ActionCable is a new WebSockets server being released with Rails 5 which makes it easy to add real-time features to your app



Version License Platform Carthage compatible

ActionCable is a new WebSockets server being released with Rails 5 which makes it easy to add real-time features to your app. This Swift client makes it dead-simple to connect with that server, abstracting away everything except what you need to get going.


To install, simply:


Add the following line to your Podfile and run pod install

pod "ActionCableClient"


Add the following to your Cartfile and run carthage update as normal.

github "danielrhodes/Swift-ActionCableClient"


Get Started & Connect

import ActionCableClient

self.client = ActionCableClient(url: URL(string: "ws://domain.tld/cable")!)

// Connect!

client.onConnected = {

client.onDisconnected = {(error: Error?) in

Subscribe to a Channel

// Create the Room Channel
let roomChannel = client.create("RoomChannel") //The channel name must match the class name on the server

// More advanced usage
let room_identifier = ["room_id" : identifier]
let roomChannel = client.create("RoomChannel", identifier: room_identifier, autoSubscribe: true, bufferActions: true)

Channel Callbacks

// Receive a message from the server. Typically a Dictionary.
roomChannel.onReceive = { (JSON : Any?, error : ErrorType?) in
    print("Received", JSON, error)

// A channel has successfully been subscribed to.
roomChannel.onSubscribed = {

// A channel was unsubscribed, either manually or from a client disconnect.
roomChannel.onUnsubscribed = {

// The attempt at subscribing to a channel was rejected by the server.
roomChannel.onRejected = {

Perform an Action on a Channel

// Send an action
roomChannel["speak"](["message": "Hello, World!"])

// Alternate less magical way:
roomChannel.action("speak", ["message": "Hello, World!"])

// Note: The `speak` action must be defined already on the server

Authorization & Headers

// ActionCable can be picky about origins, so if you
// need it can be set here.
client.origin = "https://domain.tld/"

// If you need any sort of authentication, you 
// will not have cookies like you do in the browser,
// so set any headers here.
// These are available in the `Connection`
// on the server side.

client.headers = [
    "Authorization": "sometoken"


client.onPing = {

For more documentation, see the wiki


Starscream: The underlying WebSocket library.


Daniel Rhodes, [email protected]


ActionCableClient is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Action Cable on receive method is not called

    Action Cable on receive method is not called

    Hello Daniel am using the action cable, I will explain you the scenario for the onReceive method not called.

    When we start the application then the action cable is working fine, But if I logout from my application and then login from different user then the action cable of onReceive method is not called. I don't understand what happens but if I kill the application and then start it again. Then the action cables onReceive method will work. I don't know what am doing wrong.

    Can you suggest me what I have to do.

    opened by MandeepSingh1 20
  • Channel action fired without errors without internet connection

    Channel action fired without errors without internet connection

    There's something weird. When I call channel.Action without internet connection it doesn't return any error. isSubscribed seems to be true even without internet connection.

    Any idea?

    Update: Seems like the client doesn't detect the lost connection. How can I add ActionCableClient manually to the project to test it?

    What I do is:

    • Connect to action cable
    • Subscribe to channel
    • Kill internet connection
    • Send an action
    • It's sended without issues, channel.action doesn't fire the expected error
    opened by bitomule 8
  • Unable to update to latest version

    Unable to update to latest version

    Hello and thanks for the library! I am having issues updating the library to its latest version - 0.2.1

    Not specifying the version - installs the ActionCableClient to 0.1.4 If I set it as pod 'ActionCableClient', '0.2.1', I get the following error:

    [!] Unable to satisfy the following requirements:
    - `ActionCableClient (= 0.2.1)` required by `Podfile`
    None of your spec sources contain a spec satisfying the dependency: `ActionCableClient (= 0.2.1)`.
    You have either:
     * out-of-date source repos which you can update with `pod repo update`.
     * mistyped the name or version.
     * not added the source repo that hosts the Podspec to your Podfile.

    UPDATE: I ended up using pod 'ActionCableClient', :git=> '', :branch => '0.2.2' which fixed it, it but I'm guessing something is wrong with the default install.

    opened by danipralea 6
  • Authentication Question

    Authentication Question

    What type of headers would I need to set for authentication with this? Do I just need to pass a

    client.headers = [
        "Authorization": "sometoken"

    Rails Log:

    Started GET "/cable/" [WebSocket] for at 2016-04-14 18:47:13 +0000
    Successfully upgraded to WebSocket (REQUEST_METHOD: GET, HTTP_CONNECTION: Upgrade, HTTP_UPGRADE: websocket)
      ESC[1mESC[36mUser Load (1.3ms)ESC[0m  ESC[1mESC[34mSELECT  "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" IS NULL LIMIT $1ESC[0m  [["LIMIT", 1]]
    An unauthorized connection attempt was rejected
    Failed to upgrade to WebSocket (REQUEST_METHOD: GET, HTTP_CONNECTION: Upgrade, HTTP_UPGRADE: websocket)

    XCode Log:

    opened by daande 6
  • roomChannel.onReceive method not getting called

    roomChannel.onReceive method not getting called

    I am sending two parameters while creating the roomChannel and it is successfully subscribed, so onSubscribed is called but I am not able to receive messages, i.e onReceive method is not getting called. @danielrhodes

    opened by mansishah278 5
  • JSON decoding error for ping in v0.1.5

    JSON decoding error for ping in v0.1.5

    Since version v0.1.5 the ping message fails JSON decoding with: [ActionCableClient] Error decoding message: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "Invalid value around character 0." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Invalid value around character 0.}

    opened by kh0r 4
  • masked and rsv data is not currently supported

    masked and rsv data is not currently supported

    After the success of login, first try socket connection and success. when I logout and re-login, and connection socket again, I got below:

    ActionCableClient.ConnectionError.ProtocolViolation(Error Domain=WebSocket Code=1002 "masked and rsv data is not currently supported" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=masked and rsv data is not currently supported})

    please help...

    opened by chakery 4
  • minimum deployment target

    minimum deployment target

    pod 'ActionCableClient', :git => '', :branch => 'swift3'

    Specs satisfying the ActionCableClient (from, branchswift3) dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.

    Seems it requires iOS 9.0 Why? Before Swift3, this project supports >= 8.0 right? Current my project support OS >= 8.0

    opened by selfcreator 3
  • update SwiftyJSON dependency to ~> 2.3.2

    update SwiftyJSON dependency to ~> 2.3.2

    In SwiftyJSON version 2.3.2 a method isExists() has been changed to exists() which breaks this library.

    Here is the relevant change:

    opened by vaughankg 3
  • Clear channels

    Clear channels

    Is there a way to clear autoSubscribed channels, let say when a user sign out? I can disconnect the websocket, but when I reconnect it when the other user log in, old subscriptions remain. Note that I'm using a Singleton ActionCable Manager, so maybe I should just reset the singleton instance?

    opened by allaire 2
  • onConnect is not being called

    onConnect is not being called

    Hi, I have a this simple connection function

    `func initializeActionCabel() { self.client = ActionCableClient(url: URL(string: "ws://")!)

        self.client.willConnect = {
            print("Will Connect")
        self.client.onConnected = {
            print("Action Cable Connected!")
   = self.client.create("ChatChannel")
        self.client.onDisconnected = {(error: ConnectionError?) in
            print("Action Cable Disconnected! \(error.debugDescription)")
        self.client.onRejected = {
            print("Action Cable Connection Rejected!")
        self.client.willReconnect = {
            print("Reconnecting to \(self.client.url)")
            return true
        self.client.onPing = {
            print("On Ping")
        = {
            print("Subscribed to 'ChatChannel'")
        = {(data: Any?, error: Error?) in
            print("On Receive")
            if let _ = error {
        // Connect!

    Problem is: willReconnect and onDisconnected are being called just fine. But onConnected callback is not called ever.

    Can you please comment or see if i'm missing something? Thanks in advance.


    opened by waleedmahmood 2
  • Crash when server returns a disconnect response

    Crash when server returns a disconnect response

    Our rails server occasionally returns the following response


    This will cause the code to crash on line 112 of JSONSerializer.swift:

                return Message(channelIdentifier: channelIdentifier!,      // <<-- there is no "identifier" member in the response, so channelIdentfier will be nil
                               actionName: messageActionName,
                               messageType: MessageType.message,
                               data: messageValue,
                               error: messageError)

    Recommend that the code be fixed to not force-unwrap channelIdentifier and treat the disconnect the same as a reject

    opened by dmorgereth 0
  • Xcode 10.3

    Xcode 10.3

    in Xcode 10.3 - after pod: Downloading dependencies Installing ActionCableClient (0.2.3) Installing Starscream (2.0.4) Generating Pods project Integrating client project

    [!] Please close any current Xcode sessions and use SwiftAcabClient.xcworkspace for this project from now on. Sending stats Pod installation complete! There is 1 dependency from the Podfile and 2 total pods installed.

    - after run xcworkspace: :-1: SWIFT_VERSION '3.0' is unsupported, supported versions are: 4.0, 4.2, 5.0. (in target 'ActionCableClient')

    opened by ValenOnish 3
  • Message not received when app is in background mode

    Message not received when app is in background mode

    Problem in background mode. When the app goes background state Receive message is just stopped and no further updates from peer. It gets active and returns the older messages when I become foreground. This is stopping my integration and looking for alternative SDK. Am I missing anything around to config? ( enabled all background config under capability )

    opened by Sathishobs 1
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