself.

    opened by poisondminds 11
  • overlapping texts

    overlapping texts

    Hi @quangctkm9207

    Thanks for such an handy library. I tried using this library which works like charm but i have a problem with it, this is kinda wierd but sometimes (it doesn't follow a certain pattern)sometimes when the user see's the showcase the text is kinda overlapped check the pic bellow. i dont know why this happens :
    it's like the showcase is showing two of the showcase at the same time but whit diffrent positions 1537784143137

    opened by benjimkh 11
  • Thread 1: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value at: let center = calculateCenter(at: targetView, to: containerView)

    Thread 1: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value at: let center = calculateCenter(at: targetView, to: containerView)

    Hey I have a while implementing this pod, and recently this problem starts to show up. First I think that was a problem of mine, that maybe I delete my variable or image where was attached, at end few times works and rest no.

    Always launching an error (Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value) in:

    func initViews() {
        let center = calculateCenter(at: targetView, to: containerView)
        addTargetRipple(at: center)
        addTargetHolder(at: center)
        addTarget(at: center)
        addInstructionView(at: center)
        // Add gesture recognizer for both container and its subview
        // Disable subview interaction to let users click to general view only
        for subView in subviews {
          subView.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
    opened by GeekerX 10
  • First time showing showcase repeats long texts with overlap!

    First time showing showcase repeats long texts with overlap!

    Hi, I am using showcase first time app opens. My problem is when the showcase texts are long, they repeated and overlapped on each other (I one show case the secondary text or primary text repeated and overlapped on itself). If i close the app and restart It again this problem does not occur. The weird thing is I couldn't repeat the problem in the demo application.

    Note: I tested and the problem occur in both English and Persian languages.


    Here is my code :

     override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    private func showHelp() {
            let userDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
            let helpShowed = userDefaults.value(forKey: "HELP_MENU") as? Bool ?? false
            if !helpShowed {
                let showCaseLogin = MaterialShowcase()
                showCaseLogin.setTargetView(tableView: self.tableView, section: 1, row: 1)
                showCaseLogin.backgroundPromptColorAlpha = 0.85
                showCaseLogin.primaryTextAlignment = .right
                showCaseLogin.secondaryTextAlignment = .right
                showCaseLogin.backgroundPromptColor = Colors.GRAY_BLUE_DARK_COLOR!
                showCaseLogin.primaryTextFont = Fonts.font(.IRANSans_Medium_fa, 20.0)
                showCaseLogin.secondaryTextFont = Fonts.font(.IRANSans_UltraLight_fa, 16.0)
                showCaseLogin.primaryText = "پروفایل شخصی"
                showCaseLogin.secondaryText = "امکان مشاهده سوابق نیکوکاری، صندوق های صدقات و امکانات دیگر برای کاربرانی که ثبت نام نموده باشند."
                showCaseLogin.show {
                    userDefaults.set(true, forKey: "HELP_MENU")
    opened by hrsalehi 8
  • Not TargetHolderView to be Rectangle for UITableViewCell

    Not TargetHolderView to be Rectangle for UITableViewCell

    Hi @quangctkm9207

    Thanks for such an handy library. I tried using this library which works like charm but when I add it to custom tableView, I am not able to get the actual effect of Showcase in Rectangle. (Though its working fine if defined the radius , but then it shows in TargetHolderView in Circle)

    Below is the code snippet :

    class func showShowcaseForTableSection(tableview : UITableView, viewController : UIViewController,  showcasetype : ShowCaseType, section: Int, row: Int){
            let showcase = MaterialShowcase()
            showcase.setTargetView(tableView: tableview, section: section, row: row)
            showcase.primaryText = showcasetype.primaryText
            showcase.secondaryText = ""
    //        showcase.targetHolderRadius = 80 // Just need to ignore this, as I was rectangle targetHolder
    //        showcase.targetHolderColor = UIColor.white
            showcase.shouldSetTintColor = false // Tried using this as well as
            showcase.backgroundPromptColor = UIColor.darkHotPink
            showcase.isTapRecognizerForTagretView = false
            showcase.delegate = viewController as? MaterialShowcaseDelegate
            showcase.show(completion: { DataManager.sharedInstance.tutorialStepsCounter += 1 })

    Can you help me out where I am making the mistake or I doubt, if this gonna work with custom tableViewCells too.

    opened by ajaysharmalike 8
  • iOS 10 target placement issue

    iOS 10 target placement issue

    I am seeing this in iOS 10 - It may exist in other versions, but it was just reported by a users. The target placement is placed in the wrong location and button highlighting seems to be incorrect as well.

    simulator screen shot - ipad pro 12 9 inch - 2018-05-19 at 09 12 57

    opened by jamespet77 8
  • [Request][Feature] Add GOT IT/SKIP button for skipping sequences

    [Request][Feature] Add GOT IT/SKIP button for skipping sequences

    Hi @quangctkm9207, This lib will be better if the sequence case has skip button/text with style define like setDismissText, setDismiss Button radius,...

    => In case user can break/skip tutorial sequences :)

    Thanks, Cong

    opened by congnguyen91 8
  • Click event on showcase

    Click event on showcase

    Hi, I have one question How can i check event click for example when showcase show first tab item after user click on it I want to show next tab item as show case. How can I do this? Another question is how can I change default background color of circle?

    Thanks, vafa

    enhancement question 
    opened by vre142 8
  • MaterialShowcase.swift line 119 MaterialShowcase.setTargetView(view:)

    MaterialShowcase.swift line 119 MaterialShowcase.setTargetView(view:)

    Crashes in crashlytics dashboard with the following error:

    Crashed: com.apple.main-thread EXC_BREAKPOINT 0x00000001006503d4

    Crashed: com.apple.main-thread 0 nws 0xf43d4 MaterialShowcase.setTargetView(view:) + 119 (MaterialShowcase.swift:119) 1 nws 0xf4410 @objc MaterialShowcase.setTargetView(view:) + 327180 (:327180) 2 nws 0xf19cc -[RNAppTour generateMaterialShowcase:props:] + 260 (RNAppTour.m:260) 3 nws 0xf1040 -[RNAppTour ShowFor:props:] + 122 (RNAppTour.m:122) 4 nws 0xf0fb0 -[RNAppTour ShowSequence:props:] + 117 (RNAppTour.m:117) 5 nws 0xf1e68 -[RNAppTour showCaseDidDismissWithShowcase:didTapTarget:] + 298 (RNAppTour.m:298) 6 nws 0xf830c MaterialShowcase.completeShowcase(animated:didTapTarget:) + 343304 (:343304) 7 nws 0xf86fc @objc MaterialShowcase.completeShowcase(animated:didTapTarget:) + 344312 (:344312) 8 nws 0xf8038 @objc MaterialShowcase.tapGestureSelector(tapGesture:) + 342580 (:342580) 9 UIKitCore 0x1df8f0 -[UIGestureRecognizerTarget _sendActionWithGestureRecognizer:] + 56 10 UIKitCore 0x1a8a24 _UIGestureRecognizerSendTargetActions + 116 11 UIKitCore 0x171770 _UIGestureRecognizerSendActions + 284 12 UIKitCore 0x1aadd4 -[UIGestureRecognizer _updateGestureForActiveEvents] + 636 13 UIKitCore 0x162fe0 _UIGestureEnvironmentUpdate + 1988 14 UIKitCore 0x196d8c -[UIGestureEnvironment _updateForEvent:window:] + 784 15 UIKitCore 0x1a3f2c -[UIWindow sendEvent:] + 4428 16 UIKitCore 0x353e34 -[UIApplication sendEvent:] + 828 17 UIKitCore 0x177140 __dispatchPreprocessedEventFromEventQueue + 7904 18 UIKitCore 0x16bf2c __processEventQueue + 6760 19 UIKitCore 0x1713d8 __eventFetcherSourceCallback + 172 20 CoreFoundation 0xbb0d0 CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION + 28 21 CoreFoundation 0xcbd90 __CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 208 22 CoreFoundation 0x6098 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 268 23 CoreFoundation 0xb8a4 __CFRunLoopRun + 820 24 CoreFoundation 0x1f468 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 600 25 GraphicsServices 0x138c GSEventRunModal + 164 26 UIKitCore 0x5195d0 -[UIApplication _run] + 1100 27 UIKitCore 0x297f74 UIApplicationMain + 364 28 nws 0x6164 main + 7 (main.m:7) 29 ??? 0x100e85aa4 (Missing)

    Devices Details:

    Model:iPhone XR Orientation: Portrait

    Operating System Version:15.3.1 Orientation: Portrait Jailbroken: No

    opened by Murugeshrockey-RN 0
  • SwiftUI using

    SwiftUI using

    Hello there! I really like your library and I would like to use it on my SwiftUI app. Can you expose a method to pass to setTargetView a View instead of a UIView? I'm trying to achieve it using a UIHostingController in this way:

    let showcase = MaterialShowcase()
    let hc = UIHostingController(rootView: mySwiftUIView)
    hc.view.frame = CGRect(x: 100, y: 200, width: 200, height: 100)
    showcase.setTargetView(view: hc.view)
    showcase.show(completion: {
        print("Showcase completion!")

    But would be very useful if you can expose that method! Thanks!

    opened by Spettacolo83 6
  • Showcase view not dismissing if we push a view controller when it is displaying

    Showcase view not dismissing if we push a view controller when it is displaying

    Hi I am using showcase for displaying help text for user first time login.But I am facing few issues in iOS 12 version. I am presenting a showcase and meanwhile if get a notification I will navigate to another screen.After dismissing from Second Viewcontroller If I tap on screen showcaseview next sequeence is showing.

    I am not sure how to kill the showcase view instance completely.

    opened by bejgumshirisha 0
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