UITextField character counter with lovable UX πŸ’–. No math skills required πŸ™ƒ.



UITextField character counter with lovable UX πŸ’–. No math skills required πŸ™ƒ.

Swift Version License Build Status codecov CocoaPods


  • Set max length of UITextField.
  • A beautiful and animated label about the limits. Show it by ascending or descending way.
  • Haptic Feedback.
  • Easy setup with @IBInspectable.



TextFieldCounter Version 1.1.0 1.0.4
iOS Version 10.0+ 8.0+
Xcode Version 11.2 8



You can use CocoaPods to install TextFieldCounter by adding it to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '10.0'
pod 'TextFieldCounter'

To get the full benefits import TextFieldCounter wherever you import UIKit

import UIKit
import TextFieldCounter


  1. Download and drop TextFieldCounter.swift in your project.
  2. Congratulations πŸš€

Usage example

By Inspector

  1. Set the class and configure the options.



import TextFieldCounter

let frame = CGRect(x: 20, y: 80, width: 320, height: 30)
let textField = TextFieldCounter(frame: frame, limit: 20, animate: true, ascending: true, counterColor: .black, limitColor: .red)

Use Delegate

Set counterDelegate and enjoy it πŸš€ :

override func viewDidLoad() {
    textField.counterDelegate = self

func didReachMaxLength(textField: TextFieldCounter) {

Next Steps

  • Add UIAppearance support
  • Add More tests
  • Add Carthage support


We would ❀️ to see your contribution! To contribute to TextFieldCounter, check the LICENSE file for more info.


Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.


Created by Fabricio Serralvo – serralvo.co

Special thanks πŸ‘ to @ciceroduarte and @rogerluan

  • Setting UITextFieldDelegate in ViewController for the custom TextField

    Setting UITextFieldDelegate in ViewController for the custom TextField

    If I set the UITextFieldDelegate in my own ViewController, the TextFieldCounter class doesn't get any delegate callbacks from UITextFieldDelegate and so it doesn't work anymore.

    Is it possible to support both delegates?

    opened by patricks 4
  • Fix incorrect counter on changing more than one character at once

    Fix incorrect counter on changing more than one character at once

    On selection and then deleting / pasting / cutting text wrong text length was displayed. The reason is not checking shouldChangeCharactersIn parameter.

    I also had to set correct range in tests. Parameter shouldChangeCharactersIn should be (0, 0), because it is initial text input.

    opened by filletofish 4
  • Pod version outdated

    Pod version outdated

    It seems the version in the cocoapods repo is outdated, as the class is not open. This causes that when importing the module, the class can't actually be used. Would be great to fix it!! In the meantime I'll work against the repo master branch.

    opened by andres-cianio 4
  • Use of undeclared type 'TextFieldCounter'

    Use of undeclared type 'TextFieldCounter'


    Thanks for your awesome repo. I installed the latest version Installing TextFieldCounter (0.0.2) and I imported it import TextFieldCounter however, I got this error:

    screen shot 2017-05-11 at 10 33 51 am

    What is the problem?!


    opened by Maryom 3
  • Localizing counterLabel

    Localizing counterLabel

    This includes:

    • Localizing the number on counterLabel.
    • Changing the counterLabel text alignment to work well on both left to right and right to left layouts.

    Before on right to left layouts: screen shot 2017-08-27 at 7 31 37 am Notice how the number is very close to the edge of the text field, that because of the text alignment.

    After: screen shot 2017-08-27 at 7 42 40 am

    opened by i3li 2
  • Updates tests to give more readability

    Updates tests to give more readability

    Now our tests is not using a good naming spec, IMO we should update that.


    Good referente to follow: https://qualitycoding.org/unit-test-names/

    opened by serralvo 1
  • Fixed crash, added descending feature, AutoLayout and UI additions

    Fixed crash, added descending feature, AutoLayout and UI additions

    • Fixed issue where missing Storyboard outlet caused demo app to crash
    • @IBInspectable and programmatic init now has option to set ascending or descending counter (default still ascending)
    • Added AutoLayout to demo app. Previously the UI would not display correctly if the screen width did not equal 750.
    • Updated label naming convention on programmatic init to be shorter / cleaner
    • Programmatic init now stylizes TextFieldCounter background color and border to appear like a vanilla UITextField. Previously, programmatic init could appear invisible to the user.
    opened by jerherrero 1
  • Block-Style Interaction?

    Block-Style Interaction?


    It's a matter of taste, but if I were going to use TextFieldCounter (I'm not, currently), I'd prefer a block for handling when max length is reached.

    textField.onMaxLengthCrossed { overLimit in
      submitButton.isEnabled = !overLimit

    I don't love onMaxLengthCrossed as a name, but I couldn't think of anything better right away, so if you decide to add a block handler, maybe you can think of a better name.

    On that note, it seems important to have a notification on the delegate if the max limit is "unreached" as well -- for instance in the block above, to re-enable the submit button.

    opened by geoffreywiseman 1
Fabricio Serralvo
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» iOS Software Engineer at iFood πŸŽ™ Co-host at Build Failed Podcast
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