SugarAnchor is syntactic sugar on NSLayoutAnchor
to help us write more compact, readable and easy layout code. It wraps up all of NSLayoutXAxisAnchor
, NSLayoutYAxisAnchor
and NSLayoutDimension
functionalities under some easy to use operators to reduce verbosity.
- Simple, concise, native[1]. Almost zero learning curve
- Typesafe, similar to NSLayoutAnchor
- Unit tested
- Small codebase (less than 300 LOC)
[1] Same NSLayoutAnchor/NSLayoutConstraints, just syntactic sugar on it
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
- Xcode 8.3 or above
- Swift 3.1
- iOS 9.0 or above
SugarAnchor is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "SugarAnchor"
Operator Summary
Let's looks at a simple NSLayoutAnchor code:
(redView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leadingAnchor, constant: 20)).isActive = true
With SugarAnchor, it become:
redView.leadingAnchor =*= view.leadingAnchor + 20
Think *
as Active constraint and ~
as Inactive constraint. Then with =*=
, you'll create an active constraint directly or with =~=
you may create an inactive constraint which you can activate later.
view1.leftAnchor =*= view2.leftAnchor + 10
// Or
let leftConstraint = (view1.leftAnchor =~= view2.leftAnchor + 10)
leftConstraint.isActive = true
In each case, you'll get the constraint to keep or just ignore. For example, for an active one:
self.heightConstraint = (v1.heightAnchor =*= 200)
// Later somewhere
self.heightConstraint.constant = 100
Operator list
Operator | Description | Example |
=*= | Equal (Active) |
❖ v1.leadingAnchor =*= v2.leadingAnchor ❖ v1.leftAnchor =*= v2.leftAnchor + 20 ❖ v1.widthAnchor =*= v2.widthAnchor / 2 + 10 ❖ v1.heightAnchor =*= 200 |
<*= | LessThanOrEqual (Active) |
❖ v1.bottomAnchor <*= container.bottomAnchor - 8 |
>*= | GreaterThanOrEqual (Active) |
❖ v2.leadingAnchor >*= v1.trailingAnchor + 5 |
=~= | Equal (Inactive) |
❖ (v1.widthAnchor =~= 200).isActive = true |
<~= | LessThanOrEqual (Inactive) |
❖ (v1.bottomAnchor <~= container.bottomAnchor - 8).isActive = true |
>~= | GreaterThanOrEqual (Inactive) |
❖ (v2.leadingAnchor >~= v1.trailingAnchor + 5).isActive = true |
SugarAnchor is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.