NumberMorphView a view like label for displaying numbers which animate with transition using a technique called number tweening or number morphing.



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NumberMorphView a view like label for displaying numbers which animate with transition using a technique called number tweening or number morphing.

alt text


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

Interface builder

  1. Drag a UIView into your view controller.
  2. Change the class to NumberMorphView in the identity inspector.
  3. Change intrinsic size from default to placeholder in the size inspector.
  4. Create an IBOutlet in your view controller.

Set the digit of number view as shown below:

numberView.currentDigit = 5;

Animate to nextDigit as shown below.

numberView.nextDigit = 8;

From code

NumberMorphView can be used with or without auto layout. Usage of intrinsic content size is recommended. Preferred aspect ratio of the view is 13 : 24.

let numberView = NumberMorphView();
numberView.fontSize = 64;
numberView.currentDigit = 5;
let preferedSize = numberView.intrinsicContentSize();
numberView.frame = CGRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: preferedSize.width, height: preferedSize.height);

dispatch_after(5, dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
    numberView.nextDigit = 7;

Note: Intrinsic content size is changed after setting fontSize.

Customizing animations

  • To set the animation duration:
numberView.animationDuration = 4;
  • To change the type of animation, set the interpolator.
numberView.interpolator = NumberMorphView.SpringInterpolator();

Already available interpolators are LinearInterpolator, OvershootInterpolator, SpringInterpolator, BounceInterpolator, AnticipateOvershootInterpolator, and CubicHermiteInterpolator. Also you can add new interpolators. The interpolator class needs to conform to InterpolatorProtocol as shown below:

class MyLinearInterpolator: InterpolatorProtocol {
    func getInterpolation(x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
        return x;


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Swift 2.2


NumberMorphView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'NumberMorphView', '0.2.0'


Abhinav Chauhan


NumberMorphView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Implement sizeThatFits

    Implement sizeThatFits

    The Readme says: "Preferred aspect ratio of the view is 13 : 24"

    Instead of handing over the task of making sure the aspect ratio is always (which most people will probably fail), it would be much easier to implement the siteThatFits: method and return a correct size for the view.

    It would be awesome if you could implement this! I would do it myself, it should just be a few lines, but I'm too busy :S (bad excuse).

    opened by JonasGessner 4
  • Ticker Animation?

    Ticker Animation?

    Thank you for building this!!

    Would be really awesome to see some sort of ticker animation? Like what Robinhood has. I could see that being used by a lot of people :)

    opened by AndrewSB 2
  • Pod not getting from Swift 3 code

    Pod not getting from Swift 3 code

    Hi There,

    Apparently even after the latest PR to include support for swift 3, the podspec still grabbing the code from the 0.1.1 tag, which has not been updated with this new code.

    So using Cocoapods still get the code for Swift 2.2.

    I think you need to get a new tag in place and update the spec, or just make the spec point to master, since Dev is not in sync with it as well.


    opened by gmogames 1
  • swift 5 support

    swift 5 support

    i am using NumberMorphView in my swift 5 and xcode 12.2 project but after giving class name to view , view object is not recognizing view.currentDigit...... please help me as soon as possible

    opened by Fareeha-Naz 0
  • Index out of range

    Index out of range

    Hi, I couldn't use this library, I get index out of range in

    func updateAnimationFrame() Sometimes at pNext and sometimes at pCur

    let pCur = endpoints_scaled[_currentDigit]; let pNext = endpoints_scaled[_nextDigit];

    I am using Swift 4 with Xcode 9.2

    opened by raheelsadiq 2
Abhinav Chauhan
Software development engineer @ Microsoft
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