A QRCode generator written in Swift.


QRCode 🔳

Build Status Carthage compatible Swift 3.0

A QRCode generator written in Swift.

QRCode Example


Create a new QRCode representing a URL, a string or arbitrary data. The following examples all result in the same QRCode image.

// URL
let url = URL(string: "http://schuch.me")!
let qrCode = QRCode(url)

// String
let qrCode = QRCode("http://schuch.me")

// NSData
let data = "http://schuch.me".data(using: .isoLatin1)!
let qrCode = QRCode(data)

Customize the output image

Make sure to declare your QRCode instance as a variable in order make use of the following features.

Adjust Output Size

Change the output size of the QRCode output image via the size property.

qrCode.size = CGSize(width: 300, height: 300)
qrCode.image // UIImage (300x300)


Modify the colors of the QRCode output image via color and backgroundColor properties.

qrCode.color = CIColor(rgba: "16a085")
qrCode.backgroundColor = CIColor(rgba: "000")
qrCode.image // UIImage (green QRCode color and black background)

Note: The above examples make use of the CIColor extension that ships with this project to create colors based on HEX strings.

UIImageView extension

For convenience, a UIImageView extension is provided to directly initialize an image view with an instance of QRCode.

let imageView = UIImageView(qrCode: qrCode)

Emoji alias

In case you love emoji as much as I do, make sure to create your QRCode instance using the 🔳 typealias.

let qrCode = 🔳("http://example.com")

Version Compatibility

Current Swift compatibility breakdown:

Swift Version Framework Version
3.0 2.x
2.3 1.x
2.2 0.x



Add the following line to your Cartfile.

github "aschuch/QRCode"

Then run carthage update.


Add the following line to your Podfile.

pod "QRCode"

Then run pod install with Cocoapods 0.36 or newer.


Just drag and drop the three .swift files in the QRCode folder into your project.


Open the Xcode project and press ⌘-U to run the tests.

Alternatively, all tests can be run from the terminal using xctool.

xctool -scheme QRCodeTests -sdk iphonesimulator test


  • Snapshot Tests
  • Support transparent backgrounds


  • Create something awesome, make the code better, add some functionality, whatever (this is the hardest part).
  • Fork it
  • Create new branch to make your changes
  • Commit all your changes to your branch
  • Submit a pull request


Feel free to get in touch.

  • Converting image to NSData return nil

    Converting image to NSData return nil

    Hey Guys,

    Trying to convert image to nsdata, but receive nil. Tried both PNG and JPEG.

    let qrc = QRCode("sample")
    let img = UIImagePNGRepresentation(qrc.image!) // img is nil 

    Please advice

    opened by ivanovvitaly 9
  • Fail when building with Carthage

    Fail when building with Carthage

    I received this error when i try to install this library with cathage.

    In cartfile: github "aschuch/QRCode"

    Error: *** Building scheme "QRCode" in Example.xcodeproj ** BUILD FAILED **

    The following build commands failed: CompileSwift normal x86_64 /project-path/Carthage/Checkouts/QRCode/QRCode/CIColorExtension.swift CompileSwiftSources normal x86_64 com.apple.xcode.tools.swift.compiler (2 failures)

    opened by Sk92 5
  • Upgrade from Swift 3.0 to Swift 4.2, all tests finished successfully

    Upgrade from Swift 3.0 to Swift 4.2, all tests finished successfully

    I've upgraded the project to work with Swift 4.2, I have also checked the different targets and all of them compiled successfully with no warnings.

    Issue #59 - Swift 4.2 support.

    opened by gmotzespina 3
  • Swift 2.0 compatibility

    Swift 2.0 compatibility


    this library is awesome, but it didn't work out of the box with Xcode 7.0 beta and the new Swift 2.0 syntax. So I converted the syntax and the project, to comply with Xcode 7.0.

    Maybe you could leave the swift-2.0 branch, so that Xcode 7.0 users can use the following line in their Podfile:

    pod 'QRCode', :git => 'https://github.com/aschuch/QRCode', :branch => 'swift-2.0'

    Thanks, Marc

    opened by marcboeker 3
  • QRCode string encoding

    QRCode string encoding

    Is there a specific reason why the initialisers for string and NSURL both encode the input as latin1 instead of UTF-8?

    public init?(_ string: String) {
            if let data = string.dataUsingEncoding(NSISOLatin1StringEncoding) {
                self.data = data
            } else {
                return nil
    public init?(_ url: NSURL) {
        if let data = url.absoluteString.dataUsingEncoding(NSISOLatin1StringEncoding) {
            self.data = data
        } else {
            return nil
    opened by Querschlag 2
  • IOS 7 code still blurry

    IOS 7 code still blurry

    I placed the high error correction in and the code still appears blurry.

        var qrImage = UIImageView(frame: CGRectMake((lpScroll.frame.size.width - qrWidth) / 2, ish, qrWidth, qrWidth))
        let url = NSURL(string: url4Sharing)
        var qrCode = QRCode(url!)
        qrCode?.errorCorrection = QRCode.ErrorCorrection.High
        qrCode?.color = CIColor(color: UIColor.cloudsColor())
        qrCode?.backgroundColor = CIColor(color: darkColor)
        qrCode?.size = CGSize(width: qrWidth * 2, height: qrWidth * 2)
        qrImage.image = qrCode?.image
    opened by v1n2e7t 2
  • You may want to add this to the README

    You may want to add this to the README

    To build for Swift 3.0 for the time being you need to add this to your Podfile

    `pod 'QRCode', :git => "git@github.com:aschuch/QRCode.git", :branch => "swift3.0"`
    opened by alimoeeny 1
  • fix: capture image with device scale.

    fix: capture image with device scale.

    I encountered a problem that the result QRCode image is blurred. So this commit simply capture the image with device scale solved that problem, and has no effect to other usages.

    opened by 5d 1
  • how about add NSUrl,String extension

    how about add NSUrl,String extension

    i think using extension to invoke have a better experience. like: stringA.QRImage() this method could have some default parameters,like size or something else.

    if you agree with this , I can spend some time work on it,create a pull request

    opened by lacklock 1
  • Created images not working with UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit

    Created images not working with UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit

    The created image gets streched even when using UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit on a UIImageView.

    Fixed it by adding another conversion step (CIImage -> CGImage -> UIImage). https://github.com/Querschlag/QRCode/commit/f603d590bda07ac81f9e3cdd09ebef6d53853e41

    Update: This also fixes image preview in the debugger.

    opened by Querschlag 1
  • Swift 2 compat changes

    Swift 2 compat changes

    This gets the code compiling on current Xcode. A lot of the affected changes are optional <-> non-optional.

    This won't be compatible with older versions; for that such changes will need to be guarded with "if foo is Bar?" and the like.

    opened by jj101k 1
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