Fantastic dropdown in Swift



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Dropdown in Swift

Version License Platform Swift


Dropdowns provides the quickest way to present a dropdown in your app. It is very lightweight, just provide a list of items and the action closure you want to handle.


Dropdowns works by showing a child UIViewController as a dropdown from a TitleView. The most common use case is to show from a UINavigationController, in that sense, you can just create a list of items, and provide to TitleView.

let items = ["World", "Sports", "Culture", "Business", "Travel"]
let titleView = TitleView(navigationController: navigationController!, title: "Menu", items: items)
titleView?.action = { [weak self] index in
  print("select \(index)")

navigationItem.titleView = titleView


Dropdowns uses TableController by default, to show list of items in a UITableView. You can customise to show anything you want by using contentController.

let contentController = TableController(items: items, initialIndex: 0)
let dropdown = DropdownController(contentController: contentController, navigationController: navigationController)


You can also customise many aspects of Dropdowns via Config

Config.List.DefaultCell.Text.color = UIColor.redColor()


Dropdowns is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Dropdowns'

Dropdowns is also available through Carthage. To install just write into your Cartfile:

github "onmyway133/Dropdowns"

Dropdowns can also be installed manually. Just download and drop Sources folders in your project.




We would love you to contribute to Dropdowns, check the CONTRIBUTING file for more info.


Dropdowns is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Add intial index parameter to 'TitleView'

    Add intial index parameter to 'TitleView'

    At the present, one can set an initial index with the use of a 'TableController'. Unfortunately, it is set privately in a 'DropdownController' and the 'dropdown' property set in the 'TitleView' cannot be changed because of it's reference in the 'action' block that would not be called properly if the 'dropdown' property is changed after initialization.

    This was the easiest way to allow the 'initial index' functionality at the present.

    opened by Tokuriku 2
  • Fix error

    Fix error "Unexpected duplicate tasks" when using Xcode new build system

    Ensures images are not included in "Compile Sources" build phase by adding .swift extension to the podspec source_files:

    s.ios.source_files = 'Sources/**/*.swift'

    Otherwise images appear both in the Sources and in the resources bundle, which causes the new build system to complain about "Unexpected duplicate task":


    After merging, please git tag 3.1.1 and then pod trunk push.


    opened by yonat 0
  • Memory Leak on Background

    Memory Leak on Background

    Hi There,

    When I enter in background mode my app crashes due memory leak. I Comment the following code:

    let titleView = TitleView(navigationController: nav, title: company.company_name, items: companies)
                titleView?.button.label.textColor = .white
                titleView?.button.arrow.image = titleView?.button.arrow.image?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
                titleView?.button.arrow.tintColor = .white
                titleView?.action = { [weak self] index in
                  print("select \(index)")
                    let company_name = companies[index]
                    let company = user.companies.filter({ $0.company_name == company_name }).first
                    self?.selectedCompany = company
                    titleView?.button.label.textColor = .white
                    titleView?.button.arrow.image = titleView?.button.arrow.image?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
                    titleView?.button.arrow.tintColor = .white
                    AppSessionManager.shared.retrieveProducts = false
                    AppSessionManager.shared.retrieveOrders = false
           NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "companyChange"), object: nil)
                navigationItem.titleView = titleView

    Now my app does not have memory leaks. What could be happening?

    Best regards

    opened by alfredolucomav 0
  • background colour

    background colour

    hi, i am trying to change the color of the view that is behind the tableview that is now set to some sort of green (the view that u see when u scroll down). is there a way to do that?

    opened by arielsend 0
  • app dies on orientation changing

    app dies on orientation changing

    So. I integrated Dropdowns into my project and it worked fine until I started to work on landscape orientations. Every time I try to change orientation of simulator or even real device - app freezes forever and takes 100% cpu. Was hard for me to detect what part of app does actually crash it, but after all I found that without Dropdowns app doesn't show that bug

    opened by VladimirBrejcha 0
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