UIKit drop down menu, simple yet flexible and written in Swift



Build Status Platforms iOS Language Swift 5 License MIT

DropDownMenuKit is a custom UIKit control to show a menu attached to the navigation bar or toolbar. The menu appears with a sliding animation and can be deeply customized. For example, with icons, embedded controls, or a checkmark to denote a selected row among multiple menu cells.

The control is made up of three parts:

  • DropDownMenu: the menu itself, a UIView subclass that contains a UITableView presenting one or more DropDownMenuCell(s)
  • DropDownMenuCell: a menu entry, implemented as a UITableViewCell subclass
  • DropDownMenuTitleView: an optional title view to toggle the menu, which is usually put in the navigation bar and acts as a disclosure indicator



To see in action, take a look at the very beginning of Placeboard demo video.


DropDownMenuKit requires at least Xcode 9 and supports iOS 8 and higher.

Swift DropDownMenuKit
5 0.9 or branch swift-5
4.2 0.8.6 or branch swift-4.2
4.X 0.8.5 or branch swift-4.1
3.X 0.8.4 or branch swift-3.2



Add the following line to your Cartfile, run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built DropDownMenuKit.framework into your Xcode project.

github "qmathe/DropDownMenuKit"


Add the following lines to your Podfile and run pod install with CocoaPods 0.36 or newer.


pod "DropDownMenuKit"


If you don't use Carthage or CocoaPods, it's possible to drag the built framework or embed the source files into your project.


Build DropDownMenuKit framework and drop it into your Xcode project.


Drop DropDownMenu.swift, DropDownMenuCell.swift, DropDownTitleView.swift and DropDownMenuKit.xcassets into your Xcode project.

App Extension Usage

Build Settings

Add -DAPP_EXTENSION to DropDownMenuKit > Build Settings > Other Swift Flags.


  • DropDownMenuCell.menuAction must take a single argument
  • DropDownMenuCell.menuTarget must not be nil
  • The Dropdownmenu won't scroll when too many items

    The Dropdownmenu won't scroll when too many items

    I'm using this array with 19 items on it, some items are then listed outside of the iphone screen and the menu don't scroll so users can't reach the 19th elements of my array ...


    The code I used to dynamically load array into your menu from your demo project

    `func prepareNavigationBarMenu(_ currentChoice: String) { navigationBarMenu = DropDownMenu(frame: view.bounds) navigationBarMenu.delegate = self

    	let toutesCat = ["Alimentaire","Artisanat","Bien-être","Décoration","E-commerce","Distribution","Hôtellerie","Immobilier","Informatique","Métallurgie","Médical","Nautisme","Paramédical","Restauration","Sécurité","Textile","Tourisme","Transport","Urbanisme"]
        var catCells : Array<DropDownMenuCell>
        catCells = []
        for string in toutesCat  {
            let cell = DropDownMenuCell()
            cell.textLabel!.text = string
            cell.menuAction = #selector(ViewController.choose(_:))
            cell.menuTarget = self
            if currentChoice == cell.textLabel!.text {
                cell.accessoryType = .checkmark
        navigationBarMenu.menuCells = catCells
    	// If we set the container to the controller view, the value must be set
    	// on the hidden content offset (not the visible one)
    	navigationBarMenu.visibleContentOffset =
    		navigationController!.navigationBar.frame.size.height + statusBarHeight()
    	// For a simple gray overlay in background
    	navigationBarMenu.backgroundView = UIView(frame: navigationBarMenu.bounds)
    	navigationBarMenu.backgroundView!.backgroundColor = UIColor.black
    	navigationBarMenu.backgroundAlpha = 0.7

    Screenshot :

    simulator screen shot on iPhone 7+

    opened by rico237 9
  • Drop Down Menu does not work in a popup

    Drop Down Menu does not work in a popup

    I have a issue when using the drop down menu in pop up and choosing a cell: I get the following error:

    screen shot 2017-08-24 at 4 10 31 pm

    Could you please provide a solution for it? Thank you in advance

    help wanted 
    opened by hamededini 6
  • Add customisation

    Add customisation

    This library is great, I've added a few configuration so it can fit into more design.

    • support row height customisation
    • make iconSize open to change
    • added title view configuration to customise menu up/down images
    • use size of menuDownImageView to set the size of ImageView, as custom image would have different sizes


    opened by nicholas-jomo 6
  • Title view collapses on the size of the first item.

    Title view collapses on the size of the first item.

    Hello, I've got an issue with the DropDownTitleView, it seems to fix it's size to the first assigned text.

    Even when constructing the view with a way to large frame I run into the same issue:

    DropDownTitleView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 400, height: 40))

    Images say more than words:

    Do you have a recommendation how to solve this issue?

    And a big thank you for the work you have put into this UI component.

    opened by mario-deluna 5
  • Table view not filled

    Table view not filled

    Hi, I fetch my data asynchronously and I fill the menuCells once I have it. My issue is the table view is not filled or may be is not displayed.

    Have you a solution ?

    opened by grifas 5
  • Inheritance is forbidden

    Inheritance is forbidden

    required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
    	    fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")

    wtf? I want to create a cell with xib file but I can't because of this useless code

    opened by gerchicov-bp 4
  • Pod Build fails with current version of Swift

    Pod Build fails with current version of Swift

    Integrated the framework via Cocoapods. When I build my project this framework lists 20 or so errors. Would love to use this library, could you guys take a look and build it with the latest Xcode and Swift, and update the pod spec to use the latest version? Thanks. @qmathe @grifas

    opened by james-ff 3
  • Default selecting a row.

    Default selecting a row.

    Don't know whether this is related to the repository itself, however i believe that this feature would be useful.

    i've tried with following code, but does not seem to work.

    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        let rowToSelect = IndexPath.init(row: 0, section: 0)
        navigationBarMenu.menuView.selectRow(at: rowToSelect, animated: false, scrollPosition: .none)
        // Calling manually to the delegate method
        navigationBarMenu.tableView(navigationBarMenu.menuView, didSelectRowAt: rowToSelect)
    opened by Fredehagelund92 3
  • issue when working with MBProgressHUD

    issue when working with MBProgressHUD

    on cell.menuAction selector like this: func choose(_ sender: AnyObject) { titleView.toggleMenu() showHud(); hideHud(); } and the dropMenu animation will be strange.

    help wanted 
    opened by 1037390459 2
  • Check for empty cells is missing from pod install version in DropDownMenu class

    Check for empty cells is missing from pod install version in DropDownMenu class


    Thanks for nice lib. Yesterday I have faced following issue. In the GitHub version in master branch I have noticed that in DropDownMenu.swift file line 156 there is if statement for checking empty cell case before scrolling tableview:

    	contentView.frame.size.height = menuView.frame.height
    	// Reset scroll view content offset after rotation
    	if menuView.visibleCells.isEmpty {
    	menuView.scrollToRow(at: IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0), at: .top, animated: false)

    But when I have pod install on my project I notice that this statement is missing from source code and it cause exception at runtime when DropDownMenu does not have any cell.

    Could you please help me get last version via pod install?

    My podfile is: pod 'DropDownMenuKit'

    opened by hamtiko 2
  • Menu and container not released

    Menu and container not released

    Variable 'container' in DropDownMenu.swift (line 23) is strong reference, therefore when container is removed from view hierarhy it maintains referenced by DropDownMenu and can not be destroyed. Solution: make container weak reference and perform necessary checks in methods show, hide and visibleContentOffset.didSet

    opened by IngwarSkjold 2
  • Error retrieving icon from bundle

    Error retrieving icon from bundle


    in some cases this pod can raise an error (and cause a crash) when retrieving an icon from the xcassets file.

    This happens when you subclass DropDownTitleView, therefore the pod can't retrieve the bundle in which the icon is supposed to be and finally crashes trying to unwrap a nil value.

    The fix is very easy: https://github.com/DigitalGoal-Ltd/DropDownMenuKit/commit/e98532c875641325fae56fa5c48ade2cd8cc51a8

    opened by PasqualePuzio 1
  • Do you have an example code for the 'sort' drop down you show in the screen shot?

    Do you have an example code for the 'sort' drop down you show in the screen shot?

    the version where there is up and down arrows and also the segment where you select what you want to sort on? Its spot on what I'm looking for.


    help wanted 
    opened by netsmith 2
  • Feature request - overlay view in outer view controller

    Feature request - overlay view in outer view controller

    In my case UITabBarController is root. So if I add this control into inner navigation bar then it won't overlay UITabBar and UITabBarController is still clickable

    opened by gerchicov-bp 2
  • 0.9(May 14, 2019)

Quentin Mathé
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