Swipable tab and menu View and ViewController.



Platform Cocoapods Carthage compatible SPM compatible License


SwipeMenuViewController provides SwipeMenuView and SwipeMenuViewController. This is very useful to build swipe-based paging UI. The interface is as simple as UIKit's.


Here are some style of demos using SwipeMenuView.

Segmented Tab & Underline Flexible Tab & Underline Flexible Tab & Circle



You can integrate via CocoaPods. Add the following line to your Podfile :

pod 'SwipeMenuViewController'

and run pod install


You can integrate via Carthage, too. Add the following line to your Cartfile :

github "yysskk/SwipeMenuViewController"

and run carthage update

Swift Package Manager

You can integrate via Swift Package Manager, too. See the following site for instructions.


  • See Usage documentation for all the various properties and options that can be set
  • See Versioning for versioning documentation


Yusuke Morishita

Support via PayPal


SwipeMenuViewController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • jump to specific index of page failed

    jump to specific index of page failed

    I wrote following method in my code. However jump function does not work in this situation, it only jumps to the second page.

    func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, viewDidSetupAt currentIndex: Int) {
            swipeMenuView.jump(to: selectedPage, animated: true)
    opened by sharedcare 6
  • Swift 4.2 / Xcode 10.0 version Error

    Swift 4.2 / Xcode 10.0 version Error

    Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

    Build system information

    Showing Recent Messages :-1: Multiple commands produce '/Users/jasu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Folder-fvgwuawkkumkbnbwxdxvjausocav/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SwipeMenuViewController/SwipeMenuViewController.framework/Info.plist': Target 'SwipeMenuViewController' (project 'Pods') has copy command from '/Users/jasu/Folder/Folder/Pods/SwipeMenuViewController/Sources/Supporting files/Info.plist' to '/Users/jasu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Folder-fvgwuawkkumkbnbwxdxvjausocav/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SwipeMenuViewController/SwipeMenuViewController.framework/Info.plist' Target 'SwipeMenuViewController' (project 'Pods') has process command with output '/Users/jasu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Folder-fvgwuawkkumkbnbwxdxvjausocav/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SwipeMenuViewController/SwipeMenuViewController.framework/Info.plist'

    I get an error when building in Swift 4.2 / Xcode 10.0. Can it be checked quickly? thanks

    opened by jasudev 5
  • Change the underline color and the selected text ?

    Change the underline color and the selected text ?

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

    Describe the solution you'd like A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

    Describe alternatives you've considered A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

    Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

    opened by Terens777 5
  • Issue when clicking the view buttons too fast

    Issue when clicking the view buttons too fast

    Hi, when you tap two of the navigation items too fast, the view controller will not change but the addition (underline) will still move to the next last clicked one.


    1. Starting at Bulbasaur, I tapped Caterpie then quickly tapped Bulbasaur again
    2. The underline moved from Caterpie then to Bulbasaur immediately, but the view controller stayed at Caterpie.

    Was reproduced on an iPhone 8 Plus (11.3) with the latest version, and the issue also happens in other iPhones as well.


    opened by mbasnillo 5
  • Child TableViewController doesn't work

    Child TableViewController doesn't work


    I'm using the SwipeMenuViewController on my app, but when i use an UITableViewController as child and click inside the tableview (or cells), the tableview automatically gets the content empty (as reset).

    My code:

    extension MainViewController: SwipeMenuViewDataSource {
        //MARK - SwipeMenuViewDataSource
        func numberOfPages(in swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView) -> Int {
            return 3
        func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, titleForPageAt index: Int) -> String {
            switch index {
                case 0:
                    return "tab1"
                case 1:
                    return "+tab2"
                case 2:
                    return "tab3"
                    return ""
        func swipeMenuView(_ swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView, viewControllerForPageAt index: Int) -> UIViewController {
            switch index {
                case 0:
                    return TableViewController1()
                case 1:
                    return TableViewController2()
                case 2:
                    return TableViewController3()
                    return TableViewController1()
     @IBOutlet weak var swipeMenuView: SwipeMenuView! {
            didSet {
                swipeMenuView.delegate                          = self
                swipeMenuView.dataSource                        = self
                var options: SwipeMenuViewOptions               = .init()
                options.tabView.style                           = .segmented
                options.tabView.margin                          = 8.0
                options.tabView.underlineView.backgroundColor   = ColorUtils.hex2Color(hex: _color(str: "color_green"))
                options.tabView.backgroundColor                 = UIColor.white
                options.tabView.underlineView.height            = 3.0
                options.tabView.itemView.font                   = UIFont(name: "Montserrat-Regular", size: 12.0)!
                options.tabView.itemView.textColor              = UIColor.black
                options.tabView.itemView.selectedTextColor      = .black
                options.tabView.itemView.margin                 = 10.0
                options.contentScrollView.backgroundColor       = UIColor.black
                swipeMenuView.reloadData(options: options, default: nil, isOrientationChange: false)
        override func viewDidLoad() {

    And the result:

    It displaying the tabs, and show the tableview content img_4160

    But when i tapped inside tableview (or slide between tabs), the tableview gets the content empty. img_4161

    My structure IB:

    captura de tela 2018-01-16 as 13 55 50

    Anyone had this problem?

    Thank you!

    opened by mcinside13 5
  • while tabView.style is segmented,the tabView.underlineView.margin is wrong at beginning

    while tabView.style is segmented,the tabView.underlineView.margin is wrong at beginning

    options.tabView.style = .segmented options.tabView.backgroundColor = .white options.tabView.underlineView.backgroundColor = .red options.tabView.underlineView.height = 3 options.tabView.underlineView.margin = 20 options.tabView.itemView.textColor = .black options.tabView.itemView.selectedTextColor = .red options.tabView.height = 45 options.tabView.itemView.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize:15) swipeMenuView.reloadData(options: options)

    opened by chaoshenglu 5
  • Addiction view padding left

    Addiction view padding left

    Hello! When I set this option: options.tabView.additionView.padding = .init(top: 0, left: 16, bottom: 0, right: 16) padding left on start did not apply. Can you help me to fix this?

    opened by YuraChudnick 3
  • Tab title is transparent until swap to change tab.

    Tab title is transparent until swap to change tab.

    I am using below code

    override func viewDidLoad() {
            options.tabView.style = .flexible
            options.tabView.margin                          = 8.0
            options.tabView.underlineView.backgroundColor   = UIColor.white
            options.tabView.backgroundColor                 = UIColor(red: 0.18, green: 0.18, blue: 0.18, alpha: 1.00)
            options.tabView.underlineView.height            = 3.0
            options.tabView.itemView.textColor              = UIColor(red: 0.60, green: 0.60, blue: 0.60, alpha: 1.00)
            options.tabView.itemView.selectedTextColor      = UIColor(red: 1.00, green: 1.00, blue: 1.00, alpha: 1.00)
            options.tabView.itemView.margin                 = 10.0
            options.contentScrollView.backgroundColor       = UIColor.lightGray
            options.tabView.isSafeAreaEnabled = true
            options.tabView.height = 60
            // Do any additional setup after loading the view.

    It was working fine when I used options.tabView.style = .segmented but after changing it to .flexible now at first launch tab title is not showing but when I try to swap tab it becomes visible as you can see in screeshot


    What's wrong I am doing here ?

    opened by varun-naharia 3
  • Text colour changing back to black on swipe.

    Text colour changing back to black on swipe.

    I set text colour to lightGray and it's working fine with tab changing through tap on tab name but it's changing colour to black when I change tab through swipe.


    opened by varun-naharia 3
  • important problem

    important problem

    when i use "swipeMenuView.jump(to: index)", the delegate's toIndex is not right


    code: public func jump(to index: Int) {

        if let tabView = tabView, let contentScrollView = contentScrollView {
            tabView.jump(to: index)
            currentIndex = index-----------> add this
            contentScrollView.jump(to: index, animated: false)

    when i do this ,the index order is right

    opened by lizizi 3
  • itemViews index out of range in SwipeMenuViewController viewDidLoad callback

    itemViews index out of range in SwipeMenuViewController viewDidLoad callback

    I am using:

    • Version: 1.1.5
    • pod install
    • Xcode: 8.2.1
    • Swift: 3.0.2

    Following the example and usage in README, I subclass SwipeMenuViewController and implement necessary data source methods. But the exception is thrown when SwipeMenuViewController calling view.addSubview(swipeMenuView) inside viewDidLoad.

    In the bottom, TabView calls animateUnderlineView, when accessing self.currentItem, the getter method trying to return itemViews[currentIndex], which raises index out of range exception since itemViews is empty. Note that at this time, the data source methods have not been called, and swipeMenuView.dataSource is setup before view.addSubview(swipeMenuView).

    I can run the example project (tag 1.1.5 commit) successfully, and follow the same setup as it did in my project. But the problem still happens.

    If more information is needed, please tell me. Thanks!

    opened by DesmondDAI 3
  • SwipeMenuViewController embedded in NavigationController (Under Navigation Bar)

    SwipeMenuViewController embedded in NavigationController (Under Navigation Bar)

    I tried the example code and embedding ViewController inside a navigation controller. However, when the navigation bar exists, the tabs are hidden. When I start sliding ,then, the tabs appear.

    I want to use this repo for my project where the sliding tab will be under the navigation bar.

    opened by kwanhlee 0
  • set padding have  bug

    set padding have bug

    options.tabView.additionView.padding = UIEdgeInsets.init(top: 0, left: 30, bottom: 0, right: 30); Enter the front desk from the background bar deviation (chinese:设置padding之后,将app退到后台,然后再进入前台,会发现底部的滑块位置偏移了)

    opened by cuilizhong 0
  • Update TabView to accept NSAttributedString

    Update TabView to accept NSAttributedString

    Here I update the TabView to accept NSAttributedString in lieu of String.

    This enables quite a bit more flexibility with what you add as the title to the tab bar. For instance, one can now add images using the NSTextAttachment.

    Regarding implementation, I have the TabView prefer func tabView(_ tabView: TabView, titleForItemAt index: Int) -> String? over func tabView(_ tabView: TabView, attributedTitleForItemAt index: Int) -> NSAttributedString?, so if you implement both dataSource methods for a given index it will use the original.

    opened by richard-ash 0
  • Is there a way to change the underline text color?

    Is there a way to change the underline text color?

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I see in the demo images that the tab underline can be changed to blue, green, etc. Looking at the options struct however, there isn't such an option. In addition, the underline color doesn't match the selectedTextColor.

    Describe the solution you'd like Either 1/ provide a color option in Underline or 2/ match the line's color to the selectedTextColor

    opened by gilbertl 2
Yusuke Morishita
Software Engineer
Yusuke Morishita
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