Hamburger Menu using Swift and iOS 8 API's

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Menu FrostedSidebar


Hamburger Menu using Swift and iOS 8 API's

Heavily influenced by @_ryannystrom's RNFrostedSidebar

This implementation uses iOS 8's new UIVisualEffectView to apply the blur to the sidebar. Among other changes, this sidebar has a view that dims the background to shift the focus to the presented content.

The buttons have the same ring effect on click. The buttons are more customizable as I will go into later.


In the example project, the sidebar is added quite easily.

Create a property in your UIViewController subclass.

var frostedSidebar: FrostedSidebar = FrostedSidebar(images: imageArray, colors: colorArray, selectionStyle: chosenSelectionStyle)

where images contains the icons for the buttons, colors contains the border colors for the icons, and selectionStyle is the sidebar items' selection behavior (either .None, .Single, or .All).

The colors parameter is optional, and can either be nil or be the same length as images.

The buttons can be set to use a closure when tapped using

frostedSidebar.actionForIndex[idx] = { /* actions */ }

To show the sidebar, use the following code in your view controller:

frostedSidebar.showInViewController( self, animated: true )

It can be dismissed in a similar way:

frostedSidebar.dismissAnimated(true, completion: nil)

The class that conforms to the FrostedSidebarDelegate must implement the following methods:

func sidebar(sidebar: FrostedSidebar, willShowOnScreenAnimated animated: Bool)
func sidebar(sidebar: FrostedSidebar, didShowOnScreenAnimated animated: Bool)
func sidebar(sidebar: FrostedSidebar, willDismissFromScreenAnimated animated: Bool)
func sidebar(sidebar: FrostedSidebar, didDismissFromScreenAnimated animated: Bool)
func sidebar(sidebar: FrostedSidebar, didTapItemAtIndex index: Int)
func sidebar(sidebar: FrostedSidebar, didEnable itemEnabled: Bool, itemAtIndex index: Int)



You can use CocoaPods to install FrostedSidebar by adding it to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'FrostedSidebar'

To get the full benefits import FrostedSidebar wherever you import UIKit

import UIKit
import FrostedSidebar


  1. Download and drop FrostedSidebar.swift in your project.
  2. Congratulations!


This would not be possible without the impressive work by Ryan Nystrom, and the great design by Jakub Antalík on Dribbble.

Hopefully someone finds this useful!

  • Loading programmatically the tab > 3

    Loading programmatically the tab > 3

    Great job ! I will use in my future app.

    func sidebar(sidebar: FrostedSidebar, didTapItemAtIndex index: Int) work for index > 3 but self.selectedIndex work only for index 0...3

    How to load the next tab (4, 5, 6) programmatically when the app is loaded ?

    opened by phemka 6
  • Sidebar behind NavigationBar

    Sidebar behind NavigationBar

    Is it on purpose that the sidebar appears behind the Navigationbar if the ViewController is embedded inside a NavigationController?

    It "destroys" the UI. :-/

    screen shot 2015-11-29 at 20 00 52
    opened by ciso 4
  • Can't get buttons to work

    Can't get buttons to work

    What a fantastic sidebar menu!

    I added the swift file in my project; I added the script: var frostedSidebar: FrostedSidebar = FrostedSidebar(images: imageArray, colors: colorArray, selectionStyle: chosenSelectionStyle) And changed the right things;

    I added the following script to a button function: frostedSidebar.showInViewController( self, animated: true )

    And al of this works perfect! The sidebar is showing and the animations works fine.

    But i just can get the button action inside the sidebar to work. I don't have a tabbar in my project. I do have 3 viewcontrollers and added a navigation controller. I know how to use segues.

    Can you tell me how to get respons from the sidebar buttons? I don't know how and where to use the given script: frostedSidebar.actionForIndex[idx] = { /* actions */ }

    opened by ghost 4
  • convertFromNilLiteral()


    Hi , I have downloaded the project and when I open the app I get this issue "doesnt not have a member named convertFromNilLiteral()" .


    What can I do to resolve this ?

    Thank you .


    opened by marcandree 2
  • Won't init at runtime. Installation issue?

    Won't init at runtime. Installation issue?

    I am trying this out on a little project that I have. I added the TabBarController.swift and the FrostedSidebar.swift files to my app. In story board I added a TabBarController and made TabBarController.swift its object. Then I made this the startup view.

    I run the app, but it never actually calls the FrostedSideBar init in TabBarController.

    sidebar = FrostedSidebar(itemImages: [ UIImage(named: "gear")!, UIImage(named: "globe")!, UIImage(named: "profile")!, UIImage(named: "profile")!, UIImage(named: "profile")!, UIImage(named: "profile")!, UIImage(named: "star")!], colors: [ UIColor(red: 240/255, green: 159/255, blue: 254/255, alpha: 1), UIColor(red: 255/255, green: 137/255, blue: 167/255, alpha: 1), UIColor(red: 126/255, green: 242/255, blue: 195/255, alpha: 1), UIColor(red: 126/255, green: 242/255, blue: 195/255, alpha: 1), UIColor(red: 126/255, green: 242/255, blue: 195/255, alpha: 1), UIColor(red: 126/255, green: 242/255, blue: 195/255, alpha: 1), UIColor(red: 119/255, green: 152/255, blue: 255/255, alpha: 1)], selectedItemIndices: NSIndexSet(index: 0))

    It seems to skip over the initializer.

    Did I install it wrong?

    opened by jimijon 1
  • How to add web view?

    How to add web view?

    Hi, i would like to add a web view to the view controller 2 so when the user presses the 'globe' icon it takes them to a web page. I added a web view and connected it to ViewController.swift and then loaded a url with url requests. Unfortunately i get an exception error when I run the program... Any ideas??

    Thanks so much for this amazing sidebar demo app!!

    opened by ksuchar 1
  • Installation section

    Installation section

    Hey, your library is really interesting.

    The only problem I found was the, which lacks an Installation Section I created this iOS Open source Readme Template so you can take a look on how to easily create an Installation Section If you want, I can help you to organize the lib.

    What are your thoughts? 😄

    opened by lfarah 0
  • Check if sidebar is open

    Check if sidebar is open

    This pull request adds a variable to the class that updates when the sidebar opens and closes. This allows for checking inside your button method to see whether you should open or close the sidebar.

    opened by jdmcd 0
  • fix the build error in Xcode 6

    fix the build error in Xcode 6

    fix the build error in Xcode 6

    error: could not read data from '.../FrostedSidebar/CustomStuffTests/Info.plist': The file “Info.plist” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.

    opened by NilStack 0
  • build error in Xcode 6

    build error in Xcode 6

    build error in Xcode 6

    error: could not read data from '.../FrostedSidebar/CustomStuffTests/Info.plist': The file “Info.plist” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.

    opened by NilStack 0
  • Fix broken headings in Markdown files

    Fix broken headings in Markdown files

    GitHub changed the way Markdown headings are parsed, so this change fixes it.

    See bryant1410/readmesfix for more information.

    Tackles bryant1410/readmesfix#1

    opened by bryant1410 0
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