A morphing UILabel subclass written in Swift.



Travis Language CocoaPods Carthage compatible Accio supported License

A morphing UILabel subclass written in Swift. The .Scale effect mimicked Apple's QuickType animation of iOS 8 of WWDC 2014. New morphing effects are available as Swift extensions.

enum LTMorphingEffect: Int, Printable

.Scale - default










.Sparkle is built on top of QuartzCore.CAEmitterLayer. There's also a SpriteKit powered version here.







public var body: some View {
    VStack {
            "Awesome Morphing Text",
            effect: .evaporate,
            font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20),
            textColor: .black,
            textAlignment: .center
        ).frame(maxWidth: 200, maxHeight: 100)


  1. Xcode 12
  2. iOS 9.0+


Swift Package Manager

  1. File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency
  2. Copy & paste https://github.com/lexrus/LTMorphingLabel then follow the instruction


XCFramework is a new option introduced in Xcode 11. You can manually download the pre-compiled LTMorphingLabel.xcframework.zip from the Releases page. Then drag and drop it into your project.


  1. Add this line to your Cartfile: github "lexrus/LTMorphingLabel"
  2. Read the official instruction


  1. Install the latest release of CocoaPods: gem install cocoapods
  2. Add this line to your Podfile: pod 'LTMorphingLabel'
  3. Install the pod: pod install


  1. Add the following to your Package.swift:
.package(url: "https://github.com/lexrus/LTMorphingLabel.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.9.2")),
  1. Next, add LTMorphingLabel to your App targets dependencies like so:
    name: "App",
    dependencies: [
  1. Then run accio update.


  1. Change the class of a label from UILabel to LTMorphingLabel;
  2. Programmatically set a new String to its text property.
  3. To use interactively, call .pause() after changing .text property, and use updateProgress(progress: Float)to update the progress interactively.

Unit tests

Open the project with Xcode then press command + u.


Even though this lib was used in a few products on App Store, it’s still an experimental project. Frankly, there’re some nice competitors out there guarantee both compatibility and stability. And the most outstanding one is ZCAnimatedLabel. I’d like to recommend it for production use.

And finally, an Android port.

Third Party Bindings

React Native

You may now use this library with React Native via the module here


This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.

  • Type of expression is ambiguous without more context!

    Type of expression is ambiguous without more context!

    I tried to add some pods like OneSignal and failed to do it so I deleted OneSignal pod and extensions but suddenly LTMorphingLabel got issues. It used to work perfectly for 2 months but after deleting other pods something strange happened screen shot 2017-10-01 at 3 31 53 pm screen shot 2017-10-01 at 3 32 07 pm screen shot 2017-10-01 at 3 33 17 pm

    screen shot 2017-10-01 at 3 48 48 pm

    my pod file looks like this

    # Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
    platform :ios, '10.0'
    target 'Jaee2' do
    # Comment this line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks
      # Pods for Jaee2
    pod 'Haneke', '~> 1.0'
    pod 'STLocationRequest'
    pod 'SwiftyJSON'
    pod 'Alamofire', '~> 4.4'
    pod 'PasswordTextField'
    pod 'SkyFloatingLabelTextField', '~> 3.0'
    pod 'SwiftVideoBackground'
    pod 'TIPBadgeManager', '~> 0.3.0'
    pod 'LTMorphingLabel'
    pod 'LocationPickerViewController'
    opened by AbdulazizAlmohsen 12
  • Prevents a crash when embedding label in a designable view

    Prevents a crash when embedding label in a designable view

    I really like the label, but it keeps crashing the IBDesignables agent when it is programmatically embed it inside an IBDesignable view. The problem is that the IBDesignables agent can't instantiate a display link object to animate the change from empty to whatever other text one provides. Here, I've made 3 changes to get the label to work:

    1. Added the designable tag to the class
    2. Made the animation conditional on the target not being the IB agent. This prevents the above issue with the display link.
    3. Forced the _originText to the new value for the IB agent. This is necessary to get the label to draw the characters correctly. If the value isn't set, then without the animation, the label will be blank (it's previous value).

    I think this is the minimal change required to get the designables behavior, but it might not be the cleanest.

    opened by afdreher 10
  • Use of undeclared type 'LTMorphingLabel'

    Use of undeclared type 'LTMorphingLabel'

    First of all, let me start by saying I love this project ! I have a project with 5-6 pods working on it, lately I've added this pod as well. everything find when i'm adding label on storyboard and setting it to LTMorphingLabel. The problem start when i'm trying to connect the label to code: @IBOutlet private var label: LTMorphingLabel! i'm getting this error, Use of undeclared type 'LTMorphingLabel'. I've tried to import LTMorphingLabel class but it's not recognise as well, of course i've tried to close the project and clean it. did it happen to any of you ? is there any solution for this ? thank you so much. god bless.

    bug help wanted 
    opened by moheny 9
  • Text alignment is strange on IOS 8

    Text alignment is strange on IOS 8


    Congrats for this label, it's very cool. I have a problem. Everything displays properly centered on IOS 7 but is offsetted to the right on iOS 8 . Do you have an idea?


    opened by skware 8
  • Build fails with Carthage and Xcode 12 GM

    Build fails with Carthage and Xcode 12 GM

    I'm attempting to build the latest version of the framework using Carthage and Xcode 12 GM. It seems that it builds correctly in the example project, but when I do it through Carthage, it fails. I can't figure out why, though. It claims it can't find the SwiftUI symbols, but that cannot be the case if it builds in the example project.

    ❌  /Users/AAA/Development/BBB/CCC/Carthage/Checkouts/LTMorphingLabel/LTMorphingLabel/SwiftUI/MorphingText.swift:35:37: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
        public func makeUIView(context: Context) -> UIViewType {
    ❌  /Users/AAA/Development/BBB/CCC/Carthage/Checkouts/LTMorphingLabel/LTMorphingLabel/SwiftUI/MorphingText.swift:42:61: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
        public func updateUIView(_ uiView: UIViewType, context: Context) {
    ❌  /Users/AAA/Development/BBB/CCC/Carthage/Checkouts/LTMorphingLabel/LTMorphingLabel/SwiftUI/MorphingText.swift:12:29: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentable' in scope
    public struct MorphingText: UIViewRepresentable {
    ❌  /Users/AAA/Development/BBB/CCC/Carthage/Checkouts/LTMorphingLabel/LTMorphingLabel/SwiftUI/MorphingText.swift:55:31: cannot find type 'View' in scope
        static var previews: some View {
    ❌  /Users/AAA/Development/BBB/CCC/Carthage/Checkouts/LTMorphingLabel/LTMorphingLabel/SwiftUI/MorphingText.swift:62:9: unknown attribute 'State'
            @State var morphingEnabled = true
    ❌  /Users/AAA/Development/BBB/CCC/Carthage/Checkouts/LTMorphingLabel/LTMorphingLabel/SwiftUI/MorphingText.swift:63:9: unknown attribute 'State'
            @State var textIndex: Double = 0
    ❌  /Users/AAA/Development/BBB/CCC/Carthage/Checkouts/LTMorphingLabel/LTMorphingLabel/SwiftUI/MorphingText.swift:64:9: unknown attribute 'State'
            @State var effectIndex: Double = 0
    ❌  /Users/AAA/Development/BBB/CCC/Carthage/Checkouts/LTMorphingLabel/LTMorphingLabel/SwiftUI/MorphingText.swift:84:31: cannot find type 'View' in scope
            public var body: some View {
    ❌  /Users/AAA/Development/BBB/CCC/Carthage/Checkouts/LTMorphingLabel/LTMorphingLabel/SwiftUI/MorphingText.swift:61:28: cannot find type 'View' in scope
        struct PreviewWrapper: View {
    ❌  /Users/AAA/Development/BBB/CCC/Carthage/Checkouts/LTMorphingLabel/LTMorphingLabel/SwiftUI/MorphingText.swift:53:31: cannot find type 'PreviewProvider' in scope
    struct MorphingText_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    The following build commands failed:
    	CompileSwift normal armv7
    	CompileSwiftSources normal armv7 com.apple.xcode.tools.swift.compiler
    	CompileSwift normal arm64
    (3 failures)
    Build Failed
    	Task failed with exit code 65:
    	/usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -project /Users/AAA/Development/BBB/CCC/Carthage/Checkouts/LTMorphingLabel/LTMorphingLabelDemo.xcodeproj -scheme LTMorphingLabel -configuration Release -derivedDataPath /Users/AAA/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/12.0_12A7208/LTMorphingLabel/0.8.1 -sdk iphoneos ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CARTHAGE=YES archive -archivePath /var/folders/s7/m7sqymqs5klgpfl8fk9_ps1h0000gn/T/LTMorphingLabel SKIP_INSTALL=YES GCC_INSTRUMENT_PROGRAM_FLOW_ARCS=NO CLANG_ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE=NO STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT=NO (launched in /Users/AAA/Development/BBB/CCC/Carthage/Checkouts/LTMorphingLabel)
    This usually indicates that project itself failed to compile.
    opened by jadar 7
  • Lags in the animation

    Lags in the animation

    Lags in the animation on the latest version 0.6.0.

    ltmorphinglabel 0 6 0 2019-01-30 15_28_42

    And on 0.5.9 version of the library everything was ok.

    ltmorphinglabel 0 5 9

    My class AnimatedLabel added via Storyboard.

    import LTMorphingLabel
    import UIKit
    class AnimatedLabel: LTMorphingLabel {
      required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)
        morphingEffect = .evaporate
        morphingDuration = 0.7
    opened by yura-voevodin 7
  • Crash in production

    Crash in production


    We really like this library and started using it in production. We're using the .scale effect.


    This is indicates that it is crashing on: s.draw(in: charRect, withAttributes: [ NSFontAttributeName: UIFont.init(name: font.fontName, size: charLimbo.size)!, NSForegroundColorAttributeName: textColor.withAlphaComponent(charLimbo.alpha) ])

    Which I'm not sure what to do about exactly. Any thoughts?

    opened by itchingpixels 7


    A brand new and pure swift project, followed the instruction to add LTMorphingLabel. Build is fine, but when app is running, XCODE gives EXC_BAD_ACCESS. wondering why...

    opened by HughJia 6
  • How to disable the text effect when init?

    How to disable the text effect when init?

    When my view first loaded, I want to set some value for the label without effect animation. How to make it?

    self.upNumTxt.text = "init val"

    Any suggestions ? Thx

    opened by neil-wu 4
  • Interface builder font

    Interface builder font

    I've added the files manually to my project (just drag&drop, no framework created) since I have some issues with CocoaPods/Carthage. I have also set the Interface Builder class object of the label to LTMorphingLabel. Did not add module since it's the current one.

    Issue is the label is displayed with some default font instead of the one set in the storyboard. The text also has a big top offset and only the top half is displayed. The label does not have a height constraint in the storyboard, it just has top/bottom/trailing/leading spaces to superview set.

    Thank you for the library, I really appreciate it. Job well done!

    Edit: The text position is almost fixed if I call layoutSubviews() on the label. The baseline is still a few pixels lower than the text using UILabel.

    help wanted 
    opened by emrsn-SebastianVancea 4
  • ♥️ Apps using LTMorphingLabel

    ♥️ Apps using LTMorphingLabel

    I would appriciate it if you tell me that your App is using LTMorphingLabel. Your shinny app may encourage me to make this lib better. And I'll list your App in the README.


    opened by lexrus 4
  • SwiftUI Label Width

    SwiftUI Label Width

    Thank you for the great library!

    I have a problem regarding the width of the label went beyond the maxWidth of the frame. Is there any solution to this that I possibly missed?


    The red border is the SwiftUI frame maxWidth.

    opened by Bkhufa 0
  • Weird spacing before starting animation

    Weird spacing before starting animation

    First of all, great library!

    I'll introduce the problem first, check the spacing from the leftmost 3 to the comma, that spacing increases on the first animation and then stays the same. It seems like a small issue but it can be really seen when using the app.

    MorphingLabel bug

    I am using LTMorphingLabel inside a UITableViewCell and the only way I could find to make it work was by adding it as a subview, like this:

    titleLabel = nil
    titleLabel = LTMorphingLabel()
    titleLabel!.morphingEnabled = false /// If I don't implement this morphingEnabled false/true the label would animate every time it's shown
    titleLabel!.delegate = self
    titleLabel!.morphingEffect = .evaporate
    titleLabel!.text = formattedNumber /// This is a number formatted to include a comma every 3 characters counting from the right
    titleLabel!.textAlignment = .center
    titleLabel!.font = UIFont(name: "Silka-SemiBold", size: 28)
    titleLabel!.morphingEnabled = true

    My first thought was maybe some attributedText could be the issue but couldn't find out why this is happening, any help would be appreciated.

    opened by DantePuglisi 2
  • Index out of range Error when Text is empty before the new text will be added.

    Index out of range Error when Text is empty before the new text will be added.

    I got this Error: Thread 1: Fatal error: Index out of range Here:

    func limboOfNewCharacter(
            _ char: Character,
            index: Int,
            progress: Float) -> LTCharacterLimbo {
                let currentRect = newRects[index] <---- here i got : Thread 1: Fatal error: Index out of range
                var currentFontSize = CGFloat(
                    LTEasing.easeOutQuint(progress, 0, Float(font.pointSize))

    the textlabel was empty (view did load) before i added new text later.

    opened by Skyb0rg 0
  • Incorrect rendering of Khmer script

    Incorrect rendering of Khmer script

    Hi thanks for this awesome lib. Unfortunately, it doesn't render correctly with Khmer script. I attach the video and screenshot for your reference.

    Note: The text above and below should render the same




    opened by kruyvanna 0
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